Download History Unit Overview– Year Two Ancient Egypt The River Nile

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Pharaohs and Egyptian Life
The River Nile
Identify the African continent on a globe
Understand the climate in Africa and its
influence on vegetation, particularly in the
Sahara Desert
Understand the importance of the Nile
River for floods and farming
Identify key pharaohs
Rameses II
Identify key features: Pyramids, Mummies, Great
Sphinx, Animal Gods, Hieroglyphic Writing.
Core Knowledge
Understand the importance of the Tigris
and Euphrates Rivers
Identify key features: Cuneiform writing, Ziggurat
temples, Babylon City, The Gate of Ishtar
Become familiar with the Code of Hammurabi
(early code of laws)
History Unit Overview– Year Two
Ancient Egypt
Have world maps, globes and atlases available on
the tables in the classroom.
Children explore maps/globes/atlases and write
on post its what they find out. Stick the post its
on a display board.
Discuss what the children found out from the
maps. Highlight use of contents, index, country
names, continent names etc.
Application of knowledge
Write a non-chronological report (link to Literacy)
Encourage use of word bank for checking vocabulary.
‘Pharaoh Fact Cards’ to compare and contrast
Create a fact file/ own non fiction book containing
information about features of Ancient Egypt.
Show children a map of Mesopotamia and
highlight the location of the rivers.
Create some cuniform writing on clay
squares or ‘tablets’
Explain the creation of the Code of Hammurabi and discuss why societies need laws.
Become familiar with the following aspects:
Become familiar with the following aspects:
Belief in one God
The story of Exodus
Important places, holidays and symbols
including Israel, Hanukkah, Torah, synagogue, Star of David.
Belief in one God
Christianity growing from Judaism
Important places, holidays and symbols
including Jesus, the meaning of ‘messiah’,
Church, Christmas, Easter, The Cross.
Core Knowledge
Become familiar with the following aspects:
Belief in one God
Originated in Arabia and spread worldwide
Important places, holidays and symbols
including Allah, Muhammad (pbuh) Makah, Qur’an, mosque, crescent and star.
History Unit Overview– Year Two
World Religions
Invite a guest to come in and speak about
being Jewish.
Make challah (Jewish bread).
Invite a guest to come in and speak about being Muslim.
Visit a synagogue.
Visit a Mosque.
Act out or draw and illustrate scenes from
the story of the Exodus.
Learn about the high holy days of Yom Kippur (day of atonement) and Rosh Hashanah
(Jewish New Year).
Application of knowledge
Invite a guest to come in and speak about being Christian. Visit a church.
Read about special days in the Christian calendar including Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, Advent and recognise
symbols associated with these events.
Look at the symbol of the cross represented in different
styles. Understand why this symbol is important to
Learn about special times in the Muslim calendar including Eid al-Fitr (the breaking of the
fast) and Eid al-Adha (the feast of the sacrifice)
Learn about the Hajj, or pilgrimage, to Mecca.
The Vikings
Christianity in Britain
Viking invasion– Culture of exploration and seafaring, trading routes, migration and settlement. Viking
Settlements of Jorvik (York) and Dublina (Dublin)
The Romans
Roman Invasion 43AD
Technological advances: Road networks,
sewage and water supplies, literacy and
written records.
Post Roman Britain– departure of the Romans, Anglo-Saxon immigration and invasion, kingdoms across Britain.
The Danelaw– parts of England where ‘Dane Law’
had influence.
Unification of Kingdoms and importance of archaeology– Sutton Hoo and Staffordshire Horde.
Core Knowledge
Norman Invasion in 1066– succession dispute: Harold Godwinson, Harald III of Norway and William of Normandy.
Harold defeated the Norwegian invasion at
the Battle of Stamford Bridge in September 1066
Harold defeated and killed at the Battle of
Hastings, on 14 October 1066 as depicted
in the Bayeux Tapestry.
William exerts control and develops feudalism.
History Unit Overview– Year Two
British History
Read pages 158 to 165 of What Your Year 2 Child
Needs to Know.
Research Roman forts, why they were needed
and how they helped the Romans defend Britain.
Roman mosaics– look at some images from Fishbourne Roman Palace or other examples of mosaics.
Compare Britain before and after the Romans.
Application of knowledge
Read pages 175-178 of What Your Year 2 Child
Needs to Know.
Norman Castles– look at images of Norman castles particularly the Motte and Bailey design.
Read pages 168-172 of What Your Year 2 Child Needs
to Know.
Look at a map of Europe to understand where the Vikings came from.
Learn about Viking family life including roles of men
and women, skills Vikings had, food, homes etc.
Look at images of the Bayeux tapestry– what
does it show us?