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Ch. 24.2 War in Europe
Section Objectives:
1. Explain Hitler’s motives for expansion and how Britain and France responded.
2. Describe the blitzkrieg tactics that Germany used against Poland.
3. Summarize the first battles of World War II.
One American’s Story
­Who was William Shirer?
● CBS correspondent in France when Hitler gave the French his terms of surrender.
­What drew Germany closer to war?
● The hatred and vengefulness of Hitler
1. Austria and Czechoslovakia Fall
­What two countries did Hitler want to absorb into the Third Reich? Why did he want to do this?
Austria and Czechoslovakia
Hitler believed Germany needed their land to grow and prosper
A. Union With Austria
­When was Austria created?
At the Paris Peace Conference following World War I ­Why was Hitler able to take Austria without any resistance?
Most of Austria’s population was Germans who wanted to be unified with Germany
­How did the United States and the rest of the world respond?
They did nothing
B. Bargaining for the Sudetenland
­Where did Hitler turn after Austria?
­What was the Sudetenland? Who lived there?
The western border region of Czechoslovakia
About 3 million German­speaking people lived there
­Why did Hitler want to annex Czechoslovakia?
Provide more living space, control its important natural resources
­How did Hitler justify massing his troops on the Czech border?
Hitler charged that the Czechs were abusing the Sudeten Germans
­Who was Neville Chamberlain?
The British prime minister in 1938 that met with Hitler
­What was the Munich agreement? Why did Chamberlain and Daladier agree to this?
The Munich agreement gave Germany the Sudetenland without any shots being fired.
­Who was Winston Churchill?
Chamberlain’s political rival in Great Britain
He believed Chamberlain and Daladier had adopted a shameful policy known as appeasement
­What was appeasement?
Giving up principles to pacify aggressors, trying to avoid war
2. The German Offensive Begins
­Where did Hitler turn his attention after Germany controlled Czechoslovakia?
● Poland (1939)
A. The Soviet Union Declares Neutrality
­Why did people think Hitler would not invade Poland?
People felt that it would lead to a two­front war against Britain and France in the West and the Soviet Union in the East
­Who signed a nonaggression pact with Hitler? What was a nonaggression pact?
A commitment not to attack another country
­How did this pact allow Hitler to invade Poland?
The danger of a two­front war was eliminated
B. Blitzkrieg in Poland
­What was the Luftwaffe?
The German air force
­What new tactics did Germany use in attacking Poland?
Blitzkrieg, bombing military bases, airfields, railroads, and cities
­What was a blitzkrieg?
A lightning war, attack your enemy as fast as possible to overwhelm them
­Who declared war on Germany two days after the attack on Poland?
Britain and France
­How was the blitzkrieg successful? What had now started?
Major fighting was over in three weeks, before France and Britain could mount a defense
World War II
C. The Phony War
­What was the “phony war?”
When French troops stared at German troops from the Maginot line and German troops stared back from the Siegfried line
­What other countries did Hitler invade? Why did he invade them?
Denmark, Norway (to build bases to attack Britain), Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg
3. France and Britain Fight On
­Where did Hitler and his army travel to get into France? Why was this position left unguarded?
Ardennes, a region with wooded ravines
The British and French thought the Ardennes was impassible
A. The Fall of France
­What happened to French and British troops when Germany began their offensive?
They were trapped and escaped by sea back to Britain
­What country helped Germany and invaded France from the South?
­What was Hitler’s terms of surrender for the French?
Germans would occupy northern France
A NAZI puppet government headed by Philippe Petain would govern southern France
­Who was Charles de Gaulle?
He was a French general that fled to Britain and set up a French government in exile
B. The Battle of Britain
­Why did Hitler decide to attack Britain with air strikes?
● The German navy could not defeat with the navy of Britain
­How long had Germany been using air strikes on Britain? Where was the Luftwaffe bombing?
● Through the summer and fall of 1940
● At first the Luftwaffe concentrated on airfields and aircrafts, then they targeted cities
­How was the RAF able to shoot down so many German planes? ● They developed radar, which plotted the flights of German planes, even in darkness
­How did Hitler respond to this turn of events?
● Hitler called off the invasion of Britain
­What was the result of the Battle of Britain?
● Britain won the battle