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Learning Test
1. Behaviorists define learning as:
a. A relatively permanent change
in behavior caused by practice
b. Memorizing and recalling
specific information
c. What happens when you
remember how to perform a
certain action or skill
d. When you understand
2. In classical conditioning the UCR:
a. Happens after the CR
b. Is the response to the CS
c. Is the response to the UCS
d. Triggers the UCS to occur
3. Kathleen developed an intense fear of
flying 5 years ago when she was in a
plane crash. The fact that today she can
again fly without distress indicates that
her fear has undergone:
a. Discrimination
b. Extinction
c. Generalization
d. Spontaneous recovery
4. In Pavlov’s experiments, the dog’s
salivation triggered by the taste of food
was a(n):
a. Conditioned response
b. Conditioned stimulus
c. Unconditioned response
d. Unconditioned stimulus
5. Discrimination occurs when:
a. A person shows a prejudice
against someone else due to a
personal characteristic, such as
b. A very specific UCS causes a
specific UCR
c. An organism responds to a
specific CS, instead of all similar
d. An organism responds in the
same way to all similar stimuli
6. Months after she was raped, Mary’s
heart pounds with fear merely at the
sight of the apartment in which she was
attacked. This best illustrates:
a. Extinction
b. Generalization
c. Panic
d. Reinforcement
7. During acquisition, the ____________ is
paired with a ___________.
a. CR; CS
b. CS; UCR
c. UCS; CS
8. Spontaneous recovery refers to the:
a. Expression of learning that had
occurred earlier but had not
been expressed because of lack
of incentive
b. Organism’s tendency to
respond spontaneously to
stimuli similar to the CS as
though they were the CS
c. Reappearance, after a rest
period, of an extinguished
conditioned response
d. Return of a response after
punishment has been
9. When an organism produces the same
response to similar stimuli, behaviorists
say ___________ has occurred
a. Conditioning
b. Discrimination
c. Learning
d. Generalization
10. In the little Albert experiment, Watson
was most interested in showing:
a. Startled responses of children
are produced by loud noises
b. That fears can be classically
c. The natural fear children have
of rats
d. The unconscious nature of
11. Operant conditioning is:
a. A type of learning in which the
frequency of responding
depends on consequences
b. A way to describe certain
thoughts about operations, like
problem solving
c. Conditioning that involves
pairing unconditioned and
conditioned stimuli
d. Learning by observing other
12. Reinforcement is defined as:
a. Any consequence that
decreases the likelihood a
behavior will be repeated
b. Any consequences that
increases the likelihood a
behavior will be repeated
c. Any stimuli an organism thinks
is favorable or pleasurable
d. Verbal praise provided after an
13. Sophia stays out to late dancing, and
her parents want to punish her so she
won’t stay out too late next time.
Which of the following actions would
most likely be considered a punishment
by operant conditioning theorists?
a. Praising Sophia every time she
comes in before curfew
b. Giving Sophia 3 dollars every
time she comes in on time for
the next month
c. Going out to dinner and
discussing changes in family
rules about curfew
d. Taking away Sophia’s car
privileges for a month
14. Shaping involves:
a. Explaining a behavior carefully
many times until a person
gradually begins to understand
b. Only classical conditioning, not
operant conditioning
c. Positively reinforcing behaviors
that move closer and closer to a
target behavior
d. Punishing an organism for each
wrong response until the
organism learns a desired
15. David’s parents give him $20 every time
he gets an A in a class. When he moves
away to college, his parents stop giving
him money for his grades, and he
doesn’t get A’s anymore. Which of the
following concepts explains why David
stops getting A’s?
a. Extinction
b. Negative reinforcement
c. Shaping
d. Spontaneous recovery
16. If every correct response is reinforced,
_______ is being used.
a. Continuous reinforcement
b. Operant conditioning
c. Partial reinforcement
d. Positive reinforcement
17. Jennifer edits manuscripts for a
publisher and is paid $5 for every 3
pages she edits. Jennifer is reinforced
on a ________ schedule.
a. Fixed interval
b. Fixed ratio
c. Variable interval
d. Variable ratio
18. The psychologist most closely
associated with the study of operant
conditioning was:
a. Albert Bandura
b. Ivan Pavlov
c. B.F. Skinner
d. John Watson
19. Secondary reinforcers are reinforcing
a. Getting two reinforcers changes
behavior more quickly
b. Most people think about them
in favorable ways
c. They occur after an event
(second) so we associate them
with a specific stimulus
d. We learned to pair them with
primary reinforcers
20. B.F. Skinner believed our actions are
controlled by:
a. A combination of thinking and
our environment
b. Genetics
c. Past conditioning
d. The ways we think about and
interpret the world
21. A circus trainer is trying to get his tigers
to jump through a flaming hoop. He
gives the tiger food for moving towards
the hoop, then getting up on her hind
legs, and finally for jumping through the
hoop. Which technique is the circus
trainer using?
a. Classical conditioning
b. Extinction
c. Schedules of reinforcement
d. Shaping
22. Observational learning primarily
a. Pairing an unconditioned and
conditioned stimulus
b. Repetition and memory of facts
c. Rewards and punishments
d. Watching others and modeling
23. Three year old Addy sees her father hit
the cat after the cat scratches the sofa.
The next day, Addy hits the cat. Addy’s
actions are an example of:
a. Classical conditioning
b. Latent learning
c. Observational learning
d. Operant conditioning
24. One of the crucial variables in
observational learning is what
reinforcements or punishments are
delivered to the:
a. Model
b. Observer
c. Organism being trained
d. Researcher
25. The bobo doll/violence experiment
demonstrated the existence of what
type of learning?
a. Classical conditioning
b. Observational learning
c. Operant conditioning
d. The practice effect
26. Positive, helpful, constructive behaviors
are called:
a. Modeled behaviors
b. Positive reinforcements
c. Prosocial
d. Rewards
27. Jon wants to help his little sister Becky
become a better student. According to
observational learning theory, what is
one of the most effective things Jon
could do?
a. Make sure Becky doesn’t see
his good grades, so she won’t
feel pressured
b. Become a better student
himself and let Becky see him
getting rewarded
c. Punish her for poor
achievement at school
d. Talk with her every day after
school about how important
school is.
28. You get into a debate about the effects
of television violence. Which of the
following studies would be the most
helpful if you are arguing that television
violence affects behaviors?
a. Freud’s TV study
b. Bandura’s bobo doll study
c. Skinner’s pigeon studies
d. Watson’s little Albert study
29. Negative and destructive behaviors are
a. Modeled behaviors
b. Negative reinforcements
c. Antisocial
d. punishments