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 Chapter 9, 10th edition
Question 1
The endocrine system relies on __________ that __________ all of the cells of the body.
A)hormones ... reach
B)hormones ... target
C)nerves ... reach
D)nerves ... target
E)the nervous system ... interconnects
The answer is : A
Question 2
A cell releases a cytokine, which binds to, and acts on, a neighboring cell. This represents an example of
__________. ( Concept 41.1)
A)paracrine signaling
B)autocrine signaling
C)endocrine signaling
D)neuroendocrine signaling
E)synaptic signaling
The answer is : A
Question 3
Which example below is a true statement about the differences between hormones and neurotransmitters? (
Concept 41.1)
A)Neurotransmitters produce slow, long-acting responses whereas hormones produce rapid, brief
B)Neurotransmitters are released from ductless glands into the blood whereas hormones are secreted
into synapses.
C)Some endocrine glands release neurotransmitters, but no nervous tissue releases hormones.
D)Neurotransmitters are secreted chemicals that diffuse a short distance, whereas hormones travel
through the bloodstream to the target cell.
E)All of the listed responses are correct.
The answer is : D
Question 4
Which is an accurate statement regarding the difference between steroid and nonsteroid hormones? ( Concept
A)Steroid hormones are lipids; nonsteroid hormones are made from one or more amino acids.
B)Nonsteroid hormones can pass through cell membranes; most steroid hormones cannot.
C)Nonsteroid hormones attach to receptors in the cytoplasm; steroid hormones attach to membranebound receptors.
D)Steroid hormones inactivate genes; nonsteroid hormones directly activate genes.
E)Steroid hormones are produced by endocrine glands; nonsteroid hormones are produced by
nervous tissue.
The answer is : A
Question 5
Because most chemical signals are UNABLE to pass through the plasma membrane, the cellular action they
initiate results from __________. ( Concept 41.1)
A)ligand binding
B)the activation of a signal transduction pathway
C)direct stimulation of the cell's DNA
D)the enzymatic behavior of the signal molecule
E)binding to intracellular receptors
The answer is : B
Question 6
What is the role of a second messenger in hormone action? ( Concept 41.1)
A)It signals a cell to secrete a hormone.
B)It informs a gland as to whether its hormones are having an effect.
C)It relays a hormone's message inside a target cell.
D)It stops hormone action when it is no longer needed.
E)All of the listed responses are correct.
The answer is : C
Question 7
What result would you expect following the binding of epinephrine to an α-type epinephrine receptor? ( Concept
A)Blood flow to the intestines decreases.
B)Blood flow to the skeletal muscles increases.
C)Protein kinase A is activated.
D)Glycogen is broken down.
E)Glucose is released from the cell.
The answer is : A
Question 8
Which of the following hormones is thought to act at the cellular level by inducing a change in gene expression?
( Concept 41.1)
B)prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH)
D)nitric oxide
The answer is : C
Question 9
Which example below is a role of the local regulator nitric oxide (NO)? ( Concept 41.1)
A)When oxygen levels fall, nitric oxide activates an enzyme that relaxes smooth muscle. This dilates
blood vessels and improves blood flow.
B)When secreted by certain white blood cells, NO stimulates the reproduction of some bacteria and
cancer cells.
C)NO decreases the blood flow into the penis, producing an erection.
D)In the nervous system, NO serves as a cell surface receptor.
E)All of the listed responses are correct.
The answer is : A
Question 10
Ibuprofen is known for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties because it INHIBITS the synthesis of
__________. ( Concept 41.1)
B)nitric oxide
C)steroid hormones
The answer is : D
Question 11
Which of the following conditions in a silkworm moth would result in metamorphosis from pupa to adult? (
Concept 41.1)
A)high concentration of juvenile hormone and prothoracicotropic hormone
B)low concentration of juvenile hormone and low prothoracicotropic hormone
C)high concentration of juvenile hormone and low concentration of ecdysteroid
D)low concentration of juvenile hormone and high concentration of ecdysteroid
E)high concentration of both juvenile hormone and ecdysteroid
The answer is : D
Question 12
In insects, ecdysteroid is released __________. ( Concept 41.1)
A)from neurosecretory cells in the brain
B)in response to prothoracicotropic hormone
C)only when juvenile hormone levels are low
D)from the insect's cocoon
E)in response to stress in the insect
The answer is : B
Question 13
Which of the following hormones have ANTAGONISTIC effects? ( Concept 41.2)
A)oxytocin and prolactin
B)insulin and glucagon
C)growth hormone and epinephrine
D)adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
E)epinephrine and adrenaline
The answer is : B
Question 14
The major tropic action of growth hormone is to signal the __________ to release __________. ( Concept
A)thyroid ... T3 and T4
B)pancreas ... glucagon
C)liver ... insulin-like growth factors (IGFs)
D)hypothalamus ... thyroid-releasing hormone
E)adrenal medulla ... epinephrine
The answer is : C
Question 15
How is the level of thyroxine in the blood regulated? ( Concept 41.2)
A)Thyroxine stimulates the pituitary to secrete thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).
B)TSH inhibits the secretion of thyroxine from the thyroid gland.
C)TSH-releasing hormone (TRH) inhibits the secretion of thyroxine by the thyroid gland.
D)Thyroxine stimulates the hypothalamus to secrete TRH.
E)High levels of T3 and T4 inhibit the secretion of TRH and TSH.
The answer is : E
Question 16
Which disorder is correctly matched with its cause? ( Concept 41.2)
A)pituitary dwarfism ... hyposecretion of growth hormone
B)acromegaly ... hypersecretion of thyroxine
C)diabetes mellitus ... hyposecretion of glucagon
D)diabetes mellitus ... hypersecretion of insulin
E)acromegaly ... hyposecretion of growth hormone
The answer is : A
Question 17
Hyperthyroidism, typically characterized by a high metabolic rate and high blood pressure, might be expected
when __________. ( Concept 41.2)
A)the pituitary secretes high concentrations of thyroxine
B)thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) concentration is high
C)thyroxine concentration is low
D)the production of TSH-releasing factor is inhibited
E)a person has an iodine deficiency
The answer is : B
Question 18
A goiter may form because __________. ( Concept 41.2)
A)the thyroid cannot release T3 and T4 so the hormones build up in the gland
B)low blood levels of T3 and T4 inhibit the negative feedback loop, and an overload of TRH causes
enlargement of the gland
C)low blood levels of T3 and T4 inhibit the negative feedback loop, and an overload of TSH causes
enlargement of the gland
D)there is too much iodine in the diet
E)of none of the listed reasons
The answer is : C
Question 19
Hyperthyroidism, typically characterized by a high metabolic rate and high blood pressure, might be expected
when __________. ( Concept 41.2)
A)the pituitary secretes high concentrations of thyroxine
B)*thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) concentration is high
C)thyroxine concentration is low
D)the production of TSH-releasing factor is inhibited
E)a person has an iodine deficiency
The answer is : B
Question 20
Which of the following endocrine organs only stores hormones produced by the hypothalamus? ( Concept 41.3)
B)adrenal cortex
C)adrenal medulla
D)anterior pituitary
E)posterior pituitary
The answer is : E
Question 21
As a young girl, Maria suffered a head injury that damaged her pituitary. An injury to the pituitary is particularly
serious because of all the functions controlled by this gland. As Maria got older, she and her doctors found that
all of the following EXCEPT her __________ were affected. ( Concept 41.3)
A)metabolic rate
C)menstrual cycle
D)water regulation
E)blood sugar level
The answer is : E
Question 22
A doctor might give an expectant mother __________ to stimulate uterine contractions and induce labor. (
Concept 41.3)
A)adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
E)follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
The answer is : C
Question 23
The regulation of water volume in the blood involves which hormone? ( Concept 41.3)
The answer is : D
Question 24
How does the hypothalamus control the secretion of growth hormone (GH) from the anterior pituitary? (
Concept 41.3)
A)The hypothalamus produces a releasing hormone that stimulates the pituitary to secrete GH.
B)The hypothalamus sends a hormone to the target cells that makes them receptive to GH.
C)Feedback from the target cells is sent to the posterior pituitary, which signals the hypothalamus to
stimulate the anterior pituitary.
D)The hypothalamus stimulates an action potential in the posterior pituitary, which then sends a
releasing hormone to the anterior pituitary.
E)None of the listed responses is correct.
The answer is : A
Question 25
Which of the following is a neurohormone secreted by the posterior pituitary? ( Concept 41.3)
The answer is : B
Question 26
FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone) are tropic hormones that are also known as
__________. ( Concept 41.3)
The answer is : A
Question 27
Which of the following hormones specifically act(s) to trigger secretion of hormones by another endocrine
gland? ( Concept 41.3)
A)thyroid hormones (T3 and T4)
C)adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
D)antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
E)melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)
The answer is : C
Question 28
Which is a correct statement about prolactin? ( Concept 41.3)
A)It is produced by the posterior pituitary in all vertebrates.
B)It regulates the balance between salt and water in saltwater fish such as the barracuda.
C)It regulates larval development in beetles and grasshoppers.
D)It controls fat metabolism and reproduction in birds.
E)It stimulates the mammary glands to produce milk in birds.
The answer is : D
Question 29
The mammary glands of a pregnant female will begin to produce milk in response to changes in the level of
which of the following hormones? ( Concept 41.3)
B)follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
D)luteinizing hormone (LH)
The answer is : A
Question 30
Which is a correct statement about the thyroid gland? ( Concept 41.3)
A)It produces steroid hormones.
B)Fluorine is essential to proper thyroid function.
C)Thyroid hormones trigger the change of an aquatic tadpole into a terrestrial bullfrog.
D)Goiter is caused by hyperthyroidism.
E)Thyroxine and triiodothyronine, two of the thyroid hormones, are steroid hormones.
The answer is : C
Question 31
How does parathyroid hormone affect levels of Ca2+ in the blood? ( Concept 41.3)
A)When Ca2+ levels fall, PTH increases the matrix of bone and stimulates reabsorption of Ca2+ in the
small intestines.
B)When Ca2+ levels rise, PTH stimulates the uptake of calcium in bones and the release of calcium in
C)When Ca2+ levels fall, PTH stimulates bone cells to decompose the matrix of bone and stimulates
reabsorption of Ca2+ in the renal tubules.
D)When Ca2+ levels rise, PTH stimulates the conversion of vitamin D to its active hormonal form in the
kidneys and facilitates accumulation of calcium in bones.
E)When Ca2+ levels fall, PTH stimulates the conversion of vitamin D in the liver and stimulates bone
cells to decompose the matrix of bone.
The answer is : C
Question 32
Which statement below about the catecholamines secreted by the adrenal medulla is correct? ( Concept 41.3)
A)They are synthesized from the cholesterol.
B)Epinephrine and norepinephrine are catecholamines.
C)They decrease the rate of glycogen breakdown in the liver and skeletal muscles.
D)They decrease the rate of oxygen delivery to body cells.
E)They are released in response to FSH.
The answer is : B
Question 33
Which of the following statements about the adrenal medulla is correct? ( Concept 41.3)
A)The hormones it produces cause the kidney to reabsorb sodium and water.
B)It produces steroid hormones.
C)It cannot function in hormone production without releasing hormone (RH) from the hypothalamus.
D)The gland is stimulated by nerve signals carried from the brain.
E)It secretes hormones that suppress inflammation and control pain.
The answer is : D
Question 34
Which of the following endocrine glands releases steroid hormones? ( Concept 41.3)
A)anterior pituitary
B)posterior pituitary
C)adrenal medulla
D)adrenal cortex
E)pineal gland
The answer is : D
Question 35
Which of the following is a problem with the long-term use of glucocorticoids, such as cortisone, to treat
inflammation? ( Concept 41.3)
A)long-term elevated blood pressure
B)suppression of the immune system
C)low blood glucose levels
D)abnormal blood clotting, which leads to excessive bruising
The answer is : B
Question 36
Anabolic steroids, sometimes taken illegally by athletes and bodybuilders, are chemically related to natural
__________ produced in the __________. ( Concept 41.3)
A)testosterone ... anterior pituitary
B)FSH and LH ... posterior pituitary
C)progestin ... testes
D)androgens ... gonads
E)estrogens ... anterior pituitary
The answer is: D
Question 37
In the winter, the __________ of vertebrates is apt to produce __________ than in summer months. (
Concept 41.3)
A)hypothalamus ... less prolactin
B)pineal gland ... more melatonin
C)hypothalamus ... less melatonin
D)pineal gland ... less growth hormone
E)adrenal cortex ... more ADH
The answer is : B
Question 38
Which of the following is not an accurate statement?
A)Hormones often regulate homeostasis through antagonistic functions.
B)Hormones are often regulated through feedback loops.
C)Hormones of the same chemical class usually have the same function.
D)Hormones are chemical messengers that travel to target cells through the circulatory system.
The answer is : C
Question 39
The hypothalamus
A)influences the function of only one lobe of the pituitary gland.
B)regulates both reproduction and body temperature.
C)synthesizes all of the hormones produced by the pituitary gland.
D)produces only inhibitory hormones.
The answer is : B
Question 40
Growth factors are local regulators that
A)are produced by the anterior pituitary.
B)bind to cell-surface receptors and stimulate growth and development of target cells.
C)are found on the surface of cancer cells and stimulate abnormal cell division.
D)are modified fatty acids that stimulate bone and cartilage growth.
The answer is : B
Question 41
Which hormone is incorrectly paired with its action?
A)thyroxine-inhibits metabolic processes
B)melatonin-affects biological rhythms, seasonal reproduction
C)oxytocin-stimulates uterine contractions during childbirth
D)ACTH-stimulates the release of glucocorticoids by the adrenal cortex
The answer is : A
Question 42
Steroid and peptide hormones typically have in common
A)their requirement for travel through the bloodstream.
B)their solubility in cell membranes.
C)the location of their receptors.
D)their reliance on signal transduction in the cell.
The answer is : A
Question 43
Which of the following is the most likely explanation for hypothyroidism in a patient whose iodine level is normal?
A)hyposecretion of TSH
B)hypersecretion of TSH
C)greater production of T3 than of T4
D)a decrease in the thyroid secretion of calcitonin
The answer is : A
Question 44
The relationship between the insect hormones ecdysteroid and PTTH is an example of
A)homeostasis achieved by positive feedback.
B)an interaction of the endocrine and nervous systems.
C)homeostasis maintained by antagonistic hormones.
D)competitive inhibition of a hormone receptor.
The answer is : B