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1. What are cells?
Cells make up all living things so humans are cells animals are cells etc.
That is what cells are. Where all made of cells.
2. Why are cells considered living?
Because if cells weren’t living we wouldn’t be alive because every human
has over 3 trillion cells. So if they were dead we would be dead.
3. Cells have special jobs. This is called cell specialization. Describe the
structure (how it is made) and function (what it does) of five different
types of cells in human bodies.
Nerve Cells (Neurons) Smooth muscle is not striated. In contrast to the cylindrical shape of skeletal
muscle. Each smooth muscle fibre has a single centrally located nucleus.
Contractions of smooth muscle constrict the vessels they surround. This is particularly important in
the digestive system in which the action of smooth muscle helps to move food along the
gastrointestinal tract as well as breaking the food down further. Smooth muscle also contributes to
moving fluids through the body and to the elimination of indigestible matter from the gastrointestinal
Skin Cells
Blood Cells (Including White Blood Cells)
Bone Cells
Muscle Cells
4. Cells join together to make tissues. Describe the structure and function
of one human tissue.
5. Tissues join together to make organs. Describe the structure and
function of one human organ.
6. Organs join together to form body systems. Name all the human body
systems (you should have at least seven).
7. Cells are made of many different smaller parts called cell organelles.
Copy and complete the table.
Cell wall
Cell membrane
8. Plant and animal cells have three obvious differences. What are those
differences and why do they occur?