Download Lecture 6 - Prenatal - 1 year

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Life Span Prenatal Period to 1 year
A. Sperm + ovum = _________________ (_____ chromosomes)
B. Gender:
1)Ovum ___________
2)Sperm ___________
C. Dominant genes: Capable of expressing traits _________ other genes
D. Recessive Genes: Traits only appear if they exist in ____________
E. _______ typing:
F. Recessive _____________________
1)E.g. Sickle-cell disease; tay-sachs disease; hemophilia
Environment: “From the moment life _________________, the __________________ begins to
exercise its influence on the newly formed _________________”
The prenatal period
A. Healthy pregnancy _________________________ & ____________________
1)Best form of exercise: ___________________________
B. _________________ gens (substances that ___________________ affect the unborn child)
1)___________________  ____ birth weight & _______________ restrictions
2)___________________ 
a) F____________________ A _____________________ S _____________
b) _________ carriages
c) __________________ restrictions
d) __________________ damage
3)Bacteria & ____________________ e.g. rubella& _________plasmosis:
C. Length of human pregnancy: ________ weeks
What determines the sex/gender of a baby?
What are common teratogens and what do they cause?
When is the pre-natal period?
When is the moment all inherited characteristics are developed
Elizabeth Keele
Physical Characteristics
1)A ______________________
2)P ______________________
3)G ______________________
4)A ______________________
5)R ______________________
6)Highest score: ____________
B. Head & skull
1)Head is _____________ of total body length
2)________ bones (skull)
3)Separated by cartilage called ___________________
a) Anterior:_______________________
Closes around: __________________________
b) Posterior: ___________________________
Closes around: __________________________
C. Length & Weight
1)Average length: __________________
2)Average growth rate during the 1st year: ______ inches a month
3)Normal Physiological weight loss: ____________ of birth weight
D. Skin
1)Acrocyanosis: ________________________________________
2)Mongolian spot: ______________________________________
3)Lanugo: _____________________________________________
4)Vernix Cascosa: _______________________________________
5)Milia: _______________________________________________
6)Jaundice: ____________________________________________
a) Caused by _____________________________________
E. Genitals
1)Breasts _________________________________
2)Scrotum: _______________________________
Elizabeth Keele
3)Pseudomenstruation: Blood-tinged _________________ discharge
4)Due to: High / elevated ___________________ hormone levels
5)Cryptochidism: _______________________ testicle/s
a) Increased risk of testicular ________________ & infertility
6)Circumcision: Cutting _________________________
F. Face
1)____________________  blindness in newborns
a) Treatment: Erythromycin or ______________ nitrate
2)Deciduous _______________: first erupt _____________________
a) 2 ________________ - _________________ incisors
b) 1 year = _________________ teeth
G. Abdomen
1)Umbilical cord: Falls off @ __________ days
2)No _____________________________ until the cord “falls off”
3)___________________ sphincter under developed  ______________
4)Meconium: _____________________________
5)Formula fed: pasty _______________ color + __________________
6)Breastfed: ______________________ color+ _____________ odor
7)Cow milk: ____________________________________________________
H. Extremities
1)Finger prints & Footprints: ___________________ creased
2)Gluteal fold asymmetry = Congenital _____________ dysplasia
What is the proportion of head size to body for a newborn?
When do the fontanels typically close?
How fast do newborns growth (lengths) in the first year?
How much weight does a newborn generally loose in the first days of life? Why?
By what age is it expected that the baby will have doubled their birth weight?
By what age do Mongolian spots usually disappear/fade?
What causes physiological jaundice?
What is the function of vernix caseosa?
What is the cause of most genital physiological abnormalities in neonates?
What are the most common genital physiological abnormalities of neonates?
What is placed in a newborns eyes and why?
When do teeth first appear in an infant?
Elizabeth Keele
By what time should the umbilical cord dry and fall off?
What should be avoided until the umbilical cord dries and falls off?
Why should a newborn not be given whole milk or cow milk?
What do extra gluteal folds indicate?
What is the difference between a full term and premature infant’s palms and soles of the feet?
Neurological characteristics
1)Protective reflexes: Blinking ___________________swallowing & _________
2)Neonate reflexes
a) ______________ / startle reflex: Sudden movement 
__________________ of extremities
b) Tonic ______________ reflex: Turn the head to one side  ________ arm &
c) ________________ reflex: Stroke cheek  ____________ and _______
d) ________________ reflex: Suck when anything touches their
e) Babinski: When ________________ is stroked  toes _____________
____________ grasp: _______________ anything placed in hand
3)Spinal cord: Spinal ________________: Incomplete _____________________ of the
spinal column
4)Vision: ____________________
a) ___________________: recognize moms voice, turn and respond
b) ___________________: Identify sounds and source
Vital Signs
A. Temperature: _______________________
B. Pulse: ______________________ / min
C. Respirations: __________________ min
What reflexes present is a neonate that disappear by about 6 months (what are these reflexes)?
Describe the eyesight of a neonate to 1 year old.
What is the temperature like of an infant immediately after birth? Why?
What is a normal newborn respiratory rate?
Developmental Milestones
A. Motor development
Elizabeth Keele
1)Gross Motor
a) _____ Control head
b) _____ Creep / crawl
c) _____ Pull themselves up to standing
d) _____ Roll over
e) _____ Sit alone
_____ Sit with support
g) _____ Walk
2)Fine motor skills
a) ______ Cup
b) ______ Grasp reflex
c) ______ Hand preference
d) ______ Hold bottle
e) ______ Pincer
______ Purposeful reaching
g) ______ Scribble
h) ______ Spoon
______ Tower – 2 blocks
B. Psychosocial development
1)Psychosocial stage: ____________________________
a) Attachment: Bond with ____________________
b) Engrossment: Bond with ____________________
2)Parental Guidance
a) _____________________ & _____________________
C. Moral development
1)___________ conscience (100% ___________)
D. Cognitive development
1)Stage: ____________________________
E. Communication
1)First word: __________________
2)12 months Words # ____________
Elizabeth Keele
Describe the order of progression of gross motor skills on an infant.
What stage of Erikson’s theory is an infant in?
What is the relationship between attachment and engrossment?
How are temperament and personality different?
For an infant 0 to 6 months, what is considered the best form of discipline?
According to Piaget, how do children learn about their environment?
What stage is a 0 – 1 year old according to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development?
What motivates and infants behavior?
A. Breastfeeding: ______________________ contain immunoglobulin
Sleep & Rest
A. Neonate: ______________ hr / day
B. 1 year: ________________ hr / day
A. _______ - symbolic
B. _______________
Safety / Health promotion
A. Aspiration:
B. ________________ baby syndrome
C. ________________
D. Drowning: ____________________
E. ________________
F. Poisoning
G. M________________ V _________________ A ______________________
1)_________________ facing car seats
What are three positive effects of breast feeding?
Why is colostrum so healthy for a newborn?
At about what age should a child begin to be introduced to semi-solid foods?
How much a newborn sleep does compares to a 1 year old?
What helps an infant establish good sleep patterns?
What type of play does an infant (0 – 1 year) participate in?
What is the goal of infant play?
What are good toys for an infant (characteristics)?
What safety measures should be implemented for an infant (0 – 1 year)?
Elizabeth Keele