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CC Geometry
Transformation Review
Match the word to the definition:
1) Basic Rigid Motion __
2) Congruent __
3) Image __
4) Isometry __
5) Maps __
6) Pre-image __
7) Reflection __
8) Rotation __
9) Translation __
a) moving a pre-image point to an image point
b) the original point
c) transformation that slides a figure
d) when a shape preserves length and angle
e) equal in measure
f) transformation that turns a figure a specific
number of degrees
g) the point or figure after a transformation
h) transformation usually form a flip over a line
i) transformation that preserves distance
2) Which rotation is equivalent to R-50 ?
a) R50
b) R130
c) R-130
d) R 310
3) Which the proper translation notation for moving a figure 2 units to the left
and 3 units up?
a) T-2, 3
b) T2, -3
c) T-3, 2
d) T 3, -2
4) Write the correct sequencing of transformation for
5) Construct
T’R’Y’ under rs( TRY)
ABC to map onto
6) Find the angle of rotation for which the quadrilateral SNOW maps to
quadrilateral S’N’O’W’
7) Rectangle SLED has coordinates S(-2, 0), L(0, 5), E(6, 4) and D(6, -3). The
image, after a translation, has coordinates S’(-7, -7), L(-5, -2), E(1, -3) and
D(1, -10). Draw the pre-image, the image , the vector that defines the translation
and state the translation.
8) Given the regular octagon, find each of the following:
a) R-135 (D)
b) R90 (AH)
c) rBF (G)
d) rGC ( EFG)
9) Draw all lines of symmetry for the figures below.
10) Using the diagram below, name the rigid motion that maps 1 to 2.
Write the congruence states and all pairs of corresponding sides and angles.
Congruent Statement: _______________
Corresponding sides: ____________
Corresponding angles: ____________