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AP Review: Personality &
Personality Theories
- Freud: Unconscious, Id, Ego, Superego, stages of
development and fixations. Defense mechanisms
- Carl Jung: Personal Unconscious, Collective
Unconscious, and Archetypes
- Alfred Adler: Striving for superiority,
Personality Theories
- Free will, people innately good
- Self Concept, Self Esteem, Self Actualization
- Carl Rogers
- Abraham Maslow – Hierarchy of Needs
- People must feel accepted in order to self
Personality Theories
Trait Theories: describing people’s personality
through dominant characteristic:
honesty, laziness, ambition
Personality Traits
The Big Five Personalities ( Costa & McCrae )
- Extraversion
- Agreeableness
- Conscientious
- Openness to Experience
- Consistency: Mood
Personality Theory
Social Cognitive ( Albert Bandura )
- Personality created by interaction between
persons traits, environment, and behavior
- Triadic Reciprocality – person can add to the
environment with their personality, the
environment can add to one’s personality
- High Self Efficacy: optimistic
- Low Self Efficacy: sense of powerlessness
Personality Theories
Behaviorism ( Skinner )
Behavior is personality, the way people think is
- Behavior determined by the environment
- Change the environment, change the
Personality Assessments
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
( MMPI )
- Self report inventory questions
- No evaluator bias
- People may be dishonest
- Social Desirability Bias
- Responsibility Sets
Personality Assessments
Thematic Apperception Test ( TAT )
- Projective Test
- Participant is shown a number of pictures that
have people in ambiguous situation
- Individuals describe what they see
- Projective tests – results open to
interpretation, possibly unreliable
Personality Assessment
Rorschach Test: Inkblot
Cultural Differences and Personality
- Big Five Traits universal
- Possibly some cultural differences between
nations on some traits
- Individualism: personal goals put ahead of the
- Collectivism: putting groups goals ahead of
personal goals
Culture & Personality
Self Concept
- USA: independent, individualistic
- East Asia: Interdependent, the self is
interconnected with group
Testing & Individual Differences
Intelligence is the ability to gather and use
information in productive ways.
Abstract Measures: Fluid Intelligence –
reasoning ability, memory capacity, speed of
information processing
Crystallized Intelligence: ability to apply
acquired knowledge and skills in problem
Culture & Intelligence
There are racial differences in IQ scores
Most psychologists attribute differences due to
environmental situations such as
- socioeconomic factors ( poverty )
- test bias
Intelligence Theory
Charles Spearman: Intelligence consists of
specific abilities that come down to one factor,
the g Factor
Howard Gardner: multiple intelligences;
linguistic, logical, spatial, musical, body –
kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal,
Intelligence Theories
Robert Sternberg - Triarchic Theory
1. Componential or Analytic Intelligence
traditional intelligence & skills
2. Experimental & Creative Intelligence
3. Contextual / Practical Intelligence
Test Design
Standardization: piloted by test groups to
establish test norms
Reliability: Consistency of the test as a
Validity: did test measure what it is suppose to
Test Measurement
Normal Curve:
- Mean ( average ) center of the curve is set at
- 68% of scores will fall within one standard
deviation from the mean
- 95% of scores will fall within 2 standard
deviations from the mean
Retarded / intellectual disability
IQ = 70 – 75, 1.5% of population
55 -70 can be self supporting
Moderate: 40 – 55 semi independent
25 – 40 Total support needed
Profound: under 25 Total care
Rely heavily on IQ
IQ over 130
Schools consider top 2% - 3%
Alfred Binet
Francis Galton
Howard Gardner
Charles Spearman
Robert Sternberg
Louis Terman
David Wechsler