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Elevated Language
Figurative Language is…
speech or writing that departs from
literal meaning in order to achieve a
special effect or meaning,
speech or writing employing figures of
There are six styles of elevated
A comparison between two unlike
things using like, as, than, or
He looks just like a dog.
This is a simile because it compares
two unlike things, He and dog, using
A comparison between two unlike
things not using like, as, than, or
There are two types of metaphors
Direct Metaphor
Indirect Metaphor
Direct Metaphor
A comparison of two unlike things
usually using a be verb
Be verbs
am, is, are, was, were
Ex) He is a monkey
This is a direct metaphor because it
compares two unlike things, He and
monkey, using the be verb is.
Indirect Metaphor
A comparison of two unlike things usually using an action
verb hint.
It will use an action verb hint when the think it is being
compared to is not directly stated.
Action verbs:
walk, explode, sleep, etc
Ex) The city sleeps.
This is a direct metaphor because it is comparing the city to
a human using the action verb hint sleeps.
 In many cases the things being compared will be stated.
Ex) The flood of God’s wrath.
Giving non-human qualities to
inhuman things or inanimate objects.
Ex) The dog spoke to me.
This is personification because it give
the inhuman dog the human ability to
A person, place, thing, or event that
stands for something more than itself
Symbols have two meanings:
A symbolic meaning – a meaning other
than what it is
A literal meaning – a meaning of what it
Symbol continued…
Whiplash –
literal: a device used to move cattle.
Symbolic – pain, torture, degradation,
Wedding Ring –
Literal – a ring
Symbolic – love, eternal bond
A reference to a person, place, thing,
idea, or event in history, science,
religion, politics, literature, etc.
The most popular allusion is a Biblical
allusion – a reference to something in
the bible
Ex) I’ll be back
spawn of those two, ancestor to Cain
Do the Ricky Bobby!
A figurative expression, usually
compound in form, that is used in
place of a name or noun.
Examples: Whale-road = stormy
ocean, swan-road = calm ocean, skycandle = sun, slaughter-dew = blood
This is a kenning because it uses a
compound word, sky-candle, to
replace a noun, sun.
The Purpose of Elevated Language
The purpose of Elevated language is to:
1. Help the reader Connect to what he/
she is reading.
2. Help the reader understand what
he/she is reading.