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Chapter 2: Learning
There are Several Types of Learning:
1.Classical Conditioning –
Accidently discovered by Ivan Pavlov and
his famous experiment with dogs
A learning procedure where an old
response becomes attached to a new
old response - dog’s salivation
(when see/ smell food)
neutral stimulus – the tone of the bell
result = dogs salivate when hear tone (w/
no food presented), a learned response
pairing of these responses = conditioning
Unconditioned stimulus: An event that
elicits a certain predictable response
without previous training (presence of
Unconditioned response
A reaction that occurs naturally and
automatically when the unconditioned
stimulus is presented (salivate)
Conditioned Stimulus
a once-neutral stimulus (tone of bell)
that has come to elicit a given
response after a period of training in
which it has been paired with an
unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
Conditioned Response
a learned reaction to a conditioned
stimulus (salivating with bell & no
food present)
*With each pairing of the conditioned
stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus,
the learned response, or CR, is
UCS – food
UCR – salivate
PAIR UCS w/ CS several times
CS – Tone of bell, a neutral stimulus
CR – salivation, w no food present
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Related Classical Conditioning Terms:
Generalization: Responding similarly
to a range of similar stimuli, think of
little Albert & his fear of all white fuzzy
Discrimination: The ability to respond
differently to similar but distinct
stimuli, example being afraid of only
white fuzzy items not all fuzzy items
Extinction: The gradual disappearance
of a conditioned response because the
reinforcement is withheld or because
the conditioned stimulus is repeatedly
presented without the UCS
(unconditioned stimulus)
Think about Baby Albert: if Watson would
have removed the fear of white fuzzy things
by showing baby fuzzy things repeatedly
with no loud scary noise, baby’s fear would
have decreased and eventually become
Acquisition - the first stages of learning
when a response is established the
period of time when the stimulus
comes to evoke the conditioned
Spontaneous Recovery –
the reappearance of the conditioned
response after a rest period
Spontaneous recovery demonstrates that
extinction is not the same thing as
unlearning. While the response might
disappear, that does not meant that it has
been forgotten or eliminated.
Taste Aversionslinking your distaste for particular
items to a period of illness, queasiness
or nausea
The previously neutral stimulus (the food)
is paired with an unconditioned stimulus
(an illness), which leads to an
unconditioned response (feeling sick).
After this one-time pairing, the
previously neutral stimulus (the food) is
now a conditioned stimulus that elicits a
conditioned response (avoiding the food).
In the case of a conditioned taste aversion,
the time lapse often amounts to several
hours, instead of a few seconds as seen in
traditional classical conditioning scenarios
2.Operant Conditioning: A form of
learning in which a certain action is
reinforced or punished, resulting in
corresponding increases or decreases
in the likelihood that similar actions
will occur again
* the study of how behavior is affected
by its consequences
B.F. Skinner
Stimulus or event that affects the
likelihood that a behavior will be
Ex) social approval, money, treats
Immediately following a particular
response with a reward to strengthen that
Reinforcement is what set Operant
conditioning apart from Classical
Training Procedures:
1. Positive Reinforcement (rewards)Increase frequency of bx
Big Bang Video Clip
2. Negative Reinforcementremoval of something one dislikes, an
aversive/punishment, increases
frequency of behavior
3. Punishment aversive/ punishment follows bx, used
to decrease undesirable behavior
4. Omission Training –
removal of a positive reinforcement
Primary vs. Secondary Reinforcers:
Secondary Reinforcement refers to a
situation in which a stimulus reinforces a
behavior after it has been associated with
a primary reinforcer, like money
The Primary Reinforcers occur
naturally and do not need to be learned.
Examples of primary reinforcers include
things that satisfy basic survival needs
such as water, food, sleep, air
Money is one example of secondary
reinforcement. Money can be used to
reinforce behaviors because it can be
used to acquire primary reinforcers such
as food, clothing, shelter and other such
Timing and frequency of reinforcement
are important:
Schedule of Reinforcements:
1. Continuous Schedule:
reward every desired behavior, learning
happens quick but so does extinction
2. Partial Schedule (Intermittent):
responses are more stable and last longer/
4 Types of Partial Schedule
Fixed-ratio schedule: A schedule of
reinforcement in which a specific
number of correct responses is
required before reinforcement can be
Ex: Rewarding every 4th response
Variable-ratio schedule: A schedule of
reinforcement in which a different
number of responses are required
before reinforcement can be obtained
each time
EX: Slot machines, set to pay off after a
varying number of attempts
Fixed-interval schedule: A schedule of
reinforcement in which a specific
amount of time must elapse before a
response will elicit reinforcement
The time interval- whether it is seconds,
minutes, hours or days- is always the
Ex. Teacher gives a quiz, only study
night before not every night
Variable-interval schedule: A schedule
of reinforcement in which changing
amount of time must elapse before a
response will obtain reinforcement
each time
Ex: Trying to reach a friend and goes
straight to voicemail. The number of times
you continue to try and call will determine
roughly how often you try the phone
again…and again