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Washington, Adams Presidencies
1 "Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute."
To what was this popular slogan referring?
the Alien and Sedition Acts
the Jay Treaty
the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
the XYZ Affair
2 The creation of the first political parties in the United
States resulted from a controversy over
(1) declaring independence from Great Britain
(2) recognizing women's equality
(3) expanding slavery into the newly acquired
(4) interpreting the Constitution
3 President George Washington pursued a foreign policy
of neutrality during his administration primarily because
he believed that
(1) the United States needed time to gain economic
and military strength
(2) treaties were prohibited by the Constitution
(3) the United States should not expand by force
(4) alliances should be established with both France
and England
4 One immediate result of Alexander Hamilton's financial
plan was the
removal of the tax on exports
creation of a national bank
adoption of free trade
establishment of an income tax
5 Conflicts between Jeffersonians and Hamiltonians
during President George Washington’s first
administration led directly to the
end of the Era of Good Feelings
decision to replace the Articles of Confederation
addition of the elastic clause to the Constitution
start of the first political parties
6 ". . . I know too that it is a maxim [rule] with us, and I
think it a wise one, not to entangle ourselves with the
affairs of Europe. . . ."
— Thomas Jefferson, December 21, 1787,
Library of Congress
Which document most clearly reflects the advice given
in this statement?
Albany Plan of Union
Articles of Confederation
Bill of Rights
Washington's Farewell Address
7 The passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts in 1798, the
McCarthy hearings in the 1950s, and the passage of the
USA Patriot Act in 2001 created controversy because
(1) required large sums of money to enforce
(2) raised questions about the protection of civil
(3) created alliances with foreign governments
(4) limited the power of the executive branch
8 As Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton was
most noted for
devising a plan to pay off the nation's debts
beginning a system to tax exports
arranging necessary loans from European nations
raising revenue from the sale of western lands
9 One reason President George Washington called for a
policy of neutrality in the 1790s was to
(1) improve his popularity among Federalist voters
(2) avoid United States participation in European wars
(3) gain support for the development of a United
States navy
(4) enforce the Treaty of Alliance with France
10 What international event was important in establishing
principles of neutrality for early America?
the English Civil War
the French Revolution
the Seven Years War
the Spanish Armada
Washington, Adams Presidencies
11 During the presidency of George Washington,
disagreements between Alexander Hamilton and
Thomas Jefferson over the interpretation of the
Constitution contributed to the
impeachment of federal judges
defeat of the Whiskey Rebellion
formation of political parties
elimination of the commerce clause
12 "All communities divide themselves into the few and
the many. The first are the rich and well born, the
other the mass of the people.... The people are
turbulent and changing.... Give therefore to the first
class a distinct permanent share in the government.
They will check the unsteadiness of the second."
– Alexander Hamilton
What does the author of this quotation suggest?
(1) that the will of the majority should guide public
(2) that wealthy people are too preoccupied to rule
(3) that the common people cannot be trusted to run
a stable government
(4) that poorer people must work harder to gain
access to economic and political power
13 On the issue of creating a national bank, Secretary of
State Thomas Jefferson and Secretary of the Treasury
Alexander Hamilton differed on whether to
(1) apply a strict or loose interpretation of the
(2) establish a tariff to raise revenue
(3) use deposits to finance a new navy
(4) issue loans to farmers
14 The importance of the Supreme Court's ruling in
Marbury v. Madison (1803) is that the Court
(1) decided on the legality of state taxation of federal
(2) allowed for the influence of political parties in
the passage of laws
(3) refused to expand federal power over interstate
(4) established the power of judicial review of
federal laws
15 One important goal of the Monroe Doctrine (1823)
was to
(1) reduce trade barriers between the United States
and African nations
(2) establish United States colonies and naval bases
in the Caribbean
(3) provide military assistance to help the Philippines
gain independence from Spain
(4) prevent former colonial powers from taking over
Latin American nations
16 One factor that led to the formation of the first two
political parties in the United States in the 1790s was
the conflict over the
(1) distribution of power between the federal and
state governments
(2) spread of slavery into the western territories
(3) control of interstate commerce
(4) acquisition of lands from France and Spain
17 "Congress Passes Alien and Sedition Acts"
"Lincoln Suspends Writ of Habeus Corpus"
"Roosevelt Authorizes Internment of Japanese
Americans on West Coast"
Which conclusion is best supported by these
(1) Immigrants are a danger to the welfare of the
United States.
(2) Perceived threats to national security sometimes
result in limits on civil liberties.
(3) Foreign policy is greatly affected by domestic
(4) The power of the federal government is
weakened by risks to national security.
18 Which heading best completes the partial outline
I. _______________________________
A. Creation of a national bank
B. Full funding of the national debt
C. Collection of an excise tax on whiskey
The Spoils System
The American System
Hamilton's Financial Plan
Constitutional Amendments
Washington, Adams Presidencies
19 The outcome of the Whiskey Rebellion (1794)
strengthened the authority of the
national government
state governors
territorial legislatures
local police
20 President George Washington’s leadership during the
Whiskey Rebellion (1794) was important because it
(1) showed the ability of the new government to
enforce federal law
(2) helped assure his reelection to a third term
(3) forced frontier farmers to limit grain production
(4) halted British fort construction in the Northwest
21 One feature common to the foreign policies of
Presidents George Washington, John Adams, and
Thomas Jefferson was that each wanted to
favor France in its conflict with Great Britain
secure new territory west of the Mississippi River
maintain neutrality during European conflict
seek miltary alliances with neighboring countries
22 The decision of President George Washington to use
the state militia to put down the Whiskey Rebellion in
1794 demonstrated that the
(1) states were still the dominant power in the new
(2) President was becoming a military dictator
(3) Federal Government had no authority to
impose an excise tax
(4) new National Government intended to enforce
Federal laws
23 Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton
supported the creation of the Bank of the United States
because it would
(1) increase the power of state banks
(2) raise revenue to reduce the need for tariffs
(3) help ensure the economic stability of the new
(4) provide low-cost loans to farmers
24 One reason James Madison and Thomas Jefferson
objected to Alexander Hamilton’s financial policies
was that they believed
(1) the establishment of a national bank was
(2) a laissez-faire policy would not help the
country’s economy
(3) the government should encourage industrial
(4) high tariffs were needed to protect America’s
economic interests
25 How did President George Washington set a precedent
for all future presidents?
(1) appointing a career soldier to be Secretary of War
(2) choosing a friend to be Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court
(3) campaigning actively for the office
(4) creating a cabinet of advisors
26 From 1798 to 1800, following the XYZ Affair, the
United States waged an undeclared Naval War against
which country?
(1) France
(3) Portugal
(2) Great Britain
(4) Spain
27 " ' Tis [It is] our true policy to steer clear of permanent
alliances with any portion of the foreign world. . . ." —
President George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796
The United States was able to follow this advice from
President Washington for several decades primarily
because of
(1) industrial and agricultural self-sufficiency
(2) strong support from other Western Hemisphere
(3) geographic isolation from Europe
(4) peaceful relations between the European powers
28 What were two key precedents established by George
Washington during his presidency?
(1) aid to farmers and the end of the slave trade
(2) universal male suffrage and support for political
(3) foreign policy of neutrality and the use of
presidential advisors
(4) protective tariffs and foreign alliances during
Washington, Adams Presidencies
29 Thomas Jefferson opposed Alexander Hamilton's plan
to create a national bank primarily because the plan
weaken the nation's currency
increase the national debt
promote the interests of farmers
depend on a loose interpretation of the
30 The establishment of the president’s cabinet as part of
the United States government was the result of a
law passed by Congress
constitutional amendment
precedent started by George Washington
ruling of the United States Supreme Court
31 Most historians consider Alexander Hamilton to have
been a successful Secretary of the Treasury because he
(1) expanded trade with all nations
(2) established a sound financial plan for the new
(3) eliminated tariffs between the states
(4) opposed payment of previous federal government
32 President George Washington’s principal reason for
issuing the Proclamation of Neutrality (1793) was to
(1) repay France for help in the Revolutionary War
(2) protect United States interests in the Caribbean
(3) safeguard the newly won independence
(4) punish the British for failing to withdraw from
American territory
33 Base your answer to question on the passage below
and on your knowledge of social studies.
... Europe has a set of primary interests which to us
have none or a very remote relation. Hence she
must be engaged in frequent controversies, the
causes of which are essentially foreign to our
concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us
to implicate [connect] ourselves by artificial ties in
the ordinary vicissitudes [changes] of her politics
or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her
friendships or enmities [antagonisms]. ...
- President George Washington, Farewell Address,
According to the passage, President Washington
believed that the United States should
(1) seek financial aid from European nations
(2) end all existing European friendships
(3) avoid involvement in the political disputes of
(4) discontinue commercial relations with Europe
34 Base your answer to the following question on the
speakers' statements below and on your knowledge of
social studies.
Speaker A: The United States has enough problems of
its own. We should keep out of the affairs of other
Speaker B: If we don't help this country fight off the
Communists, the entire region will be overrun by
Speaker C: American businesses are producing more
than they can sell. We need to acquire overseas
Speaker D: We must not join this international
organization. If we do, Congress will lose its power to
declare war.
Which speaker's advice is most similar to that given by
George Washington in 1796?
(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) D
Washington, Adams Presidencies
35 Alexander Hamilton urged Congress to pass a
protective tariff to encourage the growth of what area?
(1) labor unions
(3) agriculture
(2) manufacturing
(4) slavery
36 A strict interpretation versus a loose interpretation of
the Constitution was most evident in the debate over
creation of the Bank of the United States in 1791
decision to declare war on Great Britain in 1812
annexation of Florida in 1821
issuance of the Monroe Doctrine in 1823
37 How did Alexander Hamilton's financial plan help to
establish the credit of the United States Government?
by providing for the payment of the nation's debts
by taxing only the people most able to pay
by favoring agriculture over industry
by encouraging spending for national defense
38 Which action during Washington's administration led
to the Whiskey Rebellion in western Pennsylvania?
passage of a new excise tax
establishment of a presidential cabinet
creation of the Bank of the United States
ban on slavery in the Northwest Territory