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Modern World History-Unit 3 Test: Imperialism and the Race For Empire
Terms/Concepts/Need to Know
Manifest Destiny
Spheres of Influence
Industrial Revolution
Social Darwinism
Berlin Conference
Monroe Doctrine
Open Door Policy
Emancipation Proclamation
Great Famine (Ireland)
Be able to answer
1. American system that was adopted by Japan during the Meiji Era…
2. How did the U.S. obtain most of the land west of Texas?
3. Three factors of production needed for the Industrial Revolution
4. Importance of Louis Pasteur to the world of medicine…
5. Reason Mexican Revolution/civil war was fought…
6. Who was Emilio Aguinaldo?
7. Penal colony in Australia…
8. What was the Taiping Rebellion?
9. How did Ethiopia stay independent?
10. How did Thailand (Siam) stay independent?
11. What things helped ease people’s lives in the 19th century?
12. What was William Wilberforce fighting for?
13. Argument made by 19th century socialists about the role of government in the economy
14. Result of the Sepoy Mutiny/Rebellion
15. Action taken by U.S. to gain the rights over the Panama Canal build…
16. Lands acquired by the U.S. at the end of the Spanish-American War
17. He developed the theory of evolution?
18. Why did Britain sell opium to China?
19. India, “jewel in the crown”, of the British empire- Why?
20. Woman who formed the WSPU (Women’s Social and Political Union)
21. Industrial Revolution- effect on cities
22. Effect of the War of 1812 on industrialism in the U.S.
23. This led to the Trail of Tears…
24. Worldwide Industrialization affects relationships between industrialized and nonindustrialized nations in what way?
25. Who participated in identifying and naming radioactivity?
26. What was Alfred Dreyfus accused of?
27. Under European rule- main cause for famines and food shortages in Africa
Essay Response (Worth 10 points)
Directions: Select one of the following essay question. Answer the question in the space
provided using complete sentences in paragraph form, correct spelling, and neat hand
1. Explain the origins of the Industrial Revolution in Britain and explain how it spread
throughout the western world (The U.S. and Europe). What were the positive and
negative effects of Industrialization? (need at least two for each)
2. Define imperialism. Select two of the following areas: Africa, Muslim lands, India and
Southeast Asia and describe how imperialism affected those areas: their politics,
economies and their way of life (politically, economically and socially).
3. How did imperialism bring conflict to China, Japan and Latin America in the late 1800s
and early 1900s? Describe one conflict that emerged from/within each area. How was
imperialism in China, Japan and Latin America different from imperialism that was
practiced in other areas of the world?