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4/1/14 Chapter 11: Sec/ons 1 & 3-­‐5 The Chemical Elements Chemistry, the study of •  Composi/on & structure of maAer •  Chemical change via reac/ons Homework: M: d-­‐g, i-­‐w & y; MC: 2, 5-­‐12; FIB: 1-­‐3, 5-­‐12; SA: 2-­‐4, 7-­‐9, 13, 16, 19, 20, 24-­‐27; Ex: 2-­‐18 (even), 22-­‐26 (even) & 30. Major Chemistry Divisions •  Physical Chem – applies physics theories
•  Analytical Chem – identifies and
quantitates substances
•  Organic Chemistry – carbon compounds
•  Inorganic Chemistry – non-carbon
•  Biochemistry – chemical reactions that
occur in living organisms
1 4/1/14 Classifica5on of Ma7er 2 4/1/14 Aqueous Solu5ons Supersaturated Solu/on Video 3 4/1/14 4 4/1/14 Elements: pure form or w/in compound Compound: neutral par/cle of two or more atoms 5 4/1/14 Diatomic Elements Allotropes of Oxygen Allotropes of Carbon 6 4/1/14 •  Mendeleev: organized by atomic mass •  Predicted Ga, Sc and Ge •  Current organiza/on: by atomic number 7 4/1/14 Valence e-­‐, Core e-­‐ & Ionic Charge •  Valence e-­‐: electrons in outer-­‐most shell •  Core e-­‐: next lowest noble gas •  Ionic charge: octet rule; noble gas configura/on Rela5ve Atomic Size 8 4/1/14 Ionization energy: amount of energy required
to remove an electron from an atom
Naming Compounds •  Ionic: metal w/ nonmetal •  Molecular (covalent): two or more nonmetals •  Excep/ons: H2O, NH3, CH4 •  Prefixes (molecular): mono, di, tri, tetra, penta, hexa, hepta, octa •  Polyatomic ions: acetate, bicarbonate, carbonate, hydroxide, nitrate, sulfate, phosphate, ammonium 9