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Chapter 4 Study Guide
1. List the natural barriers to the east, west, north and south that protected Egyptians from invasion.
 Eastern Desert
 Western Desert
 Mediterranean Sea (north)
 Cataracts along the Nile (south)
2. What did the Nile River do annually? It flooded
What was the effect of this? It left behind silt which made land fertile for farming and civilization possible in
3. Name the two regions of Egypt and explain where they were located in relation to the Nile River.
Upper Egypt was located upriver on the Nile (in the southern part of Egypt)
Lower Egypt was located downriver on the Nile (in the northern part of Egypt)
4. The pharaoh was believed to be a king and a god. Because of that, he had absolute power.
5. Egyptians blamed the pharaoh for all things that happened to them, good and bad.
6. How are Egyptian religion and Sumerian religion similar? Both practiced polytheism and believed their gods
controlled all aspects of daily life
7. Describe the burial practices of the ancient Egyptians. Include the reason they preserved the bodies of the
dead. They believed that a body must be prepared for the afterlife before it was buried. The body was
preserved so that the ka (life force) would recognize the body in the afterlife. The ka was the link between the
body and the ability to have a good afterlife. Egyptians buried the body with its belongings and food so that
the ka would have everything it need to enjoy life after death.
8. List the social hierarchy of ancient Egypt.
Upper class
Nobles: Priests and government officials
Middle Class
Lower Class
scribes, craftspeople,
merchants, skilled workers
Servants and slaves at bottom
The farmers made up 80% of the population (the largest group).
9. Which Egyptian queen worked to increase trade in Egypt? Hatshepsut
10. Who was Ramses the Great? great warrior and leader of army; built many monuments and temples; ruled
Egypt for 66 years; considered to be the greatest and most powerful of all Egyptian pharaohs
11. What was the name of the Egyptian writing system? Hieroglyphics
12. What was papyrus? Paper created by the Egyptians using reeds that grew along the Nile
13. Because of the Rosetta Stone scholars could understand what hieroglyphics said.
14. The Egyptians built temples and pyramids for religious purposes. Rows of sphinxes would line the path that led
to the temple entrance. Pyramids were tombs for the pharaoh and his family.
15. In 1922, archaeologists found the tomb of King Tut which was filled with jewelry, robes, a burial mask, and ivory
statues. Why was this an important find? It taught us about the burial practices and religious beliefs of the
ancient Egyptians
16. What goods did Egypt export to other countries?
Gold, grain, papyrus, and linen
17. What goods were imported into Egypt?
Iron, copper, cedar, and ivory
18. What bodies of water did Egypt use for trade?
Nile River, Mediterranean Sea, and Red Sea