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Ancient China
1. The Chinese began to build cities near the _________________________ (Yangtze, Yellow, or
Gobi) River about 2000 B.C.
2. The Tibetan mountain ____________________(plateau, range, desert) is a flat area in western
China that rises above the nearby land.
3. The Yangtze River flows through____________________(eastern, northern, southern) China.
4. We sometimes call the Yellow River ______________________(Huang Ho, Shang, “China’s
Sorrow”) because it floods have destroyed Chinese cities and farms.
5. The Chinese built the _____________________________(Great Wall, Grand Canal, Shang
dynasty) to join the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers.
6. The Great Wall protected China from____________________________(floods, invaders,
7. The ______________________________(Tibetan Plateau, Gobi Desert, Himalyan mountain
range) lies to the north of China.
8. _____________________________(Invasions, Civilizations, Farming) began in China more than
8,000 years ago.
9. China’s______________________________(geography, Grand Canal, Great Wall) isolated it
from the rest of the world in ancient times.
10. Because the Yangtze River is _______________________(long, shallow, deep) it hardly ever