Download Plants Study Guide 1. The green pigment found in specialized plant

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Plants Study Guide
1. The green pigment found in specialized plant structures is called ______________________________________.
2. Describe a characteristic that all plants share. _____________________________________________________
3. Organisms that produce their own food are called __________________________________________________.
4. The energy that powers photosynthesis comes from ________________________________________________.
5. During photosynthesis, plants produce ___________________________________________________________.
6. A ______________________________ is a group of similar cells that perform a specific function in an organism.
7. Two structures found in plant cells but NOT in animal cells are ________________________________________.
8. What plant cell structure stores water? ___________________________________________________________
9. When using a microscope, if you see green structures within a cell they are most likely ____________________.
10. What does the leaf’s cuticle reduce? _____________________________________________________________
11. The system of tubelike structures in a plant through which water, minerals, and food move is _______________.
12. A moss is a type of ________________________________ plant.
13. What part of the plant transports water and nutrients from the root to the plant’s stem and leaves? _________
14. What happens in the phloem? __________________________________________________________________
15. Why must ferns live in moist environments? _______________________________________________________
16. Gymnosperms and angiosperms both have ________________________.
17. What type of plants produces seeds inside flowers or fruits? _________________________________________
18. What are the three functions of roots? ___________________________________________________________
19. Root hairs help a plant ________________________________________________________________________.
20. What part of a woody stem forms rings that indicate the tree’s age? ___________________________________
21. A tree has 8 light rings and 8 dark rings. How old is it? ______________________________________________
22. Gases pass in and out of a leaf through the ________________________________________________________.
23. The process by which water evaporates from a plant’s leaves is known as _______________________________.
24. The three parts of a seed are ___________________________________________________________________.
25. Germination will not happen unless a seed ________________________________________________________.
26. Animals are helpful to plants in the process of _____________________________________________________.
27. If a plant has flowers with colorful petals, would you expect wind or animals to disperse it? Explain. __________
28. Are the structures labeled A and B, male or female reproductive structures? _____________________________
29. Together, the structures labeled C, D, and E in the diagram are called what? _____________________________
30. Identify the letter of the structure in the flower that protects the seed. _________________________________
31. The stages of a plant’s life cycle are ______________________________________________________________.
32. What produces egg and sperm cell during the life cycle of a plant? _____________________________________
33. Flowering plants that complete a life cycle within one growing season are called _________________________.
34. Because it lives for many years, a maple tree is a(n) _________________________________________________.
35. The product of the union of sperm and egg is a(n) __________________________________________________
36. The ovules of a pine tree are found in its _________________________________________________________.
37. A plant’s growth response toward or away from a stimulus is called a __________________________________.
38. A grapevine coiling around a fence post is an example of _____________________________________________.
39. What tropism do roots display when they respond to the environment by growing downward? ______________
40. What determines the time of flowering in many plants? ______________________________________________
41. A period when a plant’s growth or activity stops is called ____________________________________________.
42. When chlorophyll in leaves breaks down, what pigments become visible?_______________________________.
43. The vegetables, fruits, and cereals that people eat all come from _____________________________________.
44. Name two products made by gymnosperms. ______________________________________________________
45. Explain how plants are important in our everyday lives. _____________________________________________
**An experiment question will also be on the test, where you will have to identify the independent variable,
dependent variable, control, and controlled variables.