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Human Behavior in the Social Environment
Anissa Taun Rogers
Question Bank
Chapter 8
Multiple Choice
1. In Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence, the type of intelligence that
emphasizes a person’s ability to adapt to new situations is referred to as:
a. Contextual intelligence (p201)
b. Componential intelligence
c. Experiential intelligence
d. Empirical intelligence
2. In Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence, the type of intelligence that
emphasizes a person’s ability bring in new knowledge, incorporate it into what
they already know, and use it solve problems is referred to as:
a. Componential intelligence
b. Experiential intelligence (p201)
c. Contextual intelligence
d. Spatial intelligence (p197)
3. Individuals who are proficient in many areas are said to have:
a. Contextual intelligence
b. Componential intelligence
c. Multiple intelligences (p202)
d. Experiential intelligence
4. How intelligence is assessed or tested is directly related to:
a. What type of job one can expect to get after college
b. Socioeconomic status
c. The ability of a child to interact with others
d. How policies and program are delivered (p203)
5. IQ tests can be given to children as young as:
a. 2 ½ years old (p203)
b. 6 years old
c. 9 years old
d. 12 years old
6. A child who is struggling in academics yet has normal or above normal intelligence
is said to:
a. Have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
b. Have a learning disability (p204-205)
Human Behavior in the Social Environment
Anissa Taun Rogers
Question Bank
c. Be developmentally delayed
d. All of the above
7. Which group has the highest rates of ADHD diagnosis?
a. Caucasian females
b. African American males
c. Caucasian males (p206)
d. Asian females
8. Why is it important for social workers to remain aware of other variables
associated with an ADHD diagnosis?
a. So they can protect against indiscriminant diagnosis of children with
“abnormal” behaviors (p206)
b. So they can diagnose the disorder
c. So they can notify school personnel if they suspect a child may have ADHD
d. So they can notify parents if they suspect a child may have ADHD
9. The type of play that involves a great deal of social interaction with other children
yet is still very individualistic is classified as:
a. Solitary
b. Associative (p209)
c. Parallel
d. Unoccupied
10. The type of play that involves standing around and not doing anything is classified
a. Associative
b. Solitary
c. Unoccupied (p209)
d. Onlooker
11. Which of the following is a factor in children’s adjustment to divorce?
a. How the child deals with stress prior to the divorce
b. The child’s level of development at the time of the divorce
c. The child’s gender
d. All of the above (p213)
12. According to social learning theory, spanking is a(n):
a. Conditioned stimulus
b. Reinforcement of violent behavior (p212)
c. Unconditioned stimulus
d. Unconditioned response
Human Behavior in the Social Environment
Anissa Taun Rogers
Question Bank
13. According to operant conditioning, spanking is a:
a. Positive reinforcement
b. Negative reinforcement
c. Punishment through application (p69)
d. Punishment through removal
14. Discipline in middle childhood
a. May be easier than during adolescence (p210-211)
b. Should never include punishment
c. Is challenging due to stage of development
d. Should prevent children from acting independently
15. Families that include children from each parent are referred to as:
a. Mixed families
b. Blended families (p214)
c. Stepfamilies
d. Domestic families
16. According to some professionals, which of the following are reasons to oppose
homosexual couples who want to parent?
a. High HIV/AIDS rates among homosexual males
b. The moral and religious beliefs of those who oppose same-sex couples
c. The likelihood that children raised in same-sex couples households will
consider a same-sex relationship for themselves in the future
d. All of the above (p215)
17. Research has shown that exposing children to violence in the media
a. Has negligible effect on child behavior
b. May have some effect, but it is not enduring
c. May increase aggressive and antisocial behavior (p217)
d. Seems to have greater affect children in low socioeconomic statuses
18. The directive that educational settings for students with disabilities should be
similar and/or equal to those of other students refers to:
a. Least restrictive environment (p219)
b. Mainstreaming
c. Individualized education plans
d. State law for disabled children
19. The Individuals with Disability Education Act (IDEA) mandates all of the following
a. Eligibility criteria for services must be clearly defined
Human Behavior in the Social Environment
Anissa Taun Rogers
Question Bank
b. Children who meet eligibility criteria must receive an individualized
education plan
c. Students with disabilities must be offered education services in the least
restrictive environment
d. All student with disabilities receive free or reduced lunches (p219)
20. Research on the effectiveness of school vouchers
a. Proves their effectiveness
b. Suggests they are not effective
c. Is largely inconclusive (p220-221)
d. Has been used to cut funding
Short Answer
21. Discuss cognitive development theory in relationship to middle childhood. (p199)
22. Describe emotional and personality development during middle childhood. (p199200)
23. Discuss the critiques of standardized intelligence tests. (p203-204)
24. In regard to children with learning disabilities, explain the differences between
least restrictive environment and mainstreaming. (p219-220)
25. Discuss the debate over corporal punishment. List two opposing theories and
discuss how they would view this form of discipline. (p211-212)
26. What are the implications of the Bobo doll study? (p217)
27. Discuss the debate over school vouchers. (p220-221)