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1. This is also known as the “parent rock” underneath the soil horizon bedrock
2. This is a wind deposit (there are 4 types of these that we studied) dunes
3. This is the movement of weathered material erosion
4. This is a flowing river of ice glacier
5. This is organic matter that provides nutrients to plants in the ground humus
6. This is a ridge shaped deposit of glacial sediment moraine
7. This is a mixture of weathered rock, organic material, water, and air
8. This is a poorly sorted mixture of material carried by glaciers till
9. The least evolved soil layer is Horizon C.
10. The horizon that is the richest in organic material is horizon A.
11. Which horizon is rich in clay minerals? B
12. Which is the most developed soil horizon? A
13. What is sometimes referred to as a topsoil humus
14. Which soil horizon do plants grow in? A
15. Is ice wedging chemical or mechanical weathering? mechanicial
16. Is the presence of acid in plant roots chemical or mechanical weathering? chemical
17. Rocks turning a reddish color is an example of chemical or mechanical weathering? chemical
18. Burrowing animals is an example of mechanicial weathering.
19. Tumbling rock during flash flooding is mechanical weathering.
20. Tree roots splitting rocks is an example of mechanical weathering.
21. How do minerals get dissolved and moved to lower horizons? leaching
22. Arêtes and cirques are features that are associated with which agent of erosion? glaciers
23. What is the most important factor that determines a soil’s characteristic? Soil composition
24. Slump, creep, landslides, and mudflows are all examples of this. Mass movement
25. After a heavy rain, streams look muddy because of this in the water (not mudd). sediment
26. What is the name of all of the stuff that gets moved by a glacier? till
27. These wind deposits are commonly found in deserts? dunes
28. As the valley variety of glaciers move down a mountain, they carve valleys of this shape. u
29. Telephone poles leaning down a hill is an example of what type of mass movement? creep
30. Wind generally cannot move these particles (silt, cobbles, or sand) cobbles
31. T/F? Even though we are not currently in an Ice Age, glaciers continue to shape our Earth. true
32. This type of wind erosion is similar to sandblasting. abrasion
33. The location of deposition in a river is on the inside of the bends.
34. The location of erosion is on the outside of the bends.
35. What are the curves of a river called? meanders
36. If rocks are broken down, but not moved, they are said to be weathered.
37. Rock layers that allow water to pass through them are known as aquifers.
38. What is the top of the zone of saturation known as? The water table
39. Would you expect water to move rapidly or slowly in a young stream? rapidly
40. How can you identify a mature stream? wider valley, slower flow
41. What are 2 factors that are constantly reshaping our shorelines? Weathering and erosion
42. What are 3 characteristics of an old stream? slow moving, flowing through extensive floodplains,
braided, oxbow lakes
43. What is the zone of aeration? Where the soil is not saturated/ above the zone of saturation
44. What is recharge? Rain water that refills an aquifer
45. What is runoff? Water running down a slope on the surface
46. What is the zone of saturation? Where the soil is filled with water/ below the water table
47. Give 3 examples of precipitation. Rain, snow, hail
48. What is an aquifer? Layers of rock or sediment that allow water to move freely