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European Union
Eastern European
The majority of countries in Eastern Europe were absorbed into the Soviet Union and the
Warsaw pact as part of a “liberation” campaign during World War 2. With this annexation came
the forcing of soviet infrastructure and architectural styles onto the affected nations as part of a
modernist movement. When the Soviet Union collapsed, all Warsaw Pact nations were granted
complete autonomy once again over their government. However, this sudden shift had left the
economies of those freed nations in shambles and, as a result, the buildings and infrastructure
that were established over 20 years ago still remain and are deteriorating. Water pipelines are not
updated and tap water is contaminated and undrinkable in the majority of Eastern Europe. These
issues are not only evident in countries that were part of the Warsaw pact, but those that adopted
socialist governments such as countries in the Balkans. If improvements are made, the standard
of living would definitely increase as a consequence.
Redevelopment does not only include infrastructure but also increasing employment and
strengthen the economy. Unemployment in Poland, for example, is at 10.3%, a statistic that only
includes those who are actively seeking a job. By redeveloping the economies of Eastern
European nations, it could further raise the standard of living and it would also allow for these
countries to contribute more to the EU. As to how this could be fixed, one must consider the state
of the economies of these nations. If all nations in the EU were to compile their GDP’s together,
it would be obvious that Eastern European nations would contribute the least to such a pool. This
lack of GDP can be traced to a weak but big service sector within the majority of these
nations. It is your job as the EU to decide if it is worth investing in redeveloping Eastern Europe
and if you choose to do so, how?
Point To consider:
Does your nation believe that it would be a good idea to invest funds into redeveloping eastern
European infrastructure?
How exactly would redevelopment happen, and what would funding go towards (Service Sector,
Industry, Public infrastructure, etc)?
If your country is willing to invest, what conditions might the eastern European nations have to
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