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JOILearning Presents
Elda Auxiliaire
HBCU Fellow
Program Goals
Different activities were planned to engage students and foster
discussion about scientific ocean drilling. The goals for the
program were:
• Encourage positive attitudes about the ocean drilling sciences
• Build a partnership between a District of Columbia school and
the Joint Oceanographic Institutions
• Create an environment where students are allowed to freely
ask questions about science and
• Allow students the opportunity to meet and interact with a
scientist or technician from the Integrated Ocean Drilling
School Information
The Tree of Life Community Public Charter School
• Opened since September 2000
• Chartered in 1999 by the D.C. Public Charter School
• Provides a family centered environment that targets
African American students who are performing below
grade level
• Emphasizes reading and literacy through flexible,
individualized instruction
• Seek strong parental involvement and offer familyliteracy services to students and their families.
• Dr. Lahini Aluhiware; Scripps Institution of
• Dana Brown; Georgia State University
• Dr. David Hastings; Eckerd College
v Responsible for conducting an informative twenty-minute
v Spoke to the students about personal interests and anecdotes
about the ocean drilling sciences
v Facilitated two activities with students: Continents and
Currents and Nannofossils Reveal Seafloor Spreading.
Overall, the scientist evaluations reported that
participating in “A JOI-Full Day,” was a
valuable experience. All the evaluations report
that the opportunity to interact with the
students and witnessing the engagement of the
sciences was exciting. Some of the sentiments
the scientist expressed were:
Scientist 1
“ I loved interacting with the students and having the chance to
see them excited about some aspect of the science. In
addition, I was very interested to hear their questions about
the earth system and also realize the level of science and
math education these students had obtained so far. To my
untrained eye it sadly seemed that the level of science
education these students had obtained so far was quite
minimal. This does not reflect poorly on the teacher since it
was clear that he was doing his best given that he had not
received any formal science education. However, it may
reflect the lack of facilities at the school and the low
expectations of the curriculum/school management etc
(something that I have no means of evaluating).”
Scientist 2
“The most valuable lesson I learned is that in order to be
truly effective, we have to make some type of longterm investment in these students. The long-term goal
of my minimal outreach efforts has two aspects: (1) to
keep kids excited about science and learning in general
and (2) to provide students with opportunities to pursue
higher education in any discipline. To do this we must
continue to interact with these students that we met last
week – the easiest way to do that is through continued
class science visits.”
Fellow Thoughts On Year
• Allowed fellow to work independently and implement
an outreach program that targeted minorities in DC
Created an atmosphere where networking with scientist and
teachers could occur
Opportunity to explore another field
Mentorship and guidance- appreciated greatly
Overall great experience