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Ch.6 Learning
Section 1: Classical Conditioning
Fill in the word (or words) that best completes each statement.
1. A _________________________ is something that produces a reaction.
2. Classical _________________________ is a simple form of learning in which one stimulus comes to call forth
the response that is usually associated with a different stimulus.
3. Russian physiologist Ivan ____________________ discovered that dogs can learn to associate one thing with
another when food is involved.
4. A taste ____________________ is a learned avoidance of a particular food.
5. In what psychologists have termed spontaneous ____________________ organisms sometimes display
responses that were extinguished earlier.
6. ____________________ is the act of responding in the same ways to stimuli that seem to be similar, even if
the stimuli are not identical.
7. ____________________ is the act of responding differently to stimuli that are not similar to each other.
8. In the method called ____________________, a person is exposed to a harmless stimulus until fear
responses to that stimulus are extinguished.
9. One method of overcoming fears is systematic ____________________ in which people are taught relaxation
10. In ____________________, a pleasant stimulus is paired repeatedly with a fearful one.
Section 2: Operant Conditioning
1._________________________ type of learning in which people learn to do certain things because of the
results of what they do
2._________________________ a secret war weapon that was never built
3._________________________ the process by which a stimulus increases the chances that the preceding
behavior will occur again
4._________________________ reinforcers that function due to the biological makeup of the organism
5._________________________ reinforcers that initially acquire their value through being paired with
established reinforcers
6._________________________ reinforcers that increase the frequency of the behavior they follow
7._________________________ reinforcers that increase the frequency of the behavior they follow when they
are removed
8._________________________ the reinforcement of a behavior every time the behavior occurs
9._________________________ the reinforcement of a behavior only some of the time
10._________________________ a way of teaching complex behaviors in which one first reinforces small steps
in the right direction
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