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2-1 Integers and Absolute Value
Write an integer for each situation. Then graph on a number line.
1. a bank withdrawal of $500
SOLUTION: Because it is a bank withdrawal of $500, the integer is –500. The integer –500 is less than zero and should be
graphed to the left of zero on the number line.
2. a gain of 4 pounds
SOLUTION: Because it is a gain of 4 pounds, the integer is +4 or 4. The integer 4 is greater than zero and should be graphed to
the right of zero on the number line.
Write two inequalities using the number pairs. Use the symbols < or >.
3. 2 and –5
SOLUTION: The integer 2 is greater than 0 and is to the right of zero on the number line. The integer –5 is less than zero and is to
the left of zero on the number line. So, 2 is greater than –5. This relationship can be shown by the inequalities 2 > –5
and –5 < 2.
4. –4 and –8
SOLUTION: Both of the integers –4 and –8 are less than zero and are located to the left of zero on the number line. The integer
–8 is to the left of –4 on the number line. So, –4 is greater than –8. This relationship can be shown by the inequalities
–4 > –8 and v8 < –4.
5. –1 and 1
SOLUTION: The integer 1 is greater than 0 and will be to the right of zero on the number line. The integer –1 is less than zero
and will be to the left of zero on the number line. So, 1 is greater than –1. This relationship can be shown by the
inequalities 1 > –1 and –1 < 1.
Replace each _ with <, >, or = to make a true sentence.
6. –9 _ –16
SOLUTION: Because the integer –9 is to the right of –16 on the number line, –9 is greater than –16. So, –9 > –16.
7. –7 _ 7
SOLUTION: Because the integer –7 is to the left of 7 on the number line, –7 is less than 7. So, –7 < 7.
8. –6 _ 0
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SOLUTION: Because the integer –6 is to the left of 0 on the number line, –6 < 0.
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7. –7 _ 7
2-1 SOLUTION: Integers and Absolute Value
Because the integer –7 is to the left of 7 on the number line, –7 is less than 7. So, –7 < 7.
8. –6 _ 0
SOLUTION: Because the integer –6 is to the left of 0 on the number line, –6 < 0.
9. TEMPERATURES Order the state temperatures from least to greatest.
SOLUTION: Graph each temperature on a number line.
Write the numbers as they appear from left to right. The state temperatures –80, –48, –45, –39, –34, –27, –23, –2,
and 12 are in order from least to greatest.
Evaluate each expression.
10. SOLUTION: The absolute value of a number is the distance the number is from zero on the number line. So,
11. SOLUTION: 12. SOLUTION: ALGEBRA Evaluate each expression if x = 7 and y = – 6.
13. SOLUTION: 14. SOLUTION: eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero
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2-1 Integers and Absolute Value
14. SOLUTION: 15. SOLUTION: eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero
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