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Introduction to
The Study of Geography
What is Geography?
*It is the study of our earth; our home.
*Anything that can be mapped!
Geo = Earth
Graph = Writing/Drawing
So....Geography = Writing/Drawing about the Earth
*Geography combines the physical
and human aspects of our world
into one field of study.
*Geography shows the relationship
between people and the
What is a geographer?
• Someone who
analyzes the
Earth from many
points of view.
The Five Themes of Geography
• There are five ways to look at the earth
• When geographers work, they are guided
by two basic questions:
1) Where are things located?
2) Why are they there?
To find these answers, geographers use five
themes to organize information
The Five Themes:
1) Location – Geographers begin to study a place by
finding where it is, or its location.
2) Place – Geographers study the physical and
human features of a location.
3) Human-Environment Interaction – Geographers
study how people affect or shape physical
characteristics of their natural surroundings and
how do their surroundings (environment) affect
4) Movement – Helps explain how people,
goods, and ideas get from one place to
5) Regions – Geographers compare the
climate, land, population, or history of
locations and put them into groups with
similar characteristics.
• There are two ways to think about
1. absolute location – describes the place’s
exact position on the Earth. There is
only one absolute location.
2. relative location – explains where a
place is by describing places near it.
There are many relative locations.
• This includes a location’s physical and
human features.
– To describe physical features, you might say
that the climate is hot or cold or that the land is
– To describe human features, you might discuss
how many people live there, what types of work
they do, or what they do for fun.
Human-Environment Interaction
• How does the environment impact people
and the choices we make?
• How do people impact the environment?
• Geographers also use interaction to study
the consequences of people’s actions.
• Explains how people, goods, and ideas move
from one place to another.
• Helps geographers understand cultural
changes and shifting patterns.
• A region has a unifying characteristic, like
climate, land, population, religion, or
• On maps, geographers use color and
shape or special symbols to show regions.
What regions can you name?
• Now let’s practice the Five Themes… Can
you identify the theme exemplified by each
sentence on your sheet?
Map Projections
• Globes and Maps:
– As people explored the Earth, they
collected information about it.
– Mapmakers wanted to present this
information correctly.
– The best way was to put it on a globe, a
round ball that represented the Earth.
– Because globes are not practical or easy to
use to carry, flat maps were invented.
– However, the earth is round and a map is flat.
– Mapmakers had to find ways to make maps
All Maps Are WRONG!!!
• All maps distort one or more of the
– Shape
– Area
– Distance
– Direction
– Position
Mercator Projection
(conformal – retains shape)
Gerardus Mercator - 1569
Mercator Projection
• Best for ocean navigation
• Retains shape of large land areas
• Used for many years in schools, newscasts
• Misrepresents relative size of land areas
Mollweide Projection
(Equal Area – Retains Size)
Peters Projection
(another Equal-Area)
Mollweide and Peters Projections
• Maintain relative size of land areas
• Distort shape
• Not great for navigation
• Best used for thematic maps (ie. Population
density, land use, etc.)
Interrupted Projection
Good for land travel…size and shape of landmasses are relatively accurate...
but not so great for ocean navigation (obviously!)
Robinson Projection
(Neither Conformal nor Equal-Area)
Robinson Projection
• Developed in the 1960’s
• Abandons fidelity of both shape and
size…seeks a compromise on both
• Often used in schools today
Projection Selection Guidelines
• Determine which global feature is most
important for your purpose IN THIS
INSTANCE (shape, area, etc.)
And to really get you thinking…
Now…Let’s test that idea. Is it really
impossible to make a perfect map?
Can you take a globe and turn it into
a decent map?
Latitude Lines
• Latitude lines
measure distance
north or south of
the Equator.
• Measured in
degrees (to 90°
North or South)
• Also called
• Equator is 0°
Longitude Lines
• Longitude lines
measure distance East
or West of the Prime
Meridian, which runs
through Greenwich,
• Measured in degrees
(to 180° East or West)
• Also called Meridians
• Prime Meridian is 0°
How Latitude and Longitude Form
the Global Grid
The Hemispheres
The Parts of a Map
Compass Rose
• Symbol on a map that tells the cardinal directions,
which are north, south, east, and west.
• The scale on a map tells you the relative distance
on the map to the real world. For example, a map’s
scale may tell you that one inch on the map equals
one mile in the real world.
• The key, or legend, on a map explains what the
symbols on a map represent, such as triangles
representing trees.
• Some maps use a grid of parallels and
meridians. On a map of a small area, letters and
numbers are often used to help you find your