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Question Bank for Written Student Assessment and
Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Muscles at Work?
1. Which of the following statements regarding static contraction is false:
A) Maximal static contraction can occur in sports such as gymnastics and wrestling.
B) Most sport activities require low to submaximal static contraction.
C) Maximal static contraction is very common in most sports.
D) Flexing the arm against the resistance of a fixed bar is an example of static contraction.
E) Alpine skiing often requires static muscle actions.
Answer: C
2. The neuromuscular system is said to work dynamically if internal and external forces are
_________. Answer: unbalanced
3. Dynamic contraction occurs whenever the force generated by the muscle contraction results in
movement. Answer: true
4. Which of the following statements about concentric muscle action is false:
A) The muscle shortens as it goes through the range of motion.
B) An arm curl is a good example.
C) The muscle is able to overcome the load.
D) It is usually termed extension.
E) A push-up is a good example.
Answer: D
5. In _________ contraction, the neuromuscular system can work at a constant speed during each
phase of movement against a preset high resistance. Answer: isokinetic
6. Plyometric action is a sudden eccentric loading and stretching of muscles followed by a strong
isometric contraction. Answer: true; false (Correct: concentric)
7. Which of the following is not a factor that affects a muscle’s force and power output:
A) general health
B) muscle fibre type
C) age
D) sex
E) none of the above
Answer: E
8. Joint angle affects a muscle’s ability to produce force because it alters the length of the
_________ involved in performing the movement. Answer: moment arms
9. Absolute strength is the amount of force a person can generate in a single effort, regardless of
his or her body mass. Answer: true
10. Which of the following statements regarding power is false:
A) It is often referred to as speed–strength.
B) It is desirable in sporting events such as the high jump.
C) It determines the speed of movement execution.
D) It requires a high rate of muscular contraction.
E) None of the above.
Answer: E
11. The ability of an athlete to resist fatigue in strength performances of longer duration is
known as _________. Answer: muscular endurance
12. Strength training and increases in maximal strength lead to slowed muscle performance.
Answer: false (Correct: do not lead to)
13. Which of the following statements regarding the relationship between maximal strength and
muscular endurance is true:
A) Repetition maximum (RM) becomes a more accurate criterion of maximal strength as the
number of repetitions increases.
B) The number of repetitions against a load decreases as the maximal strength of an athlete
C) Determining maximal number of repetitions against submaximal resistance can produce an
accurate assessment of maximal strength.
D) Maximal strength and muscular endurance are indirectly related.
E) Both A and C.
Answer: C
14. During maximal responses, the greater the fast twitch fibre content of a muscle, the greater
will be the force output, the overall speed of _________, and the _________. Answer:
contraction; fatigability
15. The process of preprogrammed death of muscle cells is called sarcopenia. Answer: false
(Correct: apoptosis)
16. Discuss strength differences between men and women in terms of strength-to-weight ratio
and lean body mass. Answer: One of the major factors accounting for the physical performance
differences between men and women is the ratio of strength to weight – where women are clearly
at a disadvantage. Women do not have the physiological or structural capacity to develop the
same strength and muscular bulk that men do, due to the ratio of muscle to adipose tissue. In
general, women have less muscle tissue and considerably more adipose tissue. However, recent
research has shown that a single fibre of the same diameter from a man and a woman produces
similar amounts of force when activated by electrical stimulation. It follows that when adipose
tissue is factored out of the equation and strength is looked at in terms of lean body mass, women
are just as strong as men in total body strength.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. A static muscle action is:
A) concentric
B) eccentric
C) isotonic
D) isometric
E) isokinetic
Answer: D
2. Which of the following statements regarding dynamic muscle action is true:
A) It occurs when an athlete is able to exert enough force to lift a weight through a range of
B) It occurs when external force (e.g., gravity of a weight) is smaller than the internal force
generated by the muscle contraction.
C) It results in a movement of the load.
D) It involves lengthening or shortening of the muscle tissue.
E) All of the above.
Answer: E
3. Which of the following statements regarding dynamic muscle action is false:
A) An isokinetic action depends on the amount of muscular force generated by the muscles.
B) A concentric action is usually termed flexion.
C) An eccentric contraction occurs when a muscle cannot develop sufficient tension.
D) In an eccentric contraction, the muscle progressively lengthens during the movement.
E) Dynamic work occurs when internal and external forces are unbalanced.
Answer: A
4. An isokinetic muscle action:
A) involves constant speed of motion
B) allows the working muscles to release high tension over each section of movement range
C) is a form of dynamic contraction
D) in its pure form occurs rarely in sports events
E) all of the above
Answer: E
5. Which of the following statements regarding isokinetic training is false:
A) It is particularly important in swimming and rowing.
B) It is accomplished with the use of dynamometers.
C) It is effective for strengthening the musculature uniformly at all angles of motion.
D) It involves constant tension during the full range of motion.
E) It involves dynamic contractions.
Answer: D
6. Plyometric training would be most useful for which of the following sports:
A) sprinting
B) basketball
C) wrestling
D) swimming
E) tennis
Answer: B
7. Which of the following statements regarding plyometric training is false:
A) It has eccentric and concentric elements.
B) It is more useful for performance enhancement in wrestling than in volleyball.
C) It results in a greater increase in jump height than developed by strength training alone.
D) It includes leaping and bounding.
E) It is important for training of jumping ability.
Answer: B
8. Plyometric training involves:
A) a sudden eccentric loading and stretching of muscles followed by a strong concentric
B) the “prestretching” of a muscle (concentric loading)
C) a sudden concentric loading and stretching of muscles followed by a strong eccentric
D) jumping off an object (box) from a height of 25 to 40 inches
E) both B and C
Answer: A
9. Joint angle affects a muscle’s ability to produce force because:
A) It changes the speed of movement.
B) It sets off the Golgi tendon reflex.
C) It changes the length of the moment arms involved in performing the movement.
D) It alters the muscle’s cross-sectional area.
E) It affects the limb’s ability to move through its full range of motion.
Answer: C
10. For most joints, the most efficient joint angle is:
A) 90 degrees
B) between 90 and 95 degrees
C) between 90 and 100 degrees
D) between 95 and 100 degrees
E) 100 degrees
Answer: C
11. Which of the following plays an important part in the performance capacity of a muscle:
A) intra- and intermuscle coordination
B) muscle cross-section
C) elasticity of muscle
D) anatomical structure
E) all of the above
Answer: E
12. Which of the following statements regarding muscle cross-sectional area and force
production is true:
A) This relationship is emphasized by the performance of weightlifters across various weight
B) The greater one’s volume of active body matter, the greater one’s strength.
C) Strength is determined by the amount of the entire body mass minus body fat.
D) All of the above.
E) A and B only.
Answer: D
13. Absolute strength:
A) is the maximum amount of force a person can produce in a single effort
B) is the maximum amount of force a person can sustain for an extended time
C) is critical to athletes who are classified by weight
D) is the proportion of maximal strength to body mass
E) both A and C
Answer: A
14. Which of the following statements regarding relative strength is false:
A) It is important in events such as high jumping.
B) It is most effectively increased by stabilizing strength and reducing body mass.
C) It is defined as the proportion of maximal strength to body mass.
D) It is important in events such as weightlifting.
E) None of the above.
Answer: B
15. Which of the following statements regarding speed of movement and force production is
A) At fast velocities, the cross bridges couple and uncouple faster, leading to greater cross bridge
B) Speed of movement is closely linked to the main components of strength: relative strength,
power, and muscular endurance.
C) As the speed of movement is increased, the force the muscle can develop is increased.
D) All of the above.
E) A and C only.
Answer: D
16. Which of the following statements regarding maximal strength is false:
A) It is the ability to perform maximal voluntary muscular contractions in order to overcome
powerful external resistance.
B) One measure of maximal strength is one repetition maximum (1RM) – the highest load the
athlete can lift in one attempt.
C) Its importance for an athletic performance diminishes as the resistance that must be overcome
and the period of competition are reduced.
D) It is one of the three components of strength.
E) None of the above.
Answer: C
17. The ability to overcome external resistance by developing a high rate of muscular contraction
A) power
B) absolute strength
C) relative strength
D) speed–strength
E) both A and D
Answer: E
18. Which of the following statements about muscular endurance is false:
A) It determines performance in rowing, swimming, and cross-country skiing.
B) It is also important in predominantly repetitive activities where high demands are placed on
strength and endurance.
C) It is known as strength endurance.
D) It is the ability of an athlete to resist fatigue in strength performance of longer duration.
E) It can be used to predict maximal strength.
Answer: B
19. Which of the following statements regarding the relationship between maximal strength and
power is false:
A) The higher the external resistance to be overcome, the more important maximal strength is for
power performance.
B) The more internal force an athlete can generate to overcome external resistance, the more
movement acceleration increases.
C) The greater the maximal strength, the higher the movement acceleration.
D) Sports requiring a high power output depend on maximal strength.
E) None of the above.
Answer: E
20. Which of the following statements regarding high-resistance training is false:
A) It results in an increased number of fast motor units that can be mobilized.
B) It results in an increase in myofibril diameter.
C) ST fibres respond very effectively to this type of training.
D) It is beneficial for power performances.
E) It improves intramuscle coordination.
Answer: C
21. What is the formula for calculating 1RM?
A) load / [achieved resistance level / 100]
B) body mass / [maximal strength / 100]
C) maximal strength / [body mass X 100]
D) load / [achieved resistance level X 100]
E) load X [achieved resistance level / 100]
Answer: A
22. Which of the following statements regarding the relationship between maximal strength and
muscular endurance is false:
A) Unless a specific sports event requires the possession of a maximal level of endurance or
strength, training should achieve a balance between strength and endurance.
B) Repetitive maximal strength training increases both strength and endurance.
C) Relatively high levels of both strength and endurance can be achieved by training for strength
and endurance in separate training sessions.
D) Relatively high levels of both strength and endurance can be achieved by training both in
E) Vigorous training for running long distances leads to decreased muscle strength.
Answer: B
23. During maximal response, the greater the FT fibre content of a muscle:
A) the lower the force output
B) the slower the speed of contraction
C) the greater the fatigability
D) all of the above
E) A and B only
Answer: C
24. With aging:
A) There is an increased risk of fractures associated with muscle mass changes.
B) Sedentary individuals lose 50 percent or more of their muscle mass by age 70.
C) There is no overall muscle loss, just a decrease in the force-generating potential.
D) There is a selective loss of ST fibres.
E) Both A and D.
Answer: A
25. Which of the following statements regarding the relationship between gender and strength is
A) A difference in testosterone levels is a significant reason for the strength difference between
men and women.
B) The difference in strength between males and females is mainly due to the difference in
muscle volume.
C) The cross-sectional area of a muscle fibre is smaller in women than in men.
D) Women have proportionally more type II fibres, while men have proportionally more type I
E) None of the above.
Answer: D
Fill in the Blank Questions
1. Contraction in which there is no visible change in muscle length, even though the muscle has
undergone muscle contraction, is known as _________ contraction. Answer: static or isometric
2. When the muscle shortens as it goes through the range of motion, _________ contraction has
occurred. Answer: concentric
3. When the muscle lengthens during the movement, _________ contraction has occurred.
Answer: eccentric
4. In isokinetic muscle action, the neuromuscular system can work at a constant _________
during each phase of movement against a preset high resistance. Answer: speed
5. ____________ muscle action involves a concentric contraction from a stretched position.
Answer: Plyometric
6. The terminology used for the major muscle actions has been developed from the _________
language. Answer: Greek
7. Factors that affect a muscle’s ability to produce force include joint _________, muscle
_________ area, speed of _________, muscle _________ type, _________, and _________.
Answer: angle; cross-sectional; movement; fibre; age; sex
8. In weightlifting terms, the greatest area of weakness in the range of motion is known as the
_________. Answer: sticking point
9. The greater one’s stature, the greater one’s strength – provided body mass is composed mainly
of _________. Answer: muscle
10. The maximum amount of force a person can produce in a single effort is known as maximal
or _________ strength. Answer: absolute
11. The relationship between maximal strength and body mass is referred to as _________
Answer: relative
12. As the speed of movement is increased, the force that a muscle can develop is _________.
Answer: decreased
13. The main components of strength are ____________, ____________, and ____________.
Answer: maximal strength; power; muscular endurance
14. The ability of an athlete to perform maximal voluntary muscular contraction in order to
overcome powerful external resistance is known as _________. Answer: maximal strength
15. The ability of an athlete to overcome external resistance by developing a high rate of
muscular contraction is known as _________. Answer: power or speed–strength
16. Muscular endurance is the ability of an athlete to resist _________ in strength performance
of longer duration. Answer: fatigue
17. The maximal feasible number of repetitions of a particular load is referred to as the
_________. Answer: repetition maximum (RM)
18. Determining an athlete’s maximal number of repetitions against submaximal resistance will
produce a reasonably accurate assessment of _________ strength. Answer: maximal
19. Training for running long distances leads to an increase in cardiorespiratory fitness and a
corresponding _________ in muscle volume. Answer: decrease
20. Repetitive maximal strength training decreases ____________ and increases ____________.
Answer: endurance; strength
21. Unless a specific sports event requires the possession of a maximal level of endurance or
strength, training should achieve a _________ between strength and endurance. Answer:
22. In general, the greater the _________ twitch fibre content of a muscle, the greater the force
output. Answer: fast
23. Two possible causes of sarcopenia include _________ and the _________ phenomenon.
Answer: apoptosis; use it or lose it
24. One of the major factors accounting for the physical performance differences between men
and women is the ratio of strength to _________. Answer: weight
25. Men produce 20 to 30 times more of the hormone _________ than do women. Answer:
True or False Questions
1. Isometric contraction occurs against a load that is beyond the capability of the muscle(s) to
move. Answer: true
2. Concentric contraction occurs when the muscle shortens as it goes through the range of
motion. Answer: true
3. Eccentric contraction is usually termed flexion. Answer: false (Correct: extension)
4. In isokinetic action, the joint angle does not change during each phase of the movement.
Answer: false (Correct: speed)
5. The prefix iso means increased. Answer: false (Correct: same or constant)
6. Isokinetic muscle actions can be generated by a dynamometer. Answer: true
7. The “prestretching” of a muscle is known as concentric loading. Answer: false (Correct:
8. Because it increases jump height, strength training is very popular with high jumpers and
volleyball and basketball players. Answer: false (Correct: plyometric)
9. Joint angle affects a muscle’s ability to produce force because it alters the length of the motor
arms involved in performing the movement. Answer: false (Correct: moment arms)
10. Strength is determined by the volume of active body matter (i.e., the entire body mass minus
body fat). Answer: true
11. The greater the muscle mass, the greater the relative strength. Answer: false (Correct:
absolute or maximal)
12. One way to increase relative strength is to increase strength and stabilize body mass.
Answer: true
13. As the speed of movement is increased, the force that the muscle can develop is increased.
Answer: false (Correct: decreased)
14. The importance of maximal strength for an athletic performance decreases as the resistance
that must be overcome in competition is reduced and as the period of competition decreases.
Answer: true; false (Correct: increases)
15. Muscular endurance is important for starting and accelerating in various sporting events.
Answer: false (Correct: Power)
16. Muscular endurance determines performances in sporting events such as rowing and crosscountry skiing. Answer: true
17. The higher the external resistance to be overcome, the more important the maximal strength
for power performance. Answer: true
18. The high contraction speed of FT fibres can be maintained and even increased if highresistance strength training is performed in explosive fashion. Answer: true
19. It is necessary to work against maximal resistance in order to calculate maximal strength.
Answer: false (Correct: is not)
20. The development of strength cannot hinder the development of endurance. Answer: false
(Correct: can)
21. It is possible to combine strength and endurance training to achieve a balance between
strength and endurance. Answer: true
22. A muscle dominated by a slow twitch fibre population will produce less force and will have
greater endurance characteristics than a fast twitch muscle. Answer: true; true
23. Muscle mass peaks around the age of 30. Answer: true
24. Age-associated muscle loss has become a very real medical condition known as apoptosis.
Answer: false (Correct: sarcopenia)
25. When strength is looked at in terms of lean body mass, women are still not as strong as men
in total body strength. Answer: false (Correct: just as strong)
Other Types of Questions
1. Identify the primary type of muscle contraction used in the following activities. (Note: Be
more specific than just static or dynamic.)
The down phase of a push-up
Carrying a bag of groceries
The up phase of a squat
Using a Nautilus machine
Pulling yourself up in a chin-up
Lowering a barbell
Doing a jump squat
Performing a plank exercise
Lifting a medicine ball
Leaping and bounding
2. Name two sports that use isokinetic training. How common are isokinetic contractions in
Answer: The relatively constant speeds involved in swimming and rowing are similar to those
produced in isokinetic exercise forms. For this reason, these sports use isokinetic training to
increase performance levels. However, the majority of sports contain few pure isokinetic
movements as they continuously require changes in velocity and force application throughout
3. Describe the process of eccentric loading. Why is plyometric training popular among high
jumpers and basketball players?
Answer: “Prestretching” of a muscle (eccentric loading) is achieved by jumping off an object
(box) from a height of 10 to 15 inches, or 25 to 40 cm (depth jumping). This not only prestretches
the muscles but also sets off the Golgi tendon organ reflex, which functions to protect the muscle
from too much stretch. The reflex causes the muscles to contract. This type of strength and power
training is popular because it leads to a greater increase in jump height than that developed by
strength training alone.
4. Explain how joint angle affects a muscle’s ability to produce force. What is the most efficient
joint angle?
Answer: Joint angle affects a muscle’s ability to produce force because it alters the length of the
moment arms involved in performing the movement. The constantly changing moment arms
result in differing mechanical advantages throughout the range of motion, which affects the
efficiency of the muscle’s pulling force and therefore its strength production. For most joints, the
most efficient joint angle is between 90 and 100 degrees.
5. Explain how the same muscles can perform opposite movements. Do movements usually
involve only one muscle group?
Answer: The same muscles involved in lifting a load during dynamic concentric contractions
are also involved in lowering the load by performing dynamic eccentric contractions. However,
athletic activities involving only one muscle or muscle group are rare. During each phase of
movement, some muscles contract in a dynamic concentric mode, others in a dynamic eccentric
mode, and some contract statically. For example, an athlete doing knee bends activates over 75
percent of the body’s skeletal musculature to generate the total movement.
6. On the following graph, draw a straight line to roughly illustrate the relationship between
maximal strength and body mass.
7. On the following graph, draw a straight line to roughly illustrate the relationship between
relative strength and body mass.
8. Describe two athletic conditions in which it is more favorable to classify athletes by their
relative strength versus their absolute strength. What is a good way for athletes to improve their
relative strength?
Answer: Athletes classified by weight (e.g., weightlifters) and athletes who must overcome their
own body mass (e.g., gymnasts) depend more on relative strength than on absolute strength.
Athletes can improve relative strength by increasing maximal strength and stabilizing body
9. Describe the importance of power for athletic performance.
Answer: The ability to develop power is decisive in the speed of execution of individual
movements performed in activities such as the high jump and long jump in track and field. It is
also important for the achievement of high push-offs, for throw or takeoff velocity in ball games,
for mastering quick movement in individual activities, and for starting and acceleration of
sprinters and skaters, as well as for fast starts and accelerations in rowing and similar events.
10. How can you determine 1RM using submaximal resistance? How accurate is this method?
Answer: A table has been developed that helps estimate 1RM based on the maximal feasible
number of repetitions of a particular load (i.e., the repetition maximum, RM). If, for example, the
RM of an exercise is 2 or 3, the table shows an athlete can resist a force corresponding to
approximately 95 percent of maximal strength capacity. To calculate the athlete’s 1RM based on
achieved repetitions (RM) of a particular load, the following formula is used: 1RM = load (kg) /
[achieved resistance level (% from the table) / 100]. Determining an athlete’s maximal number
of repetitions against submaximal resistance will produce a reasonably accurate assessment of
maximal strength. However, as the number of repetitions increases (or as the level of resistance
decreases), the RM becomes a less accurate criterion for determining maximal strength.