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World History Study Guide ­ Renaissance, Reformation, Scientific Revolution, and Exploration *** Info/questions for the following 4 pictures are not included on your test! You will need to research or find info on previous assignments and study. School of Athens ­ Raphael Painted between 1509­1511 ­ What is significant about this painting? Which artists are featured as Greek philosophers? What elements of Renaissance art are shown? Johann Gutenberg’s Printing Press What impact does this invention have on the world? What are vernacular languages and why are they relevant to the printing press? How did this invention play a role in the Renaissance, Reformation, Scientific Revolution, and age of exploration? Christopher Columbus is a controversial figure in today’s world ­ why? What did he do that should be praised? What did he do that should be condemned? Trans­Atlantic Slave Trade: There were over 35,000 slaving voyages. What was the motivation for Africans and Europeans to participate in this deportation of people to the Americas? What was the journey like? What was life like in the Americas? The Renaissance 1. Define the term “classical” in reference to the Renaissance. 2. What does the word “renaissance” mean? What was the focus of the Renaissance? 3. What was the importance of Florence and the Medici family? (Remember: Italy’s importance geographically ­ it was the trading post between Europe and Byzantine Empire and Muslim world via Mediterranean. Merchants became very rich.) 4. What motivation did the Medici have in their patronage of the arts? 5. What was the importance of the completion of Il Duomo in Florence (pictured right)? Who finished it and how? 6. Who was Girolamo Savonarola and what was the “bonfire of the vanities”? 7. Describe two examples of the values and/or philosophy of the Renaissance. 8. Be able to compare/contrast Medieval art to Renaissance art (four examples!) 9. Baldassare Castiglione’s “The Book of the Courtier” explained what the ideal courtier was ­ give examples of what was expected of either men or women. 10. Niccolo Machiavelli’s “The Prince” ­ explain ideas for how a Prince should rule (remember ­ is it better to be feared, loved, or both? and can a Prince break promises?). 11. Examples of art from the Northern Renaissance are pictured right. What interesting detail can you recall from either of these? The Protestant Reformation 12. What were lasting impacts of the Reformation? 13. Martin Luther, in his 95 theses, was very concerned about the clergy (Johann Tetzel in his area) selling _________________________. The Pope (Pope Leo X ­ a patron of the arts, from the Medici family) wanted money to help pay for Saint Peter’s Basilica (church) in Rome. 14. Martin Luther was excommunicated by Pope Leo X ­ how was he protected? 15. Martin Luther was called to defend his beliefs in a trial at the Diet of ______________________ to the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V. 16. Which side did Martin Luther take in the Peasants’ War 1524­25? Why? 17. How could it benefit some Kings/leaders to break from the Pope and become Protestant? 18. Henry VIII broke from the Catholic church to get a DIVORCE. Why did he want to divorce Catherine of Aragon? 19. Impact of the printing press on Reformation? 20. Define predestination (John Calvin). 21. What’s the difference between heliocentric and geocentric theory? (Geocentric is pictured right). 22. “I think, therefore ______________.” ­ Rene Descartes 23. Scientific Revolution was caused by: extension of learning by recovering knowledge from Greeks/Romans, medieval universities, improvements in instruments. 24. Why was Galileo put under house arrest for the rest of his life? Age of Discovery/Exploration 25. Define mercantilism. 26. God, Gold, Glory, and Spices ­ briefly describe these motivations for exploration. 27. Magellan ­ was he worth defending? What he do that was noteworthy? Villainous (negative/evil)? 28. Spanish conquistadors ­ what impact did they have on the native populations in Central/South/North America?