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Mutiple choice - ½ point each:
A bundle of nerve fibers that interconnects the two brain hemispheres is the:
Association areas
Corpus callosum
Sylvian fissure
Optic chiasm
Which gland of the endocrine system controls the activity of the other glands?
3. Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system most frequently results in which of the
a. Acceleration of heart and breathing rates and dilation of pupils
b. Stimulation of tearing, salivation and peristalsis
c. Calming of the body
d. Contraction of the muscles of the hands and feet
e. Raising the perceptual threshold of the olfactory and gustatory receptors
4. In neurons, neurotransmitters are released at the:
a. Axons
b. Cell bodies
c. Dendrites
d. Receptor sites
e. Synaptic vesicles
5. In an emergency situation, the adrenal glands secrete hormones that cause all of the following
a. Increased heart rate
b. Increased blood pressure
c. Increased blood sugar level
d. Reduced mood swings
e. Reduced blood flow to the digestive system
6. Which of the following is a hormone that is most directly related to human sex drive?
a. Acetylcholine
b. Testosterone
c. Angiotensin
d. Dopamine
e. Norepinephrine
7. Computer generated color images of the brain that provide information about glucose
metabolism are produced by which of the following techniques?
a. Electroencephalography (EEG)
b. Electromyography (EMG)
c. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
d. Positron emission tomography (PET)
e. Computerized axial tomography (CAT)
8. Which of the following correctly describes the firing of neurons?
a. A protoplasmic transfer of ions
b. A finely graded response
c. An all-or-none response
d. An osmotic process
e. A symbiotic function
9. Painkilling substances produced by the brain are known as:
a. Cortisols
b. Endorphins
c. Glucocorticoids
d. Pheromones
e. Hormones
10. Activation of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system results in:
a. An increase in salivation
b. An increase in digestion
c. An increase in respiratory rate
d. A decrease in heart rate
e. A decrease in pupil dilation
11. Hunger and eating are primarily regulated by which of the following?
a. Androgens
b. Estrogens
c. The hypothalamus
d. The kidneys
e. The medulla
12. The occipital lobes contain:
a. The primary visual cortex
b. The prefrontal cortex
c. The somatosensory cortex
d. The pons
e. Sensory and motor connections to other brain regions
13. Dopamine, norepinephrine and acetylcholine are:
a. Hormones excreted by the endocrine glands
b. Secretions of the exocrine glands
c. Drugs used in the therapeutic treatment of memory disorders
d. Enzymes involved with the degradation of interneuron signals
e. Neurotransmitters that excite or inhibit a neural signal across a synapse
14. The primary effect of the myelin sheath is to:
a. Increase the velocity of conduction of the action potential along the axon
b. Increase the velocity of conduction of the action potential across the synapse
c. Facilitate the incoming stimulus signals at sensory receptors
d. Reduce the amount of unused neurotransmitter in the synaptic cleft
e. Protect the terminal buttons of the neuron from destruction by enzymes
15. Which of the following examines the change in magnetization between oxygen-rich and oxygenpoor blood as its basic measure of the examination of living brain tissue?
a. Computerized axial tomography (CAT)
b. Electroencephalogram (EEG)
c. Functional magnetic resonance imaging fMRI
d. Biofeedback
e. Ablation
16. For most people, which of the following is an activity based in the right hemisphere of the brain?
a. Muscular control of the right hand
b. Simple spatial reasoning
c. Arithmetic reasoning
d. Language comprehension
e. Speech
17. Which of the following is true of the reticular activating system?
a. It is the major system in the brain for controlling emotions
b. It functions primarily in the control of motor responses
c. It regulates levels of arousal and sleep
d. It regulates body temperature
e. It controls the uptake of pituitary hormones
18. Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system most frequently results in which of the
a. Acceleration of heart and breathing rates and dilation of pupils
b. Stimulation of tearing, salivation and peristalsis
c. Calming of the body
d. Contraction of the muscles of the hands and feet
e. Raising of the perceptual threshold of olfactory and gustatory receptors
19. In neurons, neurotransmitters are released at the:
a. Axons
b. Cell bodies
c. Dendrites
d. Receptor sites
e. Synaptic vesicles
20. In an emergency situation, the adrenal glands secrete hormones that cause all of the following
Increased heart rate
Increased blood pressure
Increased blood sugar level
Reduced mood swings
Reduced blood flow to the digestive system
21. Research suggests that the ability to cope with stress in everyday situations is closely related to
a person’s:
a. Annual income
b. Ability to predict and control potential stressors
c. Verbal intelligence
d. Direct experience in competitive sports
e. Low-calorie diet
22. Which of the following is the phase of Hans Selye’s general adaption syndrome wherein
individuals are most vulnerable to illnesss, collapse, and even death?
a. Appraisal
b. Alarm
c. Exhaustion
d. Denial
e. Resistance
23. Computer generated color images of the brain that provide information about glucose
metabolism are produced by which of the following techniques?
a. Electroencephalography (EEG)
b. Electromyography (EMG)
c. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
d. Positron-emission tomography (pet)
e. Computerized axial tomography (CAT)
Questions: ½ point for each blank
24. Name two structures found in the brain and briefly describe their functions.
a. ____________
b. ____________
25. Broca’s area _______________
Wernicke’s area_____________
26. Name the four lobes of the brain and briefly describe their functions.
a. _______________
b. _______________
c. _______________
d. _______________
27. With the neuron, the message is ______________; between the neurons, the message is