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Name: ________________________________________
Block: _____
Date: _____/_____/_____
Read Chapter 10, Section 3 in the textbook (pages 270 – 275). Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase that best
completes each item.
Chapter 10 – Section 3: The Future of Biodiversity
I) Saving Species One at a Time
A) Captive-Breeding Programs
1) Captive-breeding programs involve _____________________________________________________
2) One example of a captive-breeding program involved the ___________________________________.
(a) Habitat loss, poaching, and lead poisoning brought the species ____________________________.
(b) In __________, there were only _____ remaining, but by __________ there were _____________
B) Preserving Genetic Material
1) Germ-plasm is ______________________________________________________________________
2) Material may be stored as ____________________________________________________________.
3) Germ-plasm is usually stored in _______________________________________________________.
C) Zoos, Aquariums, Parks, and Gardens
1) Some zoos house the few remaining members of a species and are perhaps its ___________________
Name: ________________________________________
Block: _____
Date: _____/_____/_____
2) Zoos, wildlife parks, aquariums, and botanical gardens ______________________________________
D) More Study Needed
1) Saving a few individuals _____________________________________________________________.
2) Captive species may not ____________________ or ____________________ again in the wild.
3) Small populations are vulnerable to _____________________________________________________
II) Preserving Habitats and Ecosystems
A) The most effective way to save species is to _________________________________________________.
B) Conservation Strategies
1) One strategy is to identify areas of ______________________________________________________
2) Another promising strategy is to ________________________________________________________
C) More Study Needed
1) Conservationists emphasize ___________________________________________________________
2) Decisions affecting biodiversity ________________________________________________________
III) Legal Protection for Species
A) Many nations have __________ and ______________________ designed to prevent the extinction of
Name: ________________________________________
Block: _____
Date: _____/_____/_____
B) U.S. Laws
1) The Endangered Species Act is a law designed to protect ____________________________________
2) USFWS stands for __________________________________________________________________.
C) Recovery and Habitat Conservation Plans
1) Under the _______________ main provision of the Endangered Species Act, the USFWS must
prepare a _______________________________________________________ for each listed species.
2) Attempts to restrict human uses of land can be _________________________.
(a) Real estate developers may be ______________________________________________________
(b) People may _________________________ when land uses are restricted and may object when
their interests are ________________________________________________________________.
3) A habitat conservation plan is a plan that attempts to protect one or more species across large areas of
land through _______________________________________________________________________.
IV) International Cooperation
A) IUCN stands for the ____________________________________________________________________
Name: ________________________________________
Block: _____
Date: _____/_____/_____
1) The IUCN facilitates efforts to ________________________________________________________.
2) This organization is a collaboration of almost __________ government agencies and over __________
private conservation organizations.
B) International Trade and Poaching
1) CITES stands for the _________________________________________________________________
2) The CITES treaty was the first effective effort to stop the __________________ of African elephants
C) The Biodiversity Treaty
1) The Biodiversity Treaty’s goal is to _____________________________________________________
2) Political groups in the U.S. objected to the treaty based on the suggestion that ___________________
and _______________ agreements should take into account any impacts on biodiversity.
D) Private Conservation Efforts
1) The _____________________________________________ encourages the sustainable use of
resources and supports wildlife protection.
2) The ________________________________________ has helped purchase millions of hectares of
habitat preserves in 29 countries.
3) _____________________________________________ helps identify biodiversity hotspots and
develop ecosystem conservation projects in partnership with other organizations and local people.
4) _____________________________________________ organizes direct and sometimes
confrontational actions.
V) Balancing Human Needs
A) Sometimes, an endangered species represents a source of __________ or _______________.
B) In other cases, a given species may not seem valuable to _______________________________________