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1. What is evolution?
2. What is the main theory opposed to evolution?
3. What ship did Charles Darwin travel on for his research?
4. What are the main arguments that favor evolutionism?
5. What are fossils?
6. How does the study of fossils strengthen the theory of evolution?
7. Historically what were the two main evolutionary theories?
8. What is meant by the law of use and disuse and by the law of the transmission of
acquired characteristics?
9. What is lamarckism
10. Who was Charles Darwin?
11. What is the mechanism described by Darwin that eliminates species less adapted to
environmental conditions?
12. How did Darwin reach the principle of natural selection from the observation of
differences among individuals of the same species?
13. Give an example of natural selection?
14. What are the fundamental similarities and differences between lamarckism and
15. What is the modern darwinist theory?
16. Where did Darwin do most of his studies for evolution?
17What are some animals found in the Galapagos?
18. What is reproductive isolation?
19. What is the relationship between the concept of reproductive isolation and the concept
of speciation?
20. What is speciation?
21. Why does geographical isolation lead to speciation?
22. What book did Darwin write?
23. When did the beagles voyage begin?
24. What did Darwin do on the beagle?
25. What is the difference between analogous and homologous organs?