Download Writing A Proper Hypothesis

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How we do science…
The key to inquiry
Questioning Skills
• Scientific questions need to be
answered by observations or
• If questions cannot be answered by
gathering evidence, it’s not science
• They should identify a relationship or
a factor you can investigate
Parts of the Statement
• Independent Variable:
The condition be studied. It is controlled
by the experimenter.
ex. Water
• Dependent Variable:
The condition affected by the ind. variable.
It can’t be controlled by the experimenter.
ex. Plant Growth
• Control:
The condition that is represented in a
‘normal’ situation (what happens with no manipulation).
Asking the right questions related
to scientific inquiry
Hints to help!
• If your questions are general, break
them down into questions that can be
investigated one at a time
• Good questions begin with:
– ‘What is the relationship between…’
– ‘What is the effect…’
What kinds of variables?
• Most common are:
– Time, temperature, length, width,
height, mass, volume, number, and kinds
of substances being used in the
Question Must be…
• Only one sentence
• ends with an ?
• It must be clear
• It must be precise
• At the end of your hypothesis, you
must give a brief scientific
explanation to support your reasoning.
Ex. If the number of pushups done
by a 15 year old increases then the
heart rate will also increase because
the more the 15 year old breaths,
the more the heart must pump to
bring oxygen (a nutrient) to the
Steps to Writing the “If”
section of your Hypothesis
1. Start your sentence with the word
2. Write down the independent
variable followed by “increase” or
3. Connect both variables with then
4. Write down the dependent variable
followed by “increase” or “decrease”
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