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Quick Check
Section 1: Cell Discovery and Theory
After reading the section in your textbook, respond to each statement.
1. Describe the discovery of the cell. Mention Robert Hooke and Anton
van Leeuwenhoek in your answer.
2. Summarize the three parts of the cell theory.
3. List three characteristics or structures that all cells share.
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
4. Evaluate the impact of microscope technology on the modern study of cells.
5. Differentiate between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells.
Unit 2
CHAPTER 7 Cellular Structure and Function
Quick Check
Section 2: The Plasma Membrane
After reading the section in your textbook, respond to each statement.
1. Identify three components of the plasma membrane other than phospholipids.
2. Describe the structure of the phospholipid bilayer.
3. State the function of the plasma membrane as it relates to homeostasis.
4. Predict what would happen to a cell if its plasma membrane lost its selective
permeability. Explain.
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
5. Clarify why the surface of the plasma membrane can be described as a mosaic.
Cellular Structure and Function CHAPTER 7
Unit 2
Quick Check
Section 3: Structures and Organelles
After reading the section in your textbook, respond to each statement.
1. List the two major components of the cytoskeleton of a cell.
2. Identify a structure other than a cell wall or a vacuole that might be found in a
plant cell but not in an animal cell. Explain why an animal cell would not have the
structure you identify.
3. Cite the essential cell processes that organelles perform.
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
4. Infer why muscle cells contain more mitochondria than do skin cells.
5. Depict the role of lysosomes within a cell, using the metaphor of a factory. Explain.
Unit 2
CHAPTER 7 Cellular Structure and Function
Quick Check
Section 4: Cellular Transport
After reading the section in your textbook, respond to each statement.
1. Name the two transport processes that allow large substances to cross the
plasma membrane.
2. Identify three transport processes in cells that do not require energy.
3. Evaluate the relative environments inside and outside the cell when a cell is said to
be in dynamic equilibrium with its environment.
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
4. Predict the appearance of an egg after the following procedure is performed:
An egg is soaked in a vinegar solution to remove the hard shell, leaving the inner
membrane intact. The egg is then placed in a solution of salt water overnight. As
part of your answer, explain what kind of solution the salt water is, relative to the
egg’s interior.
5. Distinguish between diffusion and active transport.
Cellular Structure and Function CHAPTER 7
Unit 2