Download Q1. What is the play Doctor Faustus based on? Ans. Christopher

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Q1. What is the play Doctor Faustus based on?
Ans. Christopher Marlowe’s play The Tragicall History of the Life and Death of Doctor
Faustus is based on the old German legend of Faust, in which a scholar sells his soul to
the devil for unlimited knowledge and power. Many versions of the legend were
available in circulation during Marlowe’s time. He probably read a 1592 translation
called The English Faust Book. Indeed Marlowe made several changes in his version, for
example, the introduction of the good and bad angels and the Seven Deadly Sins.
Q2. Has the play Doctor Faustus been adapted for the screen?
Ans. The play Doctor Faustus was adapted for the screen in 1967 by Richard Burton and
and Nevill Coghill. This was based on a production of the play by the Oxford University
Dramatic Society. Burton starred opposite Elizabeth Taylor as Helen of Troy.
Q3. What is blank verse?
Ans. Blank verse is poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter. An ‘iamb’ is a
metrical foot which consists of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. As
the prefix ‘penta’ tells us, an iambic pentameter line has five such feet. Most of the
poetry in English has been written in iambic pentameter.