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Panda Updates
Second Grade – E.S.S.
What We Are Learning in Second Grade
Reading – This month we will be focusing on Literary Text. We will work on asking and answering questions to
help us understand a story or new vocabulary. Also, we will identify elements in a story such as characters,
setting, and plot. Try comparing stories with your child while focusing on these important elements!
Writing – In Writing this month we will be working on writing personal narratives. We will focus on
organizing our ideas, adding temporal words such as first, then, and finally, and also practicing using spelling
patterns in our writing. Help your child practice organizing their ideas by having them share a beginning,
middle, and end to their schooldays!
Math – In the beginning of 2nd Grade we will continue to practice our mental math strategies for sums up to
20. You can make addition flash cards on small pieces of paper to help your child practice at home! We will
also be examining and comparing the amount of hundreds, tens, and ones in numbers up to 1000 and using
place value to explain our reasoning. Please help reinforce words like more, less, greater, smaller, and equal.
Science – In Science we will be learning about the properties of Earth’s surface such as rocks, soil, and
Social Studies – This month we will be studying the relationships among rights, responsibilities,
and democratic ideas.
Dates to Remember
6:30 p.m.
7 - No school
9th – Back to School Night
14th-No school
23rd- No school
Other Classroom News
 Please help make sure your child arrives to school on time
so they can participate in our school wide breakfast and
get to specials in the morning!
 If you have not yet sent in your child’s school supplies,
please do so as soon as you can.
 Homework will be sent home starting Tuesday,
September 15th.
Contacting Miss Stolte
Feel free to contact me anytime 
Phone: 301-650-6420
E-mail: [email protected]