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World History - 1st Semester Exam Study Guide – Mr. Mulford
Africa Chapter 8
1. Explain the rise & decline of 3 African Kingdoms: Ghana, Mali, Songhai.
2. Compare and contrast these 3 African Kingdoms: political, ideas, religion, arts, technology,
trade, society.
3. Why are these kingdoms important?
4. Identify: Bantu, Mansa Musa, Askia, Sonni Ali, Sundiata, Ibn Battuta
Americas Chapter 9
1. Compare and contrast early American civilizations: Olmec, Maya, Aztec, Chavin, & Inca
2. Explain the contributions to society that each empire made.
3. How did each empire rise and how did each decline?
Byzantine Empire –Chapter
6 &10
1. Explain why and how the Roman Empire split into 2 parts. What were the results of this split?
2. Who was Constantine? How did his choice of moving the capital and making Christianity the official
religion affect the Empire?
3. Describe the Byzantine Empire.
4. Compare and contrast the Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire?
5. Explain the contributions of the Byzantine Empire in ancient times and in modern times. (politics,
social, art, architecture).
6. Why did the Christian church divide? How were they different after the split? (include the iconoclast
controversy, the Great Schism of 1054)
7. Why did the Byzantine Empire decline?
8. How did Constantine and Justinian bring about change to the Byzantine Empire?
9. What major impact did Justinian’s Code have on the future governments in Europe and U.S.?
10. Identify key figures: Constantine, Civilis, Anna Comnena, Cyril & Methodius, Justinian, Theodora
Islam Chapter 11
1. How did the Islamic religion begin? What are its basic beliefs?
2. Compare the beliefs of Islam with the beliefs of Judaism and Christianity
3. How did the Islamic Empire Expand? How did this affect the communities and culture that
were conquered?
4. Why did the Islamic community divide? How has this affected Islam?
5. What cultural contributions did the Islamic Empires makes towards civilization?
6. Explain the rise of the Ottoman Empire and its accomplishments and achievements.
7. Identify key figures: Muhammad, Suleiman, hajj, hijrah, Quran, Shi’a, Sunni, shari’a, Sufi,
Western Europe – Middle Ages Chap 13-14
1. Why did the Western Roman Empire decline and fall?
2. How did the fall of Rome affect Europe?
3. What was the role of the Christian Church during the Middle Ages? How was it different in
western and eastern Europe?
4. Explain feudalism and how did it affect society in medieval times.
5. Explain manorialism and how it affected the medieval society.
6. Explain the formation of England: ethnic wars, invasions, conquerors, etc.
7. Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades. Include political, economic, arts, ideas, and
social impacts.
8. Explain how the architecture of Western Europe changed from the fall of Rome until after the
9. Describe the vernacular languages that developed in Western Europe.
10. Describe the Hundred Years War: who was fighting, why and what the outcome was.
11. Describe the Great Schism of 1378: what was it, what was the disagreement.
12. Describe how the national identity of England, Spain, and France developed.
13. Describe the rise of the English Parliament, the struggle between Parliament & the King, & the
importance of the Magna Carta.
14. Compare and contrast feudal Europe & Japan.
15. Identify the following and explain why they are important: Charlemagne, William the
Conqueror, Geoffrey Chaucer, Charles Martel, Otto the Great, Joan of Arc, Dante, Thomas
Aquinas, Scholasticism
Chapter 15
1. What was the Renaissance?
2. Where & why did the Renaissance begin?
3. What did humanists study and why was it important?
4. How did Renaissance art differ from Medieval Art?
5. How did the Renaissance affect society and culture?
6. How did the view of religion change as a result of the Renaissance?
7. What specific things in the culture began to change?
8. What advances were made in the arts and sciences during the Renaissance?
9. How did Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo contribute to the Renaissance?
10. How did Machiavelli, Shakespeare, Erasmus & Thomas More contribute to the Renaissance?
11. How did Johannes Gutenberg contribute to the Renaissance?
12. How were the ideas of the Italian Renaissance spread to other parts of Europe?
13. How did Thomas More’s ideas in Utopia reflect the changes in culture?
14. What were the characteristics of northern Renaissance art?
15. Identify: Humanists, Perspective, Renaissance, Medici family, Machiavelli, Leonardo de Vinci,
Michelangelo, School of Athens, Gutenberg, Erasmus, Thomas More; William Shakespeare
Chapter 15
1. What was the cause and effect of the Protestant Reformation?
2. What events led to Martin Luther’s excommunication?
3. What events followed Martin Luther’s excommunication?
4. Who was John Calvin & what were his beliefs?
5. How did John Calvin’s ideas differ from Luther’s?
6. How did the Roman Catholic Church respond to the Protestant Reformation?
7. Who was Ignatius de Loyola? What did he do?
8. What were the results of the Reformation & Counter Reformation
9. How was the Protestant Reformation different in England than it was in France or Germany?
10. Why did King Henry VIII of England want to break from the Catholic Church?
11. Identify: Indulgences, sects, predestination, theocracy, Huguenots, Diet of Worms,
Council of Trent, Jesuits
Scientific Revolution Chapter 16
How did the Scientific Revolution change the view of our world?
Who were some important people of the Scientific Revolution & what did they discover?
Why was it difficult for scientists to make these new discoveries?
How has the study of science transformed our world?
How was our world transformed because of the Renaissance?
How was our world transformed because of the Reformation?