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7A Science
Review Game Questions
Warning: This is not an inclusive review sheet. Make sure you study your notes from class, and the
powerpoints I posted on the website under “Resources” as well. Happy Studying, and good luck 
1. What is the difference between a population and a community?
a. A population is made of organisms of the same species, and a community is made of
multiple populations (i.e. more than one species). For example, a group of sheep is a
population. All the sheep, wolves, and frogs living in an area make up a community.
2. Name two abiotic factors.
a. Rock, sand, water, sunlight, etc. (these are the NOLIVING parts of an ecosystem)
3. Define “limiting factor”
a. An environmental factor that prevents a population from increasing (for example, food,
space, weather conditions. Think back to the puzzle activity!)
4. What does “k” represent on this graph?
a. Carrying capacity
5. Name the 3 types of interactions among organisms
a. Competition, predation, symbiosis
6. What is the population density formula?
a. Population density=total population/total land area
7. What is the population density in the following scenario: 500 Ladybugs live in in a 20cm2 area.
a. 500 ladybugs/20 cm2 =25 ladybugs/ cm2 (MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE CORRECT UNITS!)
8. Name two ways scientists can calculate total population
a. Mark-and-recapture (don’t need to know for the test), sampling (like we did in the quadrat
lab with the wrapping paper and quadrat square), direct observation (counting every
organism), and indirect observation (counting # of nests or burrows)
9. Some plants release a toxic substance into the ground around them to prevent other plants from
growing near them. This is an example of what type of interaction?
a. Competition
10. Name 3 limiting factors
a. Food
b. Space
c. Weather conditions
11. Identify three factors that cause a population to increase from the list: increase in birth rate,
increase in death rate, immigration, emigration, increase in amount of food, decrease in amount of
a. Increase in birth rate, immigration, increase in amount of food
12. What is the population equation?
a. Birth rate>death rate…population increases; birth rate<death rate…population decreases
13. When does overpopulation occur?
a. When adequate resources are available, no predators, and no disease
14. Name one predator adaptation.
a. Speed, teeth/claws, night vision (see notes for full list)
15. What is the difference between Batesian Mimicry and Mullerian mimicry?
a. Mullerian mimicry is when both species have a defense! Batesian mimicry is when only one
species has a defense
16. How does energy enter most ecosystems?
a. Sunlight!
17. What role do decomposers play in an ecosystem?
a. Recycle nutrients back into the environment and soil
18. What % of energy is passed from one level of the food chain to the next?
a. 10%!