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Clinical Science( 1986) 71, 231-238
23 1
Parathyroid hormone and Lone
I Bone
Disease Research Group, MRC Clinical Research Centre and Northwick Park Hospital, Harrow, Middlesex,
U.K., and ZHormonesDivision, National Institute for Biological Standards and Control, Harnpstead, London
Nearly sixty years ago Mandl demonstrated that
removal of a parathyroid tumour could reverse the
associated bone softening and cyst formation of
osteitis fibrosa [ l , 21. Over the next 20 years,
various investigators showed that animals treated
with impure parathyroid extract (PTE) in moderate
dosage given daily or on alternate days could
increase their trabecular bone density [3-91. In these
experiments, in the first few days, osteoclastic
resorption and fibrous tissue proliferation were
observed; an increase in osteoblastic activity
followed later [7]. Higher doses of PTE led to the
more familiar pictures of massive continued bone
loss or osteitis fibrosa [4,9]. Considerable advances
have since been made in understanding how parathyroid peptides stimulate the cellular events leading to bone renewal, both physiologically and in
pathological states in which high plasma concentrations of parathyroid hormone (PTH) are found.
However, their precise role in the regulation of the
balance between bone formation and resorption still
remains obscure.
Within a small volume of bone, at the intermediary level between the cell and the organ, tissue
renewal is organized by a co-operating group of
cells, named the ‘basic multicellular unit’ (BMU)by
Frost [lo]. The normal skeleton contains 105-106
BMU. Some cells (eg. osteoblasts and osteocytes)
are derived from the stromal (fibroblastic) system of
bone or marrow [ll]; osteoclasts are believed to
originate in the haemopoietic system and in some
respects resemble macrophages [ 121, but do not
share their surface markers [ 131. Previous speculations that the two bone cell types shared a common
stem cell [ 141have been disproved [ 111.
Abbreviations: BMU, basic multicellular unit(s); PTE,
parathyroid extract; PTH, parathyroid hormone; hPTH
1-34, 1-34 fragment of synthetic human PTH.
Correspondence: Dr J. Reeve, Bone Disease Research
Group, Clinical Research Centre, Watford Road, Harrow,
Middlesex HA1 3UJ, U.K.
Normally, in man, iliac trabecular bone remodelling takes about 4 months. Resorption is initiated by
osteoclasts, perhaps prompted by another cell type.
First a collagen-poor cement line is laid down
during a phase when the resorption surface is predominantly populated with cells with single nuclei,
including pre-osteoblasts [ 151; bone formation then
begins 5-10 weeks after the initiation of bone
resorption [16]. Osteoid is laid down on the cement
line and the lag time to its mineralization is normally
12 days or more, being very much longer in diseases
such as osteomalacia [ 171. However, even in health
not all osteoid is mineralizing simultaneously; in
normal man 30% appears to be ‘resting’ [lo, 181.
After remodelling is complete it is thought that perhaps 30% of osteoblasts survive to transform into
resting bone surface or ‘buried‘ osteocytes, which
have distinctive responses to PTH in vivo as will be
discussed. Because osteocytes do not make bone in
significant amounts, an important functional distinction is made by histomorphometrists between
these cells and their parents, the osteoblasts. The
origin of the two functionally distinct cell types
from the same lineage presents potential difficulties
in the interpretation of studies in vitro of bone cells
grown in culture.
In this review, the influence of PTH peptides on
bone tissue in vivo and in vitro is contrasted with
their effects on isolated cells. An attempt is made to
identify those problems which must be addressed in
future research. For an excellent in-depth review of
this topic up to 1976, readers are referred to Parfitt
[19-221 and earlier information was summarized by
Parsons & Potts [23].
Effects of PTH on cultured bone tissue
Studies by Barnicot [24] and Chang [25] on the
osteolytic effects of parathyroid tissue transplanted
into close proximity to cranial bone heralded the
development of tissue culture techniques by Gail-
J. Reeve and J. M . Zatielli
lard [26]for studying effects of parathyroid peptides
on bone in vitro. Bone from neonates, or fetal bone
from the last third of the gestational period, was
found to dissolve over a few days in culture in the
presence of high concentrations of PTE [26-321.
The degrees of histological and biochemical
changes seen in the bone and culture fluid were in
some cases proportional to the concentration of
added parathyroid activity, leading to the development of bioassay systems [28, 321.
Gaillard showed that PTE increased both the
number and activity of osteoclasts [27]. More
recently, Stern et al. [33] have found that a calcium
ionophore, which increases intracellular calcium,
promotes osteoclast formation, and Lowik et al.
[34] using the indicator Quin 2 have demonstrated
that intracellular calcium is increased by PTH. Parathyroid hormone is well known to increase cyclic
AMP production in the kidney [35] and some bone
systems [36, 371. It may therefore act on cells by
increasing the intracellular concentrations of two
recognized secondary messengers which may act
independently or synergistically [38]. Further progress in understanding the biochemical actions of
PTH at the target cell membrane would be facilitated by the characterization of the PTH receptor
molecule(s), a task which has presented considerable techniml difficulties [39].
Using longer-term cultures, tioldhaber showed
that despite the early disappearance of osteoblasts,
spontaneous bone resorption was eventually followed by bone formation [30]. Subsequently, Herrmann-Erlee et al. [40] showed that, at low
concentrations, PTH and particularly its 1-34
human N-terminal fragment caused net increases in
the amount of bone formed in vitro. Howard et al.
obtained a soluble factor (molecular weight
approximately 83 000 daltons) released from bone
after stimulation by bone resorbing agents such as
PTH, which induced subsequent bone formation
[41], probably because it was mitogenic for osteoblast precursors [42]. This harked back to earlier
work of Bingham et al. [43], who showed that
tritiated uridine incorporation into osteoblast-like
cells showed a biphasic response to PTH.
Effects of PTH on bone cells in v i m
The difficulties of unravelling the biochemical
mechanisms of PTH actions on cell populations in
intact bone have emphasized the importance of
studying PTH effects on isolated populations of
identified bone cells. However, techniques for purifying bone cells have not yet progressed to the point
at which functionally homogeneous preparations of
osteoblastic or osteoclastic cell lines can be
By studying separated individual multinucleated
osteoclasts which can be shown under the microscope to resorb bone, Chambers and his colleagues
[44, 451 have circumvented some of the difficulties
associated with mixed cell cultures and shed light
on the relationship between PTH and osteoclastic
bone resorption. Whereas calcitonin inhibited the
motility of osteoclasts and prevented them from
creating resorption pits on slices of devitalized
cortical bone, PTH in various concentrations was
without any effect. Braidman and her colleagues
[46] used an enzymatic digestion procedure applied
to early postnatal calvaria followed by Percoll
density centrifugation to obtain cultures or osieoclast-like cells more homogeneous than those previously obtained with the techniques of Wong &
Cohn [47]. Whereas Wong & Cohn [48] had
observed that their ‘osteoclast-like’ cells responded
to PTH, Braidman et al. did not [46], supporting the
conclusions of Chambers et al.
Several approaches to the study of osteoblasts in
culture have been developed. The sequential
enzyme digestion technique of Wong & Cohn [48]
was applied to embryonic or neonatal bone and
used to harvest cells released late during digestion.
These cells had morphological and biochemical
characteristics of osteoblasts, and responded to
PTH, but not to calcitonin [49]. In Braidman’s
refined system these observations were confirmed
[46]. Another approach has been to culture bone
marrow cells in media which favour stromal cell
populations. Fibroblastic cells with many characteristics of osteoblasts have been grown, cloned and
serially passaged from rabbit, guinea pig and human
bone marrow [50, 511. Rabbit cells, when enclosed
within diffusion chambers implanted into the peritoneal cavities of host rabbits (separating the cells
from host cells, but not from macromolecules),
form bone, cartilage and fibrous tissue in variable
proportions [52, 531. Further experiments with
cloned cells by Friedenstein, who reimplanted them
under the kidney capsule in uivo [54], have shown
that a single clone can develop a whole stromal
environment for colonization by host haemopoietic
cells to form a marrow ‘organ’.This and other work
summarized by Owen [ 111 has led to the realizations that osteoblasts may share a common stromal
stem cell, not only with osteocytes, but with other
marrow cell types such as the fibroblastic cells of
the marrow reticular network, chondroblasts and
adipocytes [ 11, 551. It is also generally agreed that
many osteoblasts eventually transform into osteocytes in vivo, but the possibility that analogous
changes may occur in long-term bone cell cultures
in vitro has not yet received attention.
Parathyroid hormone and bone
Mixed cell cutures are well known to cause difficulties in studying single cell types because alterations occur in relative growth rates when different
cell types are grown together in vitro. Therefore it is
important to recognize that studies on ‘osteoblastlike’ cells grown in mixed cultures will require validation when techniques become available to
differentiate further cells able to form bone from
cells which are not. In particular, since the proportion of ‘osteoblasts’ in a cell culture population may
decrease under culture conditions, negative results
from experiments should be treated with caution.
As an example of this problem from another field,
Tyrrell et al. were able to show that the reported
insensitivity of many mixed cultures of pneumocytes to respiratory virus infections was due to the
relative disappearance in culture of the rather
slowly dividing type II pneumocytes; when cloned,
the vulnerability of the type II cells to infection was
demonstrable [56]. However, cell cloning alone will
not solve the problem of obtaining pure preparations of osteoblasts or osteocytes if each colony is
generated by a multipotential ‘stem’ cell.
Because of such problems, a number of groups
have used malignant cell lines derived or cloned
from induced transplantable osteogenic sarcomata
from rats, to study the biochemical interactions
between PTH peptides and the osteoblast-like cell
[57-601. These studies have been useful in defining
the actions of PTH on a number of cellular activities
[60]. However, the intrinsic growth potential of
transformed cells, with their tendency to produce
transforming growth factors, renders them unsuitable for consideration of the effect of PTH on
growth patterns of normal osteoblasts.
Based on studies with transformed and untransformed cells, certain conclusions may be drawn
[60]. Isolated osteoblast-like cells respond to PTH
with cyclic AMP production. They also respond to
the prostaglandin PGE, and calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D). They are capable of producing
collagenase, plasminogen activator [613, prostaglandins [60] and osteocalcin [62]. When added to the
osteoclast culture system of Chambers et al., mixed
populations of stromal cells which come in close
proximity to active osteoclasts can promote their
recovery from calcitonin-induced immobility [63].
Braidman et al., using cytochemical techniques,
have shown that PTH indirectly stimulates an
increase in osteoclast acid phosphatase activity,
provided that the osteoclast is co-cultured with an
‘osteoblast-like’ cell 1641. This evidence of an indirect effect of PTH on osteoclasts may help resolve
the paradox of the differing effects of PTH on
osteoclasts in tissue culture and on isolated osteoclasts observed in the systems of Chambers and
When continuously exposed to PTH, osteoblastlike cells reduce their synthesis of collagen [65]. On
the other hand, short ( < 24 h) exposures of such
cells to PTH increase their mitotic activity after
transfer to a PTH-free medium [66].
Studies of PTH in vivo
The intact organism integrates various processes
which determine the overall effects of PTH on the
skeleton. There is reason to believe that the first
action of PTH is to modulate the number of BMU
that are active in a given volume of bone [20].
Secondly, at the level of the individual BMU, PTH
may influence the activity [27] of the osteoclasts and
the functional lifespan of the osteoblasts [67], as
well as the birth rates of the two cell types.
The third action of PTH on bone is to promote,
via an exchange with K + [68], calcium efflux from
the so-called exchangeable pools of bone calcium in
proximity to osteocytes [69, 701, which leads to a
rapid increase in the plasma calcium level. It is
believed that this effect is the result of a direct
action of PTH on these cells, and that calcitonin
exerts its rapid hypocalcaemic action by having the
opposite effect [70]. With the action of PTH in
causing renal retention of calcium [71], the osteocytes are substantially responsible for short-term
plasma calcium homoeostasis, to which the other
actions of PTH in promoting changes in bone turnover contribute comparatively little [711. Interestingly, the immediate effect of intravenously
injected PTH on bone cells is to promote an influx
of plasma calcium into bone [72];the more familiar
calcaemic action of PTH develops subsequently,
and in chicks may be augmented by prior intravenous injection of calcium [73]. After surgical removal of a parathyroid adenoma, Mazzuoli has
observed a complementary response in that plasma
calcium transiently rises before the expected fall
[74]; termination of chronic hypercalcaemic PTH
infusions in dogs gave results compatible with these
observations [75].
All of these effects of PTH are influenced by its
presentation to bone cell receptors. The pattern of
exposure, as well as the integrated dose of PTH,
might potentially affect the secondary responses of
individual bone receptors as well as their density on
individual cells. Therefore, in addition to the mean
rate of hormone secretion, the glandular secretion
pattern and the disposal dynamics of endogenous
PTH are potentially important regulators of bone
cell function. Indeed, Atkinson et al. have found
evidence for altered PTH disposal in primary
biliary cirrhosis (possibly due to Kupffer cell dysfunction) [76] and in low turnover idiopathic osteoporosis 1771.
J. Reeve and J. M. Zanelli
When administered to the intact mammal in
supraphysiological doses, PTH and its derivatives
produce a remarkable range of effects. Iliac trabecular bone volume in primary hyperparathyroidism is usually normal or near-normal [67], with
evidence of increased remodelling due to a corresponding increase in the rate of initiation of new
BMU. In the trabecular bone of the distal radius,
osteopenia is usually seen, as it is in the cortical
bone of the periphery [78,79].
In primary hyperparathyroidism without overt
osteitis fibrosa, the history of the osteoblastic phase
of the typical axial trabecular BMU has been reconstructed by Charhon et al. [67]. Except in premenopausal women (the only sub-group to suffer a
measurable deficit in axial trabecular bone), the
effective lifespan of the osteoblasts was increased,
although at the cell level there was a slight reduction
in the rate of work of the individual osteoblast. In
very severe hyperparathyroidism, when accompanied by osteitis fibrosa, the differing effects on
cortical and trabecular bone may become more
accentuated, with severe cortical osteopenia accompanying preserved values of axial trabecular bone
volume. In hyperparathyroidism associated with
renal failure, disordered vitamin D metabolism and
hyperphosphataemia commonly modify the effects
of excess parathyroid hormone concentrations, and
axial trabecular bone volume may be increased.
In contrast to clinical hyperparathyroidism and
continuous infusions of active N-terminal parathyroid peptides [80,811, daily subcutaneous or
intravenous injections of these peptides have been
found to cause marked effects on indices of trabecular bone mass and turnover without resulting in
more than transient post-injection hypercalcaemia
[3-9, 82-84]. The diaphyseal sclerosis of rat long
bones resulting from daily injections of a crude
parathyroid extract was also shown to be due to
PTH [84] rather than to calcitonin [85]. In patients
with osteoporosis, a trial of the 1-34 fragment of
synthetic human PTH (hPTH 1-34) given by daily
injections was found to cause a substantial increase,
to a mean of about 70% above baseline values, in
trabecular bone volume in the iliac crest as well as
increased indices of bone turnover [82]. Increases
in trabecular bone volume were found to correlate
with maximal achieved indices of bone formation
[82]. A recent report has noted similar increases in
the trabecular bone density of the lumbar spine,
measured with computed tomography [86],
although in this study calcitriol in low dosage was
added to the treatment regimen.
There have been suggestions that bone is more
responsive to N-terminal active fragments of PTH
than to the intact hormone. The synthetic 1-34 fragment caused a larger cyclic AMP response by bone
than did the intact hormone in dogs [87] and these
results have been confirmed in mice 1881. However,
cyclic AMP has not been shown to mediate the
physiological response of bone to PTH, and Herrmann-Erlee et al. found a dissociation between
bone resorption and cyclic AMP response to PTH
in tissue culture [89].
Studies were carried out in dogs and rats to
investigate the mechanisms of the anabolic effects
of hPTH 1-34. Daily injections markedly increased
iliac trabecular bone volumes in both species [81,
831just as they did in patients with idiopathic osteoporosis [82]. In rats, daily injections were also found
to result in increases in total body calcium relative
to values in controls [go]. However, when administered by continuous intravenous or subcutaneous
infusions, there were no increases in iliac trabecular
bone [80,811, and the study by Tam et al. in rats
[83] suggested that the difference was due to a relatively greater increase in resorption with the infusion regimen, associated with hypercalcaemia at
higher doses.
When given by a single subcutaneous injection to
man, the appearance of hPTH 1-34 in the circulation was found to be brief [91], and the measurable
effects on renal function to last little more than 4 h
after injection [92]. It is generally appreciated that
PTH bioassays in vivo which depend on the hypercalcaemic response to intravenously injected PTH
involve massive, if transient, elevations of plasma
PTH levels. For example, in the relatively sensitive
chick hypercalcaemia assay [73], to achieve a rise in
plasma calcium of 1.5 mmol/l it is necessary to raise
the plasma PTH concentration by 4-5 orders of
magnitude, assuming that bioactive PTH levels in
man and the chick are comparable [93]. It therefore
seems likely that the absence of hypercalcaemia
associated with daily injections of parathyroid peptides is related to the brevity of the effects of such
dose regimens on the kidney and the osteocytes
regulating the exchangeable bone pools of calcium.
In contrast, the increase in bone formation, which
takes from 4 to 7 days in the rat [7] and probably
longer than 5 weeks to develop in man [82, 941,
implies that daily injections of parathyroid peptides
require a similar period to cause a significant
increase in the number of activated BMU.
This encouraged the idea that these newly activated BMU could be further influenced by ‘coherence’ therapy [95, 961. This concept involves
increasing the birthrate of new BMU by cyclic
periods of treatment (eg. with PTH), after each of
which osteoclastic resorption should be selectively
depressed and bone formation encouraged to continue, mediated by the newly induced population of
normally relatively long-lived osteoblasts. However,
activation of a new BMU may require more than
Parathyroid hormone and bone
just a brief triggering stimulus with a parathyroid
peptide. The only trial of such an approach so far
reported with PTH,in which each of the 12 activation phases was of just 1 week‘s duration (and
osteoclast depression was attempted by 3 weeks of
PTH withdrawal), did not induce increased osteoblast activation despite clearcut success in depressing osteoclastic resorption [97].Thus the result of
a total of 12 weeks’ treatment with hPTH 1-34
spread over a year was an overall reduction in bone
turnover, in direct contrast to the daily injection
There remain many fascinating questions concerning the interaction of other agents with the
PTH-bone cell relationship. In normal women, the
role of oestrogens in reducing bone resorption relative to formation [98]might be through a modification of the response of bone to PTH. The
biochemical basis for such an action remains
obscure; as yet there is no convincing demonstration of oestrogen receptors in bone. Thyroid hormone concentrations, besides affecting overall
levels of remodelling activity, may influence the
balance between bone formation and resorption
[95, 991, as glucocorticoids certainly do [loo].
Malignant cells may markedly influence responses
to endogenous PTH either locally through secretion
of cytokines [ l o l l or at a distance by secretion of
circulating factors which have some of the characteristics of PTHitself [ 1021.
Conclusions and future investigations
Despite the vast literature that has accumulated on
the action of PTH on bone, this remains a fertile
field for future investigation.There is now a general
acceptance that parathyroid peptides act directly on
cells of the stromal system leading to osteoblast
proliferation, and a variety of effects on the osteocytes which are still being explored. Thereby, PTH
is intimately involved in both the long-termregulation of bone matrix turnover and the short-term
regulation of the concentration of calcium in the
extracellular fluid. However, much remains to be
learned of the biochemical mechanisms involved in
the interaction between the hormone and its target
cells. Specifically, the biochemistry of the FTH
receptor and the significance of intracellular events
triggered by hormone-receptor interactions, such
as increases in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
activity [103], will deservedly receive attention in
the immediate future. The biochemistry of hormone-receptor interactions, incidentally, is of considerable clinical interest, not least because of the
ability of non-PTH circulating products to activate
the PTH receptor in some cases of malignant hypercalcaemia [ 1041.
Further studies on the interaction between bone
surface osteocytes and osteoclasts will be crucial to
understanding the role of PTH in regulating bone
resorption and the rate of initiation of new basic
multicellular units. The hypothesis of Rodan &
Martin [lo51 may generate a number of detailed
variants which will need to be examined critically.
Experimental studies have shown that PTH
increases the spaces between adjacent osteocytes
[ 1061 and this has suggested a mechanism whereby
PTH may allow the osteoclasts access to uncovered
bone surfaces, leading to the initiation of ,resorption. The thin layer of under-mineralized matrix
beneath all surface osteocytes might still inhibit
resorption unless first removed by collagenase secreted by cells related to the osteocyte-osteoblast
lineage [ 1071.
While the rate at which new BMU are initiated
determines the rate of bone turnover, it does not in
itself determine the rate of bone loss or gain. In a
given volume of bone this is determined by the product of the mean loss or gain of bone in each BMU
and the rate of initiation of new BMU. In the
Haversian systems within the cortex of bone there
is, of course, no potential room for expansion; but
patterns of both loss and gain may be seen within
the three other bony ‘envelopes’: periosteal, endosteal and trabecular [108].
At the BMU level the initial loss of bone is determined by the number of osteoclasts, the rate at
which they work individually and the duration of
the osteoclastic phase. From use of a stochastic
model of BMU dynamics to analyse the effects of
daily injections of hPTH 1-34 in patients with
osteoporosis, it was concluded that increases in
trabecular bone volume of the magnitude observed
in some patients could only have been the result of
a substantial increase in effective osteoblast lifespan
[109], a phenomenon also observed directly in
patients treated successfully with sodium fluoride
plus calcium [110]. Conversely, before treatment,
many similar patients showed evidence of a reduced
effective osteoblast lifespan [ 1113 associated with
prolonged periods when the associated osteoid was
not mineralizing [17].The relationship of parathyroid peptides to the maturation and stabilization
of osteoblast populations clearly requires further
The application of new techniques to study the
proliferative potential of the osteoblast stem cell
and the study of the effects of parathyroid peptides
on the intermediary metabolism of bone cells and
proteins synthesized by such cells in isolation and in
tissue sections should have a profound influence on
our future understanding of the regulation of bone
in health and disease.
J. Reeve and J. M. Zanelli
We thank Maureen Owen, Pierre Meunier and
Michael Parfitt for helpful discussions.
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