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BIOS 1300
SI WORKSHEET – Exam 2 prep
SI Leader: Merrin Jeffries (email: [email protected])
30 September 2014
Multiple Choice:
1. Although the basic structure of the plasma membrane is determined mainly by its
__________ , the functions of the plasma membrane are determined mainly by its
__________ .
a. carbohydrates, lipids
b. carbohydrates, proteins
c. lipids, proteins
d. nucleic acids, lipids
e. proteins, lipids
2. Which of these conditions decreases the rate of diffusion?
a. increased concentration gradient
b. increased viscosity
c. increased temperature
d. decreased size of solute particles
e. all of these
3. Which of these substances diffuse directly through the lipid bilayer of the cell
a. glucose and amino acids
b. Na+ and Clc. O2 and CO2
d. whole cells
4. A 10% salt solution is __________ to distilled water.
a. isosmotic
b. hyperosmotic
c. hyposmotic
5. You place blood cells in an unknown solution and observe them with a
microscope; you notice that most of the cells have crenated. Therefore, you conclude
that the unknown solution is
a. isosmotic to the cells.
b. hyperosmotic to the cells.
c. isotonic to the cells.
d. hypertonic to the cells.
e. hypotonic to the cells.
6. Solution A has a greater osmotic pressure that solution B. Therefore, solution A
contains __________ solutes and __________ water than solution B.
a. fewer, less
b. fewer, more
c. more, less
d. more, more
7. __________ depends upon a pressure difference on either side of a partition.
a. Active transport
b. Endocytosis
c. Facilitated diffusion
d. Filtration
e. Secondary active transport
8. Which of these transport processes does NOT require ATP?
a. active transport
b. endocytosis
c. exocytosis
d. diffusion
e. secondary active transport
9. Given these observations concerning a transport process into a cell:
1. ATP is required
2. does not exhibit saturation
3. solid particles are transported
The transport process involved is:
a. active transport
b. facilitated diffusion
c. secondary active transport
d. phagocytosis
e. pinocytosis
10. Given these characteristics of a transport processs:
1. moves with the concentration gradient
2. does not require energy
3. requires carrier molecules
Which of these processes is described:
a. diffusion
b. facilitated diffusion
c. active transport
d. exocytosis
e. phagocytosis
11. Formation of a secretory vesicle, fusion of the secretory vesicle to the cell
membrane, and release of the contents of the secretory vesicles outside the cell
a. diffusion
b. facilitated diffusion
c. active transport
d. phagocytosis
e. exocytosis
12. Which of these processes involves a sodium-potassium exchange pump and two
carrier molecules?
a. active transport
b. cotransport
c. diffusion
d. endocytosis
e. facilitated diffusion
13. Microtubules are
a. composed of actin filaments.
b. essential components of cilia, flagella, centrioles, and spindle fibers.
c. responsible for changes in cell shape.
d. smaller in diameter than other cytoskeleton components.
e. all of these
14. Which of these organelles function as intracellular digestive systems and contain
a. lysosomes
b. rough endoplasmic reticulum
c. Golgi apparatus
d. nucleus
e. secretory vesicles
15. The production and export of milk from mammary gland cells involves which of
these cell organelles?
a. Golgi apparatus
b. rough endoplasmic reticulum
c. smooth endoplasmic reticulum
d. vesicles
e. all of these
16. During embryonic development, some structures are formed and then
degenerate; the cell organelles responsible for the breakdown of these structures
are the
a. Golgi apparatuses.
b. lysosomes.
c. mitochondria.
d. rough endoplasmic reticulum.
e. smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
17. As a result of exercise, there is an increase in the number of __________ in muscle
a. nuclei
b. mitochondria
c. lysosomes
d. Golgi apparatus
e. smooth endoplasmic reticulum
18. Subunits of ribosomes are manufactured in the
a. cytoskeleton
b. endoplasmic reticulum.
c. Golgi apparatus.
d. lysosomes.
e. nucleolus.
19. Aerobic respiration produces __________ ATP molecules, __________ require oxygen
to be available, and produces __________ as end product(s).
a. 2, does not, CO2 and water
b. 2, does, lactic acid
c. 36-38, does not, lactic acid
d. 36-38, does, CO2 and water
20. By the process of mitosis in a human cell, __________ daughter cells are produced,
each of which has __________ chromosomes.
a. 2, 46
b. 2, 23
c. 4, 46
d. 4, 23
e. 8, 23
1. The fine “peach fuzz” hairs found over much of the body surface are called
____________________________ .
2. The secretion that lubricates and inhibits the growth of bacteria on the skin is
called _________________________ .
3. What layer of the epidermis are melanocytes found?
5. Stratum lucidum is only found in ___________________ skin.
6. During a sustained reduction in circulatory supply, the skin takes on a bluish
coloration called ___________________.
7. The cells of the epidermis receive their nourishment from blood vessels found in
the __________________________ .
9. Mobile macrophages that are a part of the immune system and found scattered
among the deeper layer of the epidermis are called
_______________________________________ .
10. An orange-yellow pigment that normally accumulates in epidermal and fat cells
is ___________________________ .
11. An inflammation of the skin that primarily involves the papillary layer is called
____________________________ .
12. When individuals lose their melanocytes, the condition is known as
____________________________________ .
13. The papillary layer of the dermis consists of connective tissue called
18. Wrinkles from ultraviolet radiation form prematurely as a result of damage to
_________________________ fibers.
MATCHING: Match the terms in column B with the terms in column A. Use
letters for answers in the spaces provided.
Column A
Column B
__________ 1. Epidermis
a. vitamin D
__________ 2. Carotene
b. eponychium
__________ 3. Cholecalciterol
c. fluid lost through the stratum corneum
__________ 4. Nail
d. Fibroblast
__________ 5. Insensible perspiration e. fluid lost through the sweat glands
__________ 6. Sensible perspiration f. keratinocytes
__________ 7. Dermis
g. converted to vitamin A
Multiple Choice:
1. __________ are stem cells that have the ability to become osteoblasts or
a. Osteocytes
b. osteoclasts
c. osteoprogenitor cells
d. osteons
e. chondrocytes
2. Given these cells: 1. osteoblasts 2. osteocytes 3. osteoprogenitor cells Which of
these sequences represents the order in which they are produced?
a. 1,2,2
b. 1,3,2
c. 2,1,3
d. 2,3,1
e. 3,1,2
3. Storage of lipids that represent an important energy reserve in bone occur in
areas of:
a. red marrow
b. ground substance
c. bone matrix
d. yellow marrow
4. Mature bone cells found in lacunae are called:
a. osteoprogenitor cells
b. osteoclasts
c. osteocytes
d. osteoblasts
5. Bones forming the cranium and the scapula are referred to as:
a. irregular bones
b. flat bones
c. short bones
d. sesamoid bones
6. During intramembranous ossification the developing bone grows outward from
the ossification center in small struts called:
a. spicules
b. lacunae
c. the osteogenic layer
d. dermal bones
7. One of the basic histological differences between compact and spongy bone is that
in compact bone:
a. the basic functional unit is the osteon
b. there is a lamellar arrangement
c. there are plates or struts called trabeculae
d. osteons are not present
8. The process of replacing other tissues with bone is called:
a. calcification
b. ossification
c. remodeling
d. osteoprogenesis
9. The organic component of bone consists of __________ and functions to ________ .
a. collagen; provide compressive strength
b. calcium hydroxyapatite; provide compressive strength
c. collagen; provide flexibility
d. calcium hydroxyapatite; provide flexibility
10. Appositional bone growth at the outer surface results in:
a. an increase in the diameter of a growing bone
b. an increase in the overall length of a bone
c. a thickening of the cartilages that support the bones
d. an increased hardening of the periosteum11. Giant cells, called osteoclasts, with 50 or more nuclei serve to:
a. synthesize the organic components of the bone matrix
b. form the trabecular framework which protects cells of the bone marrow
c. line the inner surfaces of the central canals
d. secrete acids which dissolve the bony matrix and release the stored
12. The epiphysis of long bone is primarily filled with:
a. spongy bone
b. yellow bone marrow
c. compact bone
d. hyaline cartilage
Put these events in the proper order in which they occur from 1-7). The
following events apply to endochondral ossification process as it occurs in the
primary ossification center.
________ 1. Cavity formation occurs because chondrocytes die and disintegrate.
________ 2. Fibroblasts differentiate into osteoblasts.
________ 3. Periosteal blood vessels invade the marrow cavity.
________ 4. Perichondrium becomes vascularized and becomes a periosteum.
________ 5. Osteoblasts lay down bone around the cartilage matrix spicules in the
bones interior.
________ 6. Osteoclasts remove the cancellous bone from the shaft interior, leaving a
marrow cavity.
________ 7. Chondrocytes enlarge within the center of the shaft.
Use the following choices to fill-in the appropriate answer blanks.
a. diaphysis
c. epiphysis
e. yellow marrow cavity
b. epiphyseal plate d. red marrow cavity f. endosteum
_______________ 1. Location of spongy bone in an adult’s bone
_______________ 2. Location of compact bone in an adult’s bone
_______________ 3. Site of blood production.
_______________ 4. Scientific name for a bone shaft
_______________ 5. Site of fat storage
_______________ 6. Region of longitudinal growth in a child
_______________ 7. Composed of hyaline cartilage until the end of adolescence
_______________ 8. Inner layer consists primarily of osteoblasts and osteoprogenitor