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Name: ____________________________________
Date: ___________________
Chapter 5 Notes – Populations
Section 5-2 Limits to Growth (p. 124-127)
Limiting Factors
What factors limit population growth?
An ecosystem’s productivity can be reduced when there is an insufficient supply
of a particular ______________________.
Ecologists call such substances ____________________ nutrients.
A limiting nutrient is an example of a more general ecological concept called a
limiting factor =
Density-Dependent Factors
Density-dependent limiting factor =
Density-dependent factors operate when the population _______________
reaches a certain level.
These factors operate most strongly when a population is _____________
and _______________.
Do not affect ________________, scattered populations that much.
When populations become crowded, organisms compete for _____________,
________________, ________________, ______________________, and other
Can occur among members of the _____________ species and between
members of _____________________ species.
o Between different species: can lead to _________________________
change; species may evolve different ______________.
Populations in nature are often controlled by predation.
A ___________________-____________ relationship is the best-known
mechanism of population control.
Does this predatory-prey population graph correlate to the wolf/deer population activity
that you did?
Parasitism and Disease
Parasites can _____________ the growth of a population.
A parasite can live in or on another organism (the _____________) and
consequently ______________ it.
Density-Independent Factors
Density-independent limiting factors =
unusual _________________
natural __________________
activities (damming rivers,
seasonal ________________
clear-cutting forests)
certain _______________