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Name: ___________________________________ Class Period: ___________________
Body Atlas: Breath of Life Video Worksheet
1. Throughout history, breathing has been connected with the mysteries of life
and _____________________.
2. It’s actually a simple process. Our bodies use oxygen to produce heat and
energy. The lungs take oxygen from the air and deliver it into the
3. He will breathe another ________________ million times during his life, all with
the same simple mechanism.
4. As we inhale, muscles between the ribs pull the ribcage up. A dome shaped
muscle below the _________________ called the diaphragm, moves down. Both
actions expand the lungs.
5. Every breath is a potential threat. Jogging in a polluted city like
___________________________ is like smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.
6. Special glands secrete ______________________ a sticky liquid which traps dust.
7. The gateway to the lungs is protected by a tough flap called the epiglottis. It
prevents _______________ or __________________ from going down the wrong way.
8. Metabolism also produces a waste gas called ________________________________. It
crosses from our cells into the bloodstream and is exhaled when it reaches
the lungs.
9. We pump a _________________ of air in and out of our lungs with each breath, up
to 15 times a minute.
10. Each breath is forced down through a labyrinth of tubes inside the lungs. The
air passages ____________________ over and over again into even smaller
11. The branching maze of air passages ends in tiny ___________________. They are
draped with miniature air bags called alveoli. We each have 700 million of
them. The alveoli mark the end of the road for the inhaled air.
12. The walls are so thin, oxygen crosses from the air sac into the surrounding
_______________ vessels.
13. The blood’s role in transporting oxygen is so crucial that the lungs have their
own blood _____________________ one-half of the heart is engaged in solely in
pumping blood to and from the lungs.
14. The oxygen in the alveoli crosses to the surrounding blood. As these cells
pick up oxygen molecules, the blood flushes a health _________________.
15. Without hemoglobin, our blood wouldn’t carry enough oxygen to keep us
_____________________ even when we’re resting, let alone during vigorous
16. We each have 30 trillion microscopic cells packed with hemoglobin. If they
were placed side-by-side, they would reach halfway to the __________________.
Hereford High School Health Science Technology
Body Atlas: Breath of Life Video Worksheet
Body Atlas: Breath of Life Video Worksheet
17. As the fuel in active muscle combines with oxygen, it creates a waste gas
called carbon dioxide. This gas dissolves in the blood and is carried
________________ to the lungs where it’s expelled.
18. Her ___________________ is the most sensitive to the falling level of oxygen.
19. We can survive without eating or drinking for days, but to live, we must keep
20. The carbon dioxide triggers an __________________ in the base of the brain,
automatically stimulating nerves that control the chest muscles and
21. If you lose consciousness the automatic ________________ starts up again.
22. You couldn’t breathe at the _______________________ of a pool even with a 12 foot
23. Divers can work as deep as _____________ feet, where the pressure is almost
500 pounds per square inch.
24. At high altitudes, the air pressure is lower, but it isn’t ___________________ to
breath. Travelers experience dizziness and nausea due to lack of oxygen.
25. Given enough time, _____________________ can adapt to living as high as 18,000
26. Above 30,00 feet, air is too thin to breathe, so the _____________________ of an
aircraft is pressurized. In the unlikely event of a loss of pressure, passengers
would suffer from oxygen starvation.
27. Her brain cells are the first to feel the lack of oxygen. The hemoglobin in her
blood can’t absorb enough oxygen from the thin air, and her brain cells start
to ___________________________.
28. At a pressure equivalent to 60,000 feet above ______________ level, our blood
would boil at body temperature.
29. But his lungs have performed and extraordinary feat. Fueling his body with
the rich oxygen that surrounds us all, they have given him the life out of this
vast __________________ of air.
List 5 things that you learned in the video today. These 5 things will be worth 5
points each, so be descriptive. Do not put one or two-word answers as they will not
receive full credit.
1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________
Hereford High School Health Science Technology
Body Atlas: Breath of Life Video Worksheet
Hereford High School Health Science Technology
Body Atlas: Breath of Life Video Worksheet