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Name: ______________________________ Pd: ____ Test Date: __________________
Study guide for Weather Assessment
Scientists who study weather and try to predict it are called __Meteorologists __.
The Atmosphere
A. The atmosphere is the layer of _Gasses
__ that surrounds the
B. As you rise upward in the atmosphere pressure __Decreases__.
C. The less mass in a given volume of air the __Less__ dense the air.
D. Earth’s atmosphere traps heat from the sun, which allows _Water__ to
exist as a __Liquid_.
E. The ozone layer protects living things on Earth from ____Ultraviolet_
_______Radiation_____. (UV Rays)
A. Heat from the sun reaches you by Radiation.
B. Convection takes place because cold air is more dense.
C. Cool air tends to be more ____Dense_ and flow under ___Warm__ air.
A. The freezing point of pure water on the Celsius scale is _0 degrees C.
B. Two conditions are required for the formation of clouds are the cooling
of the air and the presence of __Particles/dust_ in the air.
C. Any form of water that falls from clouds is called ____Precipitation__.
D. The four main types of precipitation are rain, snow, sleet and hail.
Air Masses and Fronts
A. Cold, dry air affecting the northern United States in winter often comes
from Continental Polar air masses.
B. What kind of weather would continental tropical air mass that formed
over northern Mexico bring to the southwestern United States?
________Dry______ and ______Hot_______.
C. When a rapidly moving cold air mass overtakes a slow-moving warm air
The result is a ____Cold____ front. Cold fronts can cause thunderstorms.
When a warm air mass and a cold air mass meet and neither can
move the result is a _______Stationary_____ front.
E. When a warm air mass overtakes a cold air mass it forms a __Warm___