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Science 7
Unit 4
Living Things: Animalia
Name: ______________________________
Date: ______________ Period: __________
What is an Animal?
Characteristics of Animals
1. A group of organisms that can mate with each other and produce offspring, who in turn can mate and reproduce is a
The four main characteristics of animals are:
Complete the flowchart to show how cells are organized in animals.
Animal cells are grouped together to form _________________, which
have a specific job in the body.
Tissues combine to form ________________________, which perform
a more complex job than each tissue by itself.
Organs combine to form an _________________ ________________.
Circle the letter of the name of an organ.
muscle cell
b. nervous tissue
c. thigh bone
d. skeletal system
Green plants are ________________________________; they can make their own food.
Every animal is a _______________________________; they must consume food because they can’t make it.
Most animals have a cavity inside their body where food is broken down into substances the body can use.
What is sexual reproduction? __________________________________________________________________
The joining of an egg and sperm cell is called _______________________________
When sperm and egg unite, the resulting new individual does not have any characteristics from either parent.
10. What is asexual reproduction? __________________________________________________________________
11. Asexual reproduction involves the joining of sex cells from two parents. TRUE or FALSE
12. Most animal movements are related to what three tasks?
13. Some animals don’t move from place to place. TRUE or FALSE
How Animals Meet Their Needs
Match the needs with how animals use them.
_____ 14. Gives animals raw materials for growth and energy
a. water
_____ 15. Used in the chemical reactions that keep animals alive
b. food
_____ 16. Releases the energy from food
c. oxygen
17. Animals get food, water and oxygen from their ___________________________________.
18. An animal’s body and behaviors allow it to respond to its environment. TRUE or FALSE
19. What is an adaptation? _______________________________________________________________________
Adaptations For Getting Food
Match the type of animals with the food it eats.
_____ 20. Herbivore
a. eats both plants and animals
_____ 21. Carnivore
b. eats only other animals
_____ 22. Omnivore
c. eats only plants
23. Herbivores have sharp and pointed teeth for grinding tough plants. TRUE or FALSE
24. Carnivores that hunt and kill other animals are called ___________________________. The animals that these
carnivores capture and feed upon are called ______________________.
Adaptations For Escaping Predators
25. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about adaptations for escaping predators.
a. Hard shells or spiny skins protect some animals from being eaten by predators.
b. Skunks ‘play dead’ to protect themselves from predators.
c. Predators usually attack animals that ‘play dead.’
d. Predators learn to avoid animals with stingers, claws, bitter-tasting flesh, and smelly sprays.
Classification Of Animals
26. Biologists classify animals in the animal kingdom into about 35 different major groups called _______________.
27. Look at the branching tree of phyla on page 371 Figure 6. Circle the letter of the group most closely related to
a. sponges
b. echinoderms
c. crustaceans
d. amphibians
28. Scientists think that all animals arose from single-celled ancestors. TRUE or FALSE
29. What do biologists look at when they classify animals?
30. An animal that does not have a backbone is called a vertebrate. TRUE or FALSE
31. Circle the letter of the animal that is a vertebrate.
a. jellyfish
b. spider
c. bird
d. crab