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Mythology Reading Quiz
Chapter 19: The Trojan War
_____ 1. Which is NOT true of the Dioscuri: (a) they were especially honored at Sparta (b) one was
born mortal and one was immortal (c) they were the patron deities of sailors (d) they were
among the first warriors to arrive at Troy
_____ 2. When Paris was born, Priam and Hecuba (a) left him on Mt. Ida to die (b) proclaimed that he
would be the next king of Troy (c) sold him to Phoenician slave dealers (d) gave him to his sister
to raise
_____ 3. The “Judgment of Paris” refers to (a) the unfair judgment that he must be exposed (b) the
people of Troy’s refusal of him as their king (c) his decision about which of the goddesses should
get the golden apple (d) his decision to kidnap Helen from his host
_____ 4. Paris declared Aphrodite as the most beautiful goddess because (a) she was way more
beautiful than Hera and Athena (b) he was her nephew (through Priam) and he respected their
relationship (c) she offered him an unforgettable night of love with her (d) she offered him the
most beautiful woman in the world
_____ 5. When Paris kidnapped Helen, she was (a) well established in Sparta and already the mother of
a child (b) newly married to Menelaus but still a virgin (c) in the early years of marriage,
desperately resisting being parted from Menelaus (d) on her way to be married and become
_____ 6. Which of the following does NOT describe Hector: (a) Troy’s greatest warrior (b) the man
who finally defeated Achilles (c) the older brother of Paris (d) the husband of Andromache
_____ 7. Which of the following is NOT true of Achilles: (a) he came to Troy knowing that he would die
in the war (b) he is the youngest of the pre-eminent Greek warriors at Troy (c) he arrived in
Troy with his aged father, who died soon after (d) Hephaestus made him armor when he lost his
_____ 8. The walls of Troy were built by (a) Pelops and Laomedon (b) Apollo and Poseidon (c) Castor
and Pollux (d) Zeus and Athena
_____ 9. The Greek warriors had to go to Troy because (a) they had sworn to uphold the marital rights
of Helen’s husband (b) they knew that Paris was dangerous to them all (c) they had been told to
do so by the oracle of Apollo (d) if they did not, Artemis would continue to ask for human
_____ 10. Which of these Trojans or allies did NOT die at Troy (a) Aeneas (b) Hector (c) Memnon
(d) Penthesileia
Name: ____________________________________
_____ 11. Which was NOT a factor in Patroclus’ death? (a) he wanted to help the Greek warriors who
were being defeated by the Trojans (b) he was determined to save Achilles by killing Hector
(c) he lost sight of his own limitations and took the battle to the walls of Troy (d) the gods had
decided that Hector would defeat him as it was his fate to die there
_____ 12. Which is NOT a factor in the quarrel between Agamemnon and Achilles? (a) Agamemnon was
forced to give back his own slave girl (b) Achilles challenged Agamemnon’s determination to take
someone else’s prize and Agamemnon retaliated by taking his (c) Achilles objected to
Agamemnon’s imperialist determination to conquer Troy (d) Achilles was advised by Athena not to
take direct action against Agamemnon
_____ 13. Which deity did NOT favor the Greeks in the Trojan war? (a) Apollo (b) Athena (c) Hera
(d) Poseidon
_____ 14. Who sacrificed his daughter so that the Greeks could sail from Aulis? (a) Agamemnon
(b) Diomedes (c) Menelaus (d) Odysseus
_____ 15. Which hero tried to escape going to Troy by pretending to be insane? (a) Ajax (the Lesser)
(b) Diomedes (c) Menelaus (d) Odysseus
_____ 16. Which hero was initially prevented from going to Troy by being disguised as a girl and hidden
away on Scyros? (a) Achilles (b) Ajax (c) Nestor (d) Odysseus
_____ 17. Glaukos and Sarpedon decide not to fight one another because (a) their grandfathers were
guest-friends (b) both were sons of Zeus (c) they had each been warned at Delphi that the
other man would kill him if they met in single combat (d) they had served together on the Argo in
the quest for the Golden Fleece
_____ 18. Zeus decided to marry Thetis to a human because (a) Hera was jealous of their relationship
(b) she had refused him and asked for a mortal husband because she didn’t want to grow old while
he stayed young (c) he was angry at her for betraying his secrets to Hera (d) it was prophesied
that she would have a son who was greater than his father
_____ 19. Character who, in Lucian’s Dialogues of the Gods, says, “War and battles serve absolutely no
purpose for me. As you see, there is peace through … the whole kingdom of my father.”
(a) Achilles (b) Hecuba (c) Hermes (d) Paris
_____ 20. Warrior who committed suicide after not being awarded Achilles’ divine armor: (a) Ajax
(b) Diomedes (c) Menelaus (d) Odysseus
_____ 21. Which is NOT true of Cassandra: (a) because she had rejected Apollo, she was able to give
acc1urate prophecies, but no one would believe them (b) she advised the Trojans to reject the
huge horse left for them by the Greeks (c) her prophetic abilities led to her escape with Aeneas
and the Trojan refugees (d) she was raped by Ajax at the fall of Troy
Name: ____________________________________
_____ 22. The Trojan horse was the idea of: (a) Achilles (b) Athena (c) Nestor (d) Odysseus
_____ 23. Homer’s poem about the Trojan war is the: (a) Illiad (b) Iliad (c) Ooliad (d) Boooliad
_____ 24. Character who says, “I hate the man who hides on thing in his heart and says something else
as much as I hate Hades and his realm …The one who dies nothing and the one who does much find
a similar end in death” (a) Achilles (b) Hector (c) Nestor (d) Priam
_____ 25. Steisichorus says of Helen that (a) she was the one who seduced Paris, while he was
innocently visiting her husband (b) she never went to Troy, but an “image” went in her place
(c) she was never allowed to return to Sparta as its queen (d) she was taken up to Olympus by her
father Zeus at her death
_____ 26. The majority of theTrojans who managed to escape the destruction of the city (a) went
with Aeneas to become the citizens of the new city of Rome (b) were sunk by a storm sent by
Athena before they had left the harbor (c) scattered in the wilds of Mount Ida, where they
became followers of Dionysus (d) trick question, there were no survivors
_____ 27. The Iliad was composed in about (a) 750-700 BCE (b) 550-500 BCE (c) 450-400 BCE (d) 30
_____ 28. The Aeneid was written by (a) Aeschylus (b) Homer (c) Steisichorus (d) Vergil