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Revised 2/13
The Big Bang
1. What is the Big Bang Theory?
2. What is the approximate age of the Universe?
3. Where is the center of our universe?
Evidence for the Big Bang
4. What does a cosmologic red shift imply (objects moving toward us or away from us?
5. Describe the concept of the expansion of space, and compare the velocities of expansion with
distances of galaxies further away from us.
6. What is CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation)?
Expanding Space
7. Make a comparison about the expansion of space (raisin bread).
8. What does the latest evidence imply about the fate of our Universe?
What Makes Up the Known Universe
9. About how much “dark matter” and “dark energy” make up our known universe?
Light Speed
10. How fast does light travel in miles per second?
11. Who first proved that galaxies are located outside our own galaxy?
Galaxy Types
12. What three galactic types make up the Hubble classification of galaxies?
13. Where is the relative location of the older and younger stars in typical spiral galaxies?
14. Are collisions of galaxies rare? How do we know?
Grouping of Galaxies
15. Define a galaxy cluster.
16. What is an “Einstein cross” and what would cause this?
17. What makes up our largest structure in the known universe?
18. Give a simple definition of a nebula?
19. What is important about simple amino acids being found in nebula or molecular clouds?
Milky Way Galaxy
20. What is the name of our home galaxy?
21. How long does it take for our solar system to make one orbit about our galaxy?
22. What is the probable classification-type of galaxy for our home galaxy?
Globular Clusters
23. Give a simple definition of globular clusters?
Magellanic Clouds
24. Where must we go to see the Magellanic Clouds and what are they? (From where are they visible?)
Andromeda Galaxy
25. Describe the relative movement of the Andromeda galaxy and its possible consequences to our
Solar Systems - General
26. What are planetesimals?
Shape and Motion of Solar Systems
27. View from the “top”, which direction do our planets orbit our Sun?
Our Sun
28. What is the approximate diameter of our Sun in miles?
Classification of Stars
29. Based on temperature and brightness, our Sun is _________. (type of star)
30. What are the two types of super-giant stars?
Fate of Stars
31. Over time, what is the fate of our sun?
32. What might be the fate of our sun if it had more than 4 times its present mass?
Other Planets Not in Our Solar System (Exoplanets)
33. Which methods have been used to locate exoplanets?
Our Solar System of Planets
34. Name all the planets, in order from the Sun.
The Outer Giant Gas Planets
35. Compare the mass of Jupiter to the other planets.
Dwarf Planets and Plutoids
36. What criteria of heavenly bodies are being considered for “dwarf planet” and “Plutoid” status?
37. What is the composition of most moons (ice, rock,???)
38. Where are most asteroids located within our solar system?
39. Compare the mass of all known asteroids to a nearby heavenly body.
40. Which asteroid has the US landed a probe?
41. What three types of meteorites are there?
42. How many larger meteor craters are known in Texas?
Comets (For sure questions on the test)
43. What is the Oort Cloud and where is it located?
44. What is the Kuiper Belt and where is it located?
45. What causes meteor showers or shooting stars?
Our Moon
46. How do we explain the origin of our moon today?
47. What is the moon’s size compared to Earth?
48. When does the far side of the moon face Earth? (thinking question)
Page 12 Earth – Its Place in Our Solar System
A) Our book suggests that early Earth was: __________
Page 12 Earth – Its Place in Our Solar System
B) According to our book, what increased the temperature of our early Earth? ________
Page 12 Earth – Its Place in Our Solar System
C) According to our book, what was the most significant event in Earth’s history? ________
Page 15 The Terrestrial and Jovian Planets
D) What is unique about the planet Uranus? ______
Page 13 Figure 1.11
E) What layer surrounds the lower mantle? ________