Download Chapter 7 (Human population) Study Guide

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Know the following information, facts, and definition for Chapter 7 quiz. Quiz consists of 29 multiple
choice and a free response question.
1. Birth rate definition.
2. Growth rate of population, definition, calculation and its impact ( positive and negative ) to the
number of population (e.g. if r is positive and constant the population decrease each year)
3. Compare the population growth rate in developing vs. developed country.
4. Factors that controls population (e.g average births/woman)
5. Exponential growth of population.
6. Be able to read and analyze the population age structure (pyramid)
7. Using the rule of 70 and doubling time concept and calculation.
8. Ecological foot print
9. Urban population represent ________% of world’s population.
10. Urban population consume _________% of world’s resources.
11. What is GDP? What is it includes of?
12. Thomas Malthus Theory.
13. If a country’s TFR equal to replacement-level fertility and emigration is equal to immigration
then population is _____________.
14. Infant Mortality Rate and Child Mortality Rate.
15. The world region with highest HIV infection is ______________.
16. Population momentum.
17. Calculating population size (Formula)
18. Human population estimated to stabilze between 6.8-10.5 billion by 2100.
19. Theory and various stages of demographic transition (the events that occur within each stage).