Download MARINE BIOLOGY Unit 5 Marine Classification, Autotrophs

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Unit 5 Marine Classification, Autotrophs & Plankton
1. Define, use correctly, and give/recognize examples of the vocabulary words.
2. Identify the 6 Kingdoms of living things & their general characteristics.
3. Identify the Kingdoms that include marine autotrophs.
4. Identify types of marine flowering plants, where they grow & their adaptations.
5. Describe the general characteristics (appearance, structure, habitats & adaptations)
of the 3 main groups of alga (seaweeds).
6. Describe the many different ways that alga (seaweeds) are used by humans.
7. Be able to identify the following seaweeds:
 Sea lettuce (Ulva lactuca)
 Cladophora (Cladophora sericea)
 Coralline Red Algae (crust & Corallina vancouveriensis)
 Dulse (Pepper dulce) (Palmaria)
 Irish moss (Chondrus crispus) **
 Rockweed (Fucus distichus)
 Bull kelp (Nereocystis)
 Giant kelp (Macrocystis)
 Winged kelp (Alaria marginata)
 Laminaria (Lessoniopsis littoralis)
8. Distinguish between phytoplankton & zooplankton.
9. Identify & describe the major factors that determine plankton population sized and
the primary productivity of different parts of the ocean.
10. Summarize the major characteristics of each of the following groups of plankton &
identify examples of each using a microscope or pictures.
 Cyanobacteria
 Copepods
 Diatoms
 Krill
 Dinoflagellates
 Jellyplankton
 Foraminiferans
 Siphonophores
 Radiolarians
 Arrow worms
 Ciliates
 Nauplius larva
11. Describe paralytic shellfish poisoning; its causes, symptoms & prevention.
12. Describe bioluminescence and identify the plankton groups that use this.
 Heterotroph
 Autotroph
 Seaweed
 Kelp
 Thallus
 Holdfast
 Stipe
 Blade
 Air bladder
 Agar (where from & used for)
 Algin (where from & used for)
 Carrageenin (where from & used for)
 Phytoplankton
 Zooplankton
 Cilia
 Flagella
 Pseudopodia
 Bacterioplankton
 Holoplankton
 Meroplankton
 Primary productivity
 Bioluminescence
 Red tide
 Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP)