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E colocar em ausência de luz
GPP000.(olho olhando o código)
The code GPPOOO ancestral part of the whole of 6.7
billions of microdode, sensory perception captures
the GPP000 activates the thalamus compiled from the
synapses of emotional memory, the thalamus enter
into reaction triggering the hypothalamus that
controls the nervous system and endrocric, the body
starts to be supplied of ocitoxina, combating and
neutralizing the cortizol stress, leading relief
and peace to the body.
The thalamus is a center of brain organization, as
a crossroads of different neuronal pathways that
may influence each other before being
redistributed. His connections are more abundant,
by far, with the cortex. The main function of the
thalamus is to serve as station reorganization of
stimuli from the periphery and the brain stem and
also some coming from higher centers. There synapse
axons of neurons located there, and then start new
axons that will make connections with other higher
centers, especially the cortex. Almost all signals
that go upward to the cortex synapse in the nuclei
of the thalamus where they are reorganized and / or
controlled, except the sense of smell.
The hypothalamus is a region of the mammalian brain
(about the size of an almond) located in the
thalamus, forming an important area in the central
region of the diencephalon, with the function to
regulate certain metabolic processes and other
independent activities. The hypothalamus links the
nervous system to the endocrine system by
synthesizing the secretion of neuro hormones (also
called "releasing hormones") are needed to control
secretion of hormones from the pituitary gland among them, gonadotropin-releasing hormone [1]
(GnRH) . The neurons that secrete GnRH are linked
to the limbic system, which is involved mainly in
control of emotions and sexual activity. The
hypothalamus also controls body temperature,
hunger, thirst, and circadian cycles.
Although relatively small, is a brain region
important in body homeostasis, ie, in adjusting the
organism to external variations. For example, is
that the hypothalamus controls body temperature,
appetite and water balance in the body, besides
being the principal place of emotional and sexual
behavior. The hypothalamus is also the integration
between the nervous and endocrine systems, acting
in the activation of several glânduals producing
hormônios.A pituitary and hypothalamic structures
are closely related morphologically and
functionally to control the entire functioning of
the body directly or indirectly acting on several
glands as thyroid, adrenal glands and gonads.
Almost all pituitary secretion is controlled by the
hypothalamus, which receives information from the
periphery (ranging from pain to depressive
thoughts), and depending on current needs of
inhibiting or stimulating the secretion of
pituitary hormones, by neural and hormonal signals.
The hypothalamus also produces two hormones,
oxytocin (OCT) and antidiuretic hormone (ADH) that
are transported to the neuro hypophysis where they
are stored.
Functions and Features of the hypothalamus
• Regular certain metabolic processes and other
independent activities.
• Secretion of neuro hormones.
• Controls body temperature, hunger, thirst, and
circadian cycles (circadian rhythm).
• Important in body homeostasis
• It is the main center of emotional and sexual
The hypothalamus plays an important role in
controlling the endocrine system, because it
regulates the secretion of pituitary hormones,
which influence functions as diverse as metabolism,
reproduction, responses to aggressive stimuli and
the production of urine. The hypothalamus is also
associated with functions related to emotions and
mood. Symptoms like sexual pleasure, feel relaxed
and "well" after a meal, anger and fear are related
to the functioning of the hypothalamus. (This
disease may develop in some patients with side
effects such as the further development of their
senses as vision, touch , smell and increase their
reasoning ability for some activities in certain
• You can identify with this disease through: their
behavior that can undergo sudden changes (have
aggressive attitudes and impulsive), nosebleeds,
severe headaches, body warmer than normal,
uncontrolled sweat even in the extremities.
• People who have this disorder are very rare and
this is still something to be studied in greater
precisão.Alguns weaknesses of these people is the
low life expectancy of about 40 to 50 years, have
high production of lactic acid ( responsible for
the physical stress), is also a great anxiety.
• In addition, this deficiency is generated in
individuals of higher genetic (mutants), ie, those
with greater adaptability that makes these
obligations are highly developed and developers of
offspring with genetic aprimoradas.Seus more
children are normal, are possessed of unusual
intelligence and generally without this genetic
These are people who have the physical side and
developed by genetic
• Often develop empathy (the tendency to feel what
it would feel if you were in the situation and
circumstances experienced by someone else). They
tend to be successful people for their dedication
and persistence in what they do.
Cardiovascular regulation, regulation of body
temperature, reculação of water and electrolyte
balance, regulation of hunger and control of
gastrointestinal activity, regulating sleep and
wakefulness, emotions, control of endocrine
functions and sexual response
Oxytocin, oxytocin (European Portuguese) or
oxytocin (Brazilian Portuguese) is a hormone
produced by the hypothalamus and stored in the
posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis), and has the
function to promote uterine contractions during
labor and milk ejection during lactation . It helps
people to get together for a long time. It is a
hormone linked to what people feel when, for
example, embrace their long-time partner. According
to a study by the University of Zurich [1] if
oxytocin is pingada the nose of people about to
start a discussion decreases the production of
cortisol, a hormone produced in response to stress
the discussion.
Activation of insular cortex and anterior cingulate
and the paraventricular nucleus was observed as a
precursor for the production of oxytocin in the
hypothalamus and its subsequent release by the
posterior pituitary. This hormone is responsible
for the sensation of pleasure when the mother has
her baby and also when the father holds his child
in his arms. Several experts called the hormone of
love. As the prolactin concentration of oxytocin
increased 400% after orgasm .
The GPP000 and code
ancestral part of the
whole, the network and
powered via the generation
of Social Capital, through
the development of the
nervous system tensioned
by cortisol.
There are 2 phones with
the same number in the
world, we need not be
constantly talking about
the same number, the ego
and the big challenge of
humanity that generates
cortisol in all of us.
By Marrabuchi.