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3.3 Vocab Quiz
endocrine system, pituitary gland, hormone - releasing factor, adrenaline, gland, sympathetic
nervous system, parasympathetic nerve,
A. The organ system that regulates internal environmental conditions by secreting hormones into
the blood stream
B. A hormone secreted by the adrenal glands that increase heart rate, increases blood pressure,
causes perspiration, and increases muscle tension.
C. A gland at the base of the brain that secretes more types of hormones than any other endocrine
D. A hormone released by the hypothalamus of the brain that controls the secretion of various
hormones of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland
E. An organ that secrets hormones and other useful substances
F. A nerve that prepares the body for danger
G. A nerve that returns the body to a normal state after a stressful situation
central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, somatic nervous system, autonomic nervous
system, sensory neuron, motor neuron, hormone
1. The brain and spinal cord
2. All nerves except those in the brain and spinal cord that relay information between the central
nervous system and other parts of the body
3. Motor neurons that are under conscious control
4. Motor neurons that function without conscious control
5. A nerve cell that carries an impulse from a receptor to the brain or spinal cord
6. A nerve cell that carries an impulse from the brain or spinal cord to a muscle or a gland
7. A compound released by one type of cell that has an effect on other cells of the body
homeostasis, normal level, diagnosis, negative feedback, nervous system, nerve cell
i. The maintenance of a healthy balance of all chemical reactions in an organism.
ii. An average value for measurement of a body structure or a function
iii. The process of determining the type of illness a person may have, and possibly the cause of
the illness.
iv. A process that restores conditions to an original state.
v. The control system that enables animals to detect a stimulus and coordinate a response.
vi. A specialized cell that uses electrical signals to communicate with other cells.
impulse, nerve, dendrite, axon, myelin sheath, terminal knob, synapse
a. An electrical signal that travels through neurons.
b. A bundle of neurons.
c. The part of a neuron that carries impulses toward the cell body.
d. The part of a neuron that carries impulses away from the cell body.
e. The fatty white tissue that covers some axons.
f. The part of a neuron that attaches it to another cell.
g. The connection between the terminal knob of a neuron’s axon and a dendrite of an adjacent