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Article Analysis Form for Hock Forty Studies that Changed Psychology (Worth 5 points)
Article name: More Experience = Bigger Brain
Identify a Research Question and the Hypothesis(es) (Article Title and Theoretical Propositions section)
? = Are there differences in the brains of rats raised in enriched versus impoverished environments?
H = Rats raised in highly stimulating environments will demonstrate differences in brain growth and chemistry
when compared with rats reared in plain or dull circumstances.
Identify Method(s) used to gather data (Underline one or more) (Method section)
Test or Inventory
Survey or Questionnaire
Observation (Naturalistic or Laboratory)
Case study
Physiological or Biological measures (Autopsy)
Identify and Operationally Define variables being measured (Method section)
**Distinguish between independent and dependent variables ONLY if the study is an experiment. Otherwise,
just indicate the variable or variables being measured if it is a descriptive or correlational research design.
IV = Type of environment (1) Standard Laboratory, (2) Enriched Environment, (3) Impoverished Environment.
DV = Brain Development—The rats’ brains were measured, weighed, and analyzed to determine the amount of
cell growth and levels of neurotransmitter activity, with paying attention to one brain enzyme in particular—
Summarize the main Results or outcomes of the study related to the hypothesis(es) (Results section)
 The hypothesis was supported. Results indicated that the brains of the enriched rats were indeed
different from those of the impoverished rats in many ways.
 The cerebral cortex of the enriched rats was significantly heavier and thicker.
 There was greater activity of the nervous system enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which was found in the
brain tissue of the rats with the enriched experience.
 Although there were no differences in the number of brain cells (neurons) in the two groups of rats, the
enriched environment produced larger neurons.
 The ratio of RNA to DNA, the two most important brain chemicals for cell growth, was greater for the
enriched rats.
 The most consistent effect of experience on the brain that was found was the ratio of the weight of the
cortex to the weight of the rest of the brain: the sub-cortex, as the cortex increased in weight quite
readily to experience.
 The synapses of the enriched rats’ brains were 50% larger than those of the impoverished rats,
potentially allowing for increased brain activity.
Give one example of an ethical principle followed OR not followed and explain (See pages xv-xviii for help)
Since the use of human infants in this study would be highly unethical, researchers used rats instead. The APA
contends, “Animals are to be provided with humane care and healthful conditions during their stay in the
facility.” It seems the researchers followed APA guidelines in this study. Even the rats raised in the
impoverished environment were offered adequate food and water, and they seemed not to suffer from inhumane
care or unhealthy conditions during the study.