Download Chapter 25 Review: 1. It was China that came to the aid of ______

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Chapter 25 Review:
1. It was China that came to the aid of ____________ _____________ during the Korean War.
2. The “iron curtain” was the term that split Europe between ___________________________ and
___________________________ nations.
3. One goal of the _____________________ ________ was to give aid to Western European nations
to revive hope.
4. In order to try to gain control of West Berlin, the _____________ ____________ set up a total
blockade cutting off that section of the city.
5. ____________ was charted to maintain world peace on June 26, 1945.
6. In _____________civil war, the United States backed the Nationalists, led by Jiang Jieshi.
7. ______________ was split along the 38th parallel.
8. The American public still saw General MacArthur as a hero after President __________________
fired him.
9. The __________________ war military spending increased and became a larger proportion of
future budgets.
10. On ______________________ __ _________ the Soviet Union set off an atomic bomb, causing a
sudden change in U.S.-Soviet relation.
11. Italy and the United Kingdom were members of _________________.
12. ________________ is going to the brink of all-out war.
13. ______________________ is making accusations without evidence.
14. The __ __ __ participated in the Cold War by carrying out secret operations in other countries.
15. In Korea the Cold War was “_________” and U.S. soldiers fought and died.
16. In 1954, __ ______________ ____________________ was investigated and denied future access
to classified information because he had friends and family who belonged to the Communist
17. The ______________________ were found guilty of being spies but were executed.
18. Senator ________________ first announced that the State Departments was infested with
communists at a campaign rally.
19. It was Winston Churchill that first spoke of the “__________ ______________.”
20. The ____________ _________________ stated that the United States would interfere with the
spread of communism.
21. During the Cold War, the ____________ ____________ had control of South Korea.
22. The _________________ meant that someone will not be hired because they may be communist.
23. The ________ investigated the Hollywood Big Ten due to alleged communist blacklist ties.
24. _____________________ was a term used to describe extreme, reckless, charges.
25. _______________ ______ is a term used to achieve specific goals rather than total defeat of the
26. __________ _________ is an endless race to acquire greater numbers of more and more powerful
27. The _______________ _________ was a defensive military alliance between the USSR and its
28. ________________ _________________ _______________ is having so many weapons that both
sides would be totally destroyed in an all-out war.
29. _________________ _______________ was the U.S. policy to use force to help countries in the
Middle East fend off communism.
30. _________________ __________________ was the general in command of the U.S. forces in the
Korean War.
31. _________________ ______________ was getting supplies into West Berlin after World War II
via air planes.
32. A _______________ ____________ is a weaker countries that were dominated by the USSR.
33. _________________ _________________ chose to enter the port at Inchon for a counterattack
against North Korea.
34. ________________ Europe was Communist and_______________ Europe was Democratic.
35. Trench warfare returned in the _______________ _______.
36. China became a Communist country under the rule of _________ ______________.
37. The Sputnik was the first successful __________________ launched into space.
38. The Truman Doctrine was put into effect in ____________________ and _________________.
39. One effect of the Berlin Airlift was that it caused the ______________ ________________ to gain
40. NATO was a _________________ _______________ for the Western European nations.