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C8G2 pg.152 Preterite: El Pretérito (past tense): -AR Verbs
*Conjugate like you would in the present: copy the stem, change the leaf!
yo: -é
nosotros/as: -amos
tú: -aste
*vosotros: -asteis
él/ella/ud: -ó
ellos/ellas/uds: -aron
EX: Compré un DVD ayer.: I bought a DVD yesterday.
* Because the nosotros ending (-amos) is the same as present tense, you have to
use context clues (like ayer) to figure out if it's in the past tense.
* Stem-changing -AR verbs do NOT have a stem change in the preterite.
EX: Econtré una camisa bonita y la compré.: I found a pretty
shirt and I bought it.
pg. 154 Preterite: Ir
yo fui
nosotros fuimos
tú fuiste
vosotros fuisteis
él fue
ellos fueron
* Use adónde to ask where someone went.
EX: ¿Adónde fuiste ayer?: Where did you go yesterday?
* Use a + infinitive after ir to say why someone went somewhere.
EX: Fuimos a la librerí a comprar libros.: We went to the
to buy books.
pg. 156 Preterite of -AR verbs with reflexive pronouns
* The reflexive pronouns go before the conjugated verb.
EX: Me levanté y me bañe.: I got up and took a bath.
* Stem-changing -AR verbs don't have stem changes in the past
EX: Ayer me desperté a las seis y me acosté a las diez.
Yesterday I woke up at six and I went to bed at ten.