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PhD School Course Proposal 201 6/17
Sustainability Metrics, Life Cycle Assessment and Environmental Footprint
general course for all PhDs
Monica Lavagna
[email protected]
02.2399.5134 – 339.2602877
Monica Lavagna, Polimi ABC, 4 hours (+6 hours exercises)
Giovanni Dotelli, Polimi CMIC, 4 hours
Lucia Rigamonti, Polimi DICA, 4 hours
Paco Melià, Polimi DEIB, 2 hours
Paolo Masoni, ENEA, 5 hours
Serenella Sala, JRC IES, 5 hours
Rolf Frischknecht, ETH, 5 hours
All PhD Candidates from many department of Polimi.
In the previous two editions the course was held in ABC department, with some
lectures focused on the Built Environment. The course was attended also by PhD
students of other departments.
This proposal is a new proposal, with a general approach, addressed to all PhD
The objective of the course is to introduce to the use of environmental
sustainability metrics as tools that measure the benefits achieved through a
sustainability strategy, leading to informed environmental decisions. The course
will explain in detail the LCA methodology, with examples and exercises.
Various ways of measuring environmental sustainability have been developed,
attempting to quantify beyond the generic concept and to evaluate the efficacy of
green design principles and policies (i.e. toward “A resource-efficient Europe”,
“Europe 2020”). Different metrics are used for different application areas (e.g.
impacts related to a person, to a country, to a product).
For the European Commission, Life Cycle Assessments provide the best framework
for assessing the potential environmental impacts of products and services
currently available.
LCA is a method to evaluate the environmental performance of products and
services through all phases of their life cycle (extracting raw materials;
transportation; manufacturing; use and maintenance; recycling and final disposal)
by identifying and quantifying energy and materials used and emissions and wastes
released to the environment. Carbon footprint, water footprint, environmental
footprint are all LCA based. The final objective of this evaluation is to identify and
evaluate opportunities to affect environmental improvements.
LCA methodology can be applied to different sectors; examples of application in
different sectors, related to the field of studies of the participant PhD candidates,
will be shown.
29 hours of lectures and 6 hours of exercises
Write max 4 lines
The lectures will introduce PhD students to the framework of sustainability
evaluations methods and the uses of sustainability metrics; to the LCA
methodology (step by step); to the application of LCA methodology (through
examples and exercises).
Write max 5 lines
Slides of the lectures, papers and documents (free available on internet)
Write max 3 lines
Group exercises and individual paper related to the themes of the course and on
the specific topic of the doctoral thesis.
(indicate approximate period and location)
January-February 2017
ABC Department
Course secretariat (contact name, e-mail, telephone)
Monica Lavagna, [email protected], 02.23995134
Has the course has been given before?
The course has been given before, with the title “Sustainability Metrics for the Built
Environment and the efficient use of resources”, in 2014-2015 and 2015-2016. The
evaluations of the last year have been already sent; of this year are in attachment.
- Each course will be 5 credits equal to 25-30 hours and usually will be conducted in English, as regards both the lessons in the classroom and
examinations, and supporting study materials.
- only courses with all requested information will be evaluated
Signature of professor in charge (proposer)
Signature of the Department Chair
Paolo Masoni, M.SC. Eng., Past President SETAC Europe, Head of the LCA & Ecodesign R&D laboratory ENEA, Past President Rete Italiana LCA, Italian
representative in the Environmental Footprint Technical Advisory Board of the European Commission, Member of the Italian Government
Committee for Sustainable Consumption and Production and Green Public Procurement, Coordinator and principal investigator of several European
Projects on R&D, Life Cycle Management and promotion of eco-innovation, Member of the International Expert Group on LCA and Integrated Waste
Management, Project Review for the European Commission RTD DG, Member of the Editorial Board of Clean Technologies and Environmental
Policies (Springer), Member of the Editorial Board of Journal Environmental Accounting and Mangement, Invited experts in panels for European
Commission RTD, ENV, TREN DGs, Ecodesign and Ecoinnovation, Member of the LCA Tool and Database Developers Advisory Group of the European
Platform on Life Cycle Assessment (DG JRC), Chair of SETAC LCA Case Studies Symposiums, Member of Technical Committees on Environmental
Management in international (ISO) and national (UNI) standardization bodies, Lectures in LCA in Master courses, EMAS and Ecolabel schools.
2013-today. Past President of SETAC Europe, a no-profit scientific organization dedicated to the use of multidisciplinary approaches to examine the
impacts of stressors, chemicals and technology on the environment.
2001-today. Research Director at ENEA and Coordinator of the LCA & Ecodesign R&D laboratory (20 researchers).
2012-2015. President of the Association Rete Italiana LCA (Italian Network of LCA experts), a no profit scientific association with about 100
1996-2001. First researcher at ENEA and task leader of national projects on environmental assessment of products.
1993-1996. Researcher at ENEA (Nuclear Energy Research) and responsible of Panthers program.
1991-1992. Responsible of Panthers program. Liaison ENEA-General Electric Nuclear Energy (California).
1983-1991. Researcher at ENEA.
1979. Degree in Nuclear Engineering, full marks, Università degli studi di Pisa.
Life Cycle Assessment, eco-design methodology, Green Economy, Sustainable Consumption and Production, promotion of eco-innovation in
particular in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
Development and application of sustainability assessment methods, tools and procedures based on a Life Cycle Approach, with specific focus on
SMEs needs.
Development and application of LCA methods, tools and procedures: development of eVerdEE and TESPI software tools and of the web platform for the product eco-innovation in SMEs.
Promoter and tutor of start-up enterprises (LCA and environmental innovation consultanties): Febe-EcoLogic, Garwer, LCA Lab, Ecoinnovazione srl).
Serenella Sala, scientific officer of European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES),
Sustainability Assessment Unit Italy, European Platform on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), develops methodologies and models for sustainable
development, integrated environmental assessment, life cycle assessment for supporting eco-innovation of process and products as well as
resource efficiency. Over the years, she was involved in several FP6 and FP7 project dealing with chemical risk assessment and biodiversity (No
Miracle, Alarm) as well as life cycle assessment (LC-Impact).
2010-today. Scientific officer at the European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Environment and Sustainability.
2001-2010. Coordinator of the Research Unit on Sustainable Development (GRISS) at the Department of Environmental Science at University of
Milano Bicocca. Project leader for several environmental projects both in the private and public sector. Coordinator of a didactical project, “Master
GESAL”, an interdisciplinary post-graduated course focusing on sustainable development. She had teaching positions in many post University
courses and worked as a tutor for students attending the Master Degree in Environmental Sciences at the University of Studies Milano Bicocca.
The experimental thesis issues were correlated with risk assessment and management of chemicals and water management.
Her research activities are focused on the emerging discipline called “sustainability science”. With strong interdisciplinary approach, she developed
methodologies and models for sustainable development, integrated environmental assessment, life cycle assessment, risk assessment for
supporting eco-innovation of process and products as well as resource efficiency.
As main focus at the JRC, she was involved in the release of recommendation for Life cycle impact assessment and in the development of
methodology for better accounting of spatial differentiation in ecotoxicity and human toxicity.
Recent publications
2016. Michael Curran · Danielle Maia de Souza · Assumpció Antón · Ricardo F.M. Teixeira · Ottar Michelsen · Beatriz Vidal-Legaz · Serenella Sala ·
Llorenc Mila i Canals, How well does LCA model land use impacts on biodiversity?—A comparison with approaches from ecology and conservation,
Environmental Science and Technology.
2016. Eugenia Polizzi di Sorrentino · Eva Woelbert · Serenella Sala, Consumers and their behavior: state of the art in behavioral science supporting
use phase modeling in LCA and eco-design,The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment.
2015. Bradley G. Ridoutt · Stephan Pfister · Alessandro Manzardo · Jane Bare · Anne-Marie Boulay · Francesco Cherubini · Peter Fantke · Rolf
Frischknecht · Michael Hauschild · Andrew Henderson · [...] · Annie Levasseur · Manuele Margni · Thomas McKone · Ottar Michelsen · Llorenç Milà i
Canals · Girija Page · Rana Pant · Marco Raugei · Serenella Sala · Francesca Verones, Area of concern: a new paradigm in life cycle assessment for the
development of footprint metrics, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
2015. Lorenzo Benini · Serenella Sala, Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of normalization factors to methodological assumptions, The International
Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Rolf Frischknecht is co-chair of the flagship project "global guidance on environmental im-pact assessment indicators" of the international UNEP
SETAC life cycle initiative, member of the international advisory council of the Ecoinvent Centre and member of the society of the Swiss LCA
discussion forum. He teaches LCA on bachelor and master level at ETH Zürich. He is owner and managing director of treeze and managing director
of the Swiss platform “life cycle data in the construction sector”. He is guest author in scientific journals and guest speaker at international
conferences. He is subject editor LCI methodology and databases of the “International Journal of LCA” (Springer publishing), and member of the
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), the LCA discussion forum Switzerland, the Swiss Engineers and Architects Association
(SIA) and the Association of German Engineers (VDI).
2005-2008. He lead the ecoinvent Centre, maintaining and further extending the ecoinvent data-base. He was project leader of the ecoinvent
projects, with the aim to design, build-up, introduce and operate a large web-based LCA database.
1998-2012. He founded ESU-services and was its managing director.
1990-1997. He worked at Department of Energy Technology at ETH Zurich on methodology, data collection and data management for Life Cycle
Inventories of energy systems and was responsible for the development of the first version of an Internet-based LCA database.
He wrote his Ph.D. on life cycle inventory analysis and decision making.
Civil engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich.
Publications reviewed
Jungbluth N., Büsser S., Frischknecht R., Flury K. and Stucki M. (2012) Feasibility of environmental product information based on life cycle thinking
and recommendations for Switzerland. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, 28(June 2012), pp. 187–197.
Kounina A., Margni M., Bayart J.-B., Boulay A.-M., Berger M., Bulle C., Frischknecht R., Koehler A., Milà i Canals L., Motoshita M., Núñez M., Peters
G., Pfister S., Ridoutt B., van Zelm R., Verones F. and Humbert S. (2012) Review of methods addressing freshwater use in life cycle inventory and
impact assessment. In: Int J LCA, online first, pp., 10.1007/s11367-012-0519-3.
Huijbregts M., Hellweg S., Frischknecht R., Hendriks H., Hungerbuehler K. and Hendriks J. (2010) Cumulative energy demand as predictor for the
environmental burden of commodity production. In: Environ. Sci. Technol., 44, pp. 2189-2196.
Frischknecht R. (2010) LCI modelling approaches applied on recycling of materials in view of environmental sustainability, risk perception and ecoefficiency. In: Int J LCA, 15(7), pp. 666-671, retrieved from: DOI: 10.1007/s11367-010-0201-6.
Frischknecht R. and Stucki M. (2010) Scope-dependent modelling of electricity supply in life cycle assessments. In: Int J LCA, 15(8), pp. 806-816,
retrieved from: DOI: 10.1007/s11367-010-0200-7.
Monica Lavagna, M.SC. Arch., Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Architectural Technology, Department of Architecture, Built Environment and
Construction Engineering (ABC), School of Architecture and Society, Politecnico di Milano.
2015-today. Associate Professor in “Architectural Technology”, Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering (ABC),
School of Architecture and Society, Politecnico di Milano.
2012-today. Member of the Board of Directors of the Association Rete Italiana LCA.
2007-today. National scientific coordinator of the working group “Buildings” of the Rete Italiana LCA (Italian LCA Network).
2006-today. Committee member of the CEN/TC 350 “Sustainability of construction works”
2004-today. Committee member of the ISO TC59/SC17 “Building construction – Sustainability in building construction”.
2004-today. Committee member of the UNI GL 4 “Sostenibilità in edilizia”.
2008-2015. Assistant Professor in “Architectural Technology”, Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering (ABC),
School of Architecture and Society, Politecnico di Milano.
2007-2015. Member of the Working Group of Ministero dell’Ambiente (Italian Environmental Ministry) Produzione e Consumo Sostenibile. Piano
d’Azione Nazionale sul Green Public Procurement. Criteri ambientali minimi per la costruzione, ristrutturazione e manutenzione degli edifici
(“Sustainable Production and Consumption. National Action Plan on Green Public Procurement. Minimum environmental criteria for the
construction, renovation and maintenance of buildings”).
2004-2008. Research fellow at Politecnico di Milano.
2004. Ph.D. (cum laude) in “Technology and Design for the Environmental Quality at Building and Urban Scale”, at Politecnico di Milano, Building
Environment Science & Technology (BEST) Department. Doctoral research thesis title: “Process, project, product and environment. Environmental
requirements of building components and systems for the quality of the built”.
2001-2004. Ph.D. fellow at Politecnico di Milano, Building Environment Science & Technology (BEST) Department.
1999-2001. Research collaborator at Politecnico di Milano.
1998. Master of Science (cum laude) in Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Politecnico di Milano.
Methods and tools for the environmental sustainability evaluation: assessment tools and environmental certification schemes applied both to the
scale of the building and to the scale of the materials / building products; Green Rating Systems (LEED, BREEAM, DGNB, etc.); Life Cycle Assessment;
methodological upgrading proposals; integration with other tools for assessing sustainability, economic and social (LCC, SLCA).
Environmental innovation: survey on the innovation paths (low-intensity material, low energy intensity, recyclability, reversibility, resource
efficiency, etc.) of construction techniques, construction processes and architectural solutions oriented toward environmental sustainability; LCA of
building products, building systems and buildings to define eco-innovations and target.
Energy efficiency and environmental sustainability: regulatory pathways related to the topic of energy (2002/91/EC, 2010/31/EU) and related to the
environmental sustainability of buildings (GPP, ISO TC 59, CEN TC 350); environmental improvements induced by the recent regulations on energy
efficiency on products, on innovative construction systems and on architectural design of buildings; environmental assessment of the effectiveness
and of the impacts of the innovation oriented to the high energy efficiency (eg. passivhaus and Zero Energy Buildings).
Recent research activities
2013-2015. “LCA based information for the measure of the sustainability of building conservation practices” in the national research “Built Heritage
Information Modelling/ Management – BHIMM”, funded by Ministry of Education, University and Research after competition (PRIN 2010-2011).
2013-2015. “Guidelines for the reduction of the environmental impact of temporary building and structures in mega events”, funded by a Italian
Environmental Ministry.
2014. “Basket-of-products indicators. Life cycle assessment of the category of consumption housing”. Expert consultant of European Commission
(Joint Research Center, Institute for Environment and Sustainability).
2011-2014. “InnovANCE. (Associazione Nazionale dei Costruttori Edili; national association of builders) “Innovations in product / process and
integration of the supply chain of construction for energy efficiency and sustainable development”, funded by Italian Ministry of Economic
Development after competition “Industria 2015”.
Recent publications
2015. M. Migliore, A. Campioli, M. Lavagna, I. Oberti, G. Paganin, C. Talamo, “Intersectorial reuse of waste and scraps for the production of building
products: strategies and valorization of waste”, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol.14, No. 7, July 2015, pp. 1675-1681.
2014. Monica Lavagna, Marika Arena, Giovanni Dotelli, Matteo Zanchi, “The temporary structures for Expo Milan 2015: environmental assessment
and solutions for the end of life management”, Techne. Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, n. 7, pp. 171-177.
2014. Monica Lavagna, Paco Melià, Paolo Pileri, Viktoriya Sendyureva, “Urban transformation, energy consumption and CO2 emissions”, in: Cities in
transformation Research & Design. Ideas, Methods, Techniques, Tools, Case Studies, Il Poligrafo, Padova, vol. II, pp. 987-994.
2013. Andrea Campioli, Monica Lavagna, “Innovazione ambientale dei processi di trasformazione del costruito e ciclo di vita. Environmental
innovations in the construction sector and life cycle approach”, Techne. Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, n. 5, pp. 66-73.
2013. Michele Paleari, Monica Lavagna, Andrea Campioli, “Life Cycle Assessment e Zero Energy Residential Buildings”, in: PLEA 2013 29th
Conference, Sustainable Architecture for a Renewable Future. Proceedings, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Munich, Germany 10-12 September 2013, 6 pp.
Giovanni Dotelli, CMIC Dept., Chemical Engineer, Ph.D., Associate Professor in Science and Technology of Materials. His field of studies is the LCA
applied to materials, in different sectors of application.
2002-today. Associate professor of Materials Science at Politecnico di Milano
1993-2002. Assistant Professor, Politecnico di Milano
1994. PhD Materials Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
1989. graduated cum Laude in Chemical Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano
Current Research Interests
Ionic conductors for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell SOFC
Materials for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEM-FC)
Synthesis and characterization of modified clays for environmental applications
Sustainability and environmental impacts (Life Cycle Analysis LCA)
Recent publications
2014. Luca Zampori, Giovanni Dotelli, Design of a sustainable packaging in the food sector by applying LCA, International Journal of Life Cycle
Assessment, 19(1), 206-217.
2013. E. De Angelis, D. Pasini, G. Pansa, G. Dotelli, E. Serra, “A tool for the optimization of Building Envelope Technologies – basic performances
against construction costs of exterior walls.”, in Proceedings of CISBAT 2013 International Conference, 4-6 September 2013, EPFL, Lausanne,
Switzerland, CLEANTECH FOR SMART CITIES & BUILDINGS - FROM NANO TO URBAN SCALE, Conference Host/Editor: Solar Energy and Building
Physics Laboratory (LESO-PB), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). ISBN Electronic version: 978-2-8399-1280-8; pp. 91-96.
2013. E. De Angelis, G. Dotelli, F. Pittau, A. la Torre, C. Porcino, G. Pansa, N. Villa, LCA and LCC based Energy Optimization of Building Renovation
Strategies, Proceedings of the SUSTAINABLE BUILDINGS – CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS & TECHNOLOGIES, Edited by Karl Höfler AEE – Institute for
Sustainable Technologies, Austria, Peter Maydl, Graz University of Technology, Austria, Alexander Passer, Graz University of Technology, Austria,
SB13 GRAZ - SUSTAINABLE BUILDING CONFERENCE 2013, 25–28 September 2013, Graz, Austria,, pp77-86
2013. Gianluca Ruggieri, Giovanni Dotelli, Paco Melià, Sergio Sabbadini, Life Cycle Assessment of refurbishment strategies for historical buildings, in:
Retrofitting the built environment, eds. W. Swan and P. Brown, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Oxford, UK, ISBN 978-1-118-27350-0, pp. 113-127.
2013. Luca Zampori, Giovanni Dotelli, Valeria Vernelli, Life Cycle Assessment of hemp cultivation and use of hemp-based thermal insulator materials
in buildings, Environmental Science & Technology, 47 (13), 7413-7420, DOI: 10.1021/es401326a.
Lucia Rigamonti, DICA Dept., Environmental engineer, Ph.D., Researcher in Environmental and Health Engineering. Her field of studies is the LCA
applied to different municipal solid waste management systems. She is member of the Technical Secretariat for the development of the Product
Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) for intermediate paper products in the context of the European Commission project
'Environmental Footprint Pilot Phase'. She founded the working group DIRE (Development and Improvement of LCA methodology: Research and
Exchange of Experiences), inside the Italian Network on LCA, and she is member of the working group Management and treatment of waste of the
Italian Network on LCA. She is part of the scientific board of the Italian Network on LCA and of the Research Centre MatER (Material & Energy from
Refuse). She is professor for the university courses Sanitary - environmental engineering and Phenomenon of pollution (Politecnico di Milano:
academic years 2012-1013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015). She gave invited lectures about LCA and waste management in several university courses. She
attended as speaker many international conferences.
2015-2017. Research contract at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICA) of Politecnico di Milano on the project 'Urban
mining for the recovery of resources: identification of new strategies toward a circular economy'.
2013. She spent three months at the research center Scion (Rotorua, New Zealand) in the team Clean Technologies (supervisor Kim McGrouther;
Project: Development of a decision-making framework to manage technology development programmes within the BioResource Processing Alliance
– BPA).
2011-2014. Researcher at DICA following the project 'MATER (Material and energy from waste)'.
2009. She won the Young Researcher Award LCA 2009, organized by the Italian Network on LCA.
2007-2010. Research grant on the project 'Environmental assessment of strategies for energy production'.
2007. PhD in Sanitary and Environmental Engineering with a thesis on the topic of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) applied to different integrated
municipal solid waste management systems. The thesis was awarded of the first prize in the competition Best thesis 2008 organized by ORSA
(Scuola di Alta Formazione Ambientale in Palermo). During the PhD she had been visiting the Columbia University (New York) in the Henry Krumb
School of Mines.
2003. Environmental engineer graduated cum laude (title of the thesis: Environmental assessment of energy recovery from waste) at Politecnico di
Recent research activities
Activity of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) and implementation of the EPD process for carton board mills (for Reno de Medici SpA)
Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Recycling of Packaging Waste (in collaboration with Istituto Superior Tecnico of Lisboa for the European Investment
Life cycle assessment applied to the waste management system implemented in Lombardia Region: the GERLA project (for Regione Lombardia)
Sustainable European Waste Systems “SEWAS” (in collaboration with Technical University of Denmark for CEWEP)
Separation and recovery of metals and valorisation of bottom ashes from municipal waste combustion (for Consorzio Imballaggi Alluminio)
Life cycle assessment of refuse derived fuel production and its co-combustion in Fusina plant in comparison with alternatives options (for Ladurner
She has authored over 100 publications, including more than 20 on ISI journals. She is referee for different international scientific journals, such as
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Journal of Cleaner Production, Waste Management, Waste Management & Research, Resources,
Conservation & Recycling, Science of the Total Environment. She was nominated “Top reviewer of 2011” for the Waste Management journal.
2015. Rigamonti L., Ferreira S., Grosso M., Marques R.C. “Economic-financial analysis of the Italian packaging waste management system”. Journal
of Cleaner Production, 87, 533-541.
2014. Nessi S., Rigamonti L., Grosso M. “Waste prevention in liquid detergent distribution: A comparison based on life cycle assessment”. Science of
the Total Environment, 499, 373-383.
2014. Rigamonti L., Grosso M., Møller J., Martinez Sanchez V., Magnani S., Christensen T.H. “Environmental evaluation of plastic waste
management scenarios”. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 85, 42-53.
2013. Rigamonti L., Falbo A., Grosso M. (2013). “Improvement actions in waste management systems at the provincial scale based on a life cycle
assessment evaluation”. Waste Management, 33, 2568-2578.
2013. Nessi S., Rigamonti L., Grosso M. “Discussion on methods to include prevention activities in waste management LCA”. International Journal of
Life Cycle Assessment, 18 (7), 1358-1373.
Research interests include:
Municipal waste management and treatment (Source-separated collection schemes, Sorting plants and recycling, Composting and anaerobic
digestion plants, Waste-to-energy plants, Co-combustion in power plants and cement kilns, Integrated waste management system)
Treatment of other kinds of waste (Construction & demolition waste, Waste electrical and electronic equipment, Car-fluff)
Life cycle thinking approach (Material flow analysis, Life cycle assessment, Life cycle costing, Monetisation)
Waste prevention, Industrial symbiosis, Sustainable design of products and services
Paco Melià, DEIB Dept., Environmental engineer, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Ecology. His field of studies is the ecological systems and the environmental indicators to assess sustainability.
2005-today. Assistant professor in Ecology at Politecnico di Milano.
1999-2004. Research fellow at Politecnico di Milano.
1998-today. Politecnico di Milano, Department of Electronics, Information, and Bioengineering, Ecology Group
1998-2001. PhD in Ecology, Università degli studi di Parma
1990-1996. Environmental Engineering, MSc. Laurea cum laude.
Skill and expertise
Marine Biology
Environmental Engineering
Life-Cycle Assessment
Environmental Impact Assessment
Biodiversity & Conservation
Recent research activities
2012-2016: CoCoNet -Towards COast to COast NETworks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with seabased wind energy potential, finanziato dal 7° Programma Quadro della Commissione Europea
2012-2014: ECO2Clouds - Experimental Awareness of CO2 in Federated Cloud Sourcing, finanziato dal 7° Programma Quadro della Commissione
2012: MAREA (Mediterranean hAlieutic Resources Evaluation and Advice), finanziato dal Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
della Commissione Europea
2011-2012: Ottimizzazione scientifica della ricerca per la gestione delle risorse della pesca nell'ambito delle politiche ambientali ed economiche,
finanziato dal Ministero per le Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali
2011-2012: Sulla strada della sostenibilità, finanziato da Fondazione Cariplo
2014. P Melià, G Ruggieri, S Sabbadini, G Dotelli, Environmental impacts of natural and conventional building materials: a case study on earth
plasters, Journal of cleaner production 80, 179-186.
2009. EB Pisoni, R Raccanelli, G Dotelli, D Botta, P Melià, Accounting for transportation impacts in the environmental assessment of waste
management plans, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 14 (3), 248-256.
2013. P Melià, M Schiavina, M Gatto, L Bonaventura, S Masina, R Casagrandi, Integrating field data into individual-based models of the migration of
European eel larvae, Marine Ecology Progress Series 487, 135-149.
2011. D Bevacqua, M Andrello, P Melià, S Vincenzi, GA De Leo, AJ Crivelli, Density-dependent and inter-specific interactions affecting European eel
settlement in freshwater habitats, Hydrobiologia 671 (1), 259-265.